Next Phase of Business Ethics: Integrating Psychology and Ethics / Edition 1

Next Phase of Business Ethics: Integrating Psychology and Ethics / Edition 1

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Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Next Phase of Business Ethics: Integrating Psychology and Ethics / Edition 1

Next Phase of Business Ethics: Integrating Psychology and Ethics / Edition 1


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In this volume three of the leading scholars in business ethics have arranged a selection of articles examining the intersection of psychology and ethics in relation to organizational concerns. In searching for appropriate business ethics for the 21st century, it is imperative that we continue to embrace a range of inter-related disciplines such as psychology and ethics, but also areas including philosophy, politics, religion, organizational studies, financial and managerial accounting, and many others. This volume serves as an example of interdisciplinary scholarship. In addition, this volume includes articles on religion in business, academic ethics (as an emerging field within organizational ethics), and corporate values in practice.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780762308095
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Publication date: 10/23/2001
Series: Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations , #3
Pages: 548
Product dimensions: 6.14(w) x 9.21(h) x 1.18(d)

Table of Contents

Part 1 Why business ethics needs to integrate philosophy and psychology - motivation, courage and organizational politics: motivational appeal in normative theories of enterprise; psychological pragmatism and the imperative of aims - a new approach for business ethics; can ethical character be stimulated and enabled? An action learning approach to teaching and learning organization ethics. Part 2 Philosophical assumptions of empirical methods: cognitive pathology and moral judgment in managers; on the power of a clear definition of rationality; mapping perfect and imperfect duties onto hierarchically and partially restrictive trait dimensions; paradigms linked - a normative-empirical dialogue about business ethics. Part 3 Self-interest and altruism: challenging the egoistic paradigm; two threats to the common good - self-interested egoism and empathy-induced altruism; the norm of self-interest. Part 4 Ethical decision making: ethical leadership and the psychology of decision making; why good people sometimes do bad things - motivated reasoning and unethical behaviour. Part 5 Behaviour in organizations: differences in ethical beliefs, intentions, and behaviours; the effect of organizational forces on individual morality - judgement, moral approbation and behaviour; the ethical context in organizations - influences on employee attitudes and behaviours. Part 6 Virtue ethics, responsibility, and the search for wisdom: the role of character in business ethics; authority, heuristics, and the structure of excuses; managerial wisdom. Part 7 Connecting care and rights - individuals, organizations, and markets: beyond caring - the de-moralization of gender; the moral psychology of business - care and compassion in the corporation; just caring and caring justice. Part 8 Organizational ethics: paradigms for religion in business - the ministry of Norman Vincent Peale and contemporary source of ethics; academic ethics - a state of the field; carris companies experience - corporate values in practice; an all non-American dream.
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