ORIGINS OF THE AUSTRALIAN KELPIE: Exposing the Myths and Fabrications from the Past

From the north of Scotland to the outback of Australia and everywhere in between, wherever contributions to the evolution of the Kelpie breed occurred, Bill and Kerry Robertson followed their ancestral trail gathering information from personal diaries, eye-witness accounts, newspapers and government records. This thorough research yielded new and startling information from the people who lived during the relevant period.

During the past 150 years, the early Kelpie history was virtually unknown. It was left to past authors to let their imaginations flow and create those stories which best suited breeders. However those fabrications had little relationship to events that actually happened.

In Origins of the Australian Kelpie those fables from the past have once and for all been put to rest. For better or worse, the gaps in the Kelpie history have been replaced with facts that revealed an unexpected, totally new and indisputable history.

ORIGINS OF THE AUSTRALIAN KELPIE: Exposing the Myths and Fabrications from the Past

From the north of Scotland to the outback of Australia and everywhere in between, wherever contributions to the evolution of the Kelpie breed occurred, Bill and Kerry Robertson followed their ancestral trail gathering information from personal diaries, eye-witness accounts, newspapers and government records. This thorough research yielded new and startling information from the people who lived during the relevant period.

During the past 150 years, the early Kelpie history was virtually unknown. It was left to past authors to let their imaginations flow and create those stories which best suited breeders. However those fabrications had little relationship to events that actually happened.

In Origins of the Australian Kelpie those fables from the past have once and for all been put to rest. For better or worse, the gaps in the Kelpie history have been replaced with facts that revealed an unexpected, totally new and indisputable history.

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ORIGINS OF THE AUSTRALIAN KELPIE: Exposing the Myths and Fabrications from the Past

ORIGINS OF THE AUSTRALIAN KELPIE: Exposing the Myths and Fabrications from the Past

by Bill Robertdon

Narrated by William Robertson

Unabridged — 12 hours, 5 minutes

ORIGINS OF THE AUSTRALIAN KELPIE: Exposing the Myths and Fabrications from the Past

ORIGINS OF THE AUSTRALIAN KELPIE: Exposing the Myths and Fabrications from the Past

by Bill Robertdon

Narrated by William Robertson

Unabridged — 12 hours, 5 minutes

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From the north of Scotland to the outback of Australia and everywhere in between, wherever contributions to the evolution of the Kelpie breed occurred, Bill and Kerry Robertson followed their ancestral trail gathering information from personal diaries, eye-witness accounts, newspapers and government records. This thorough research yielded new and startling information from the people who lived during the relevant period.

During the past 150 years, the early Kelpie history was virtually unknown. It was left to past authors to let their imaginations flow and create those stories which best suited breeders. However those fabrications had little relationship to events that actually happened.

In Origins of the Australian Kelpie those fables from the past have once and for all been put to rest. For better or worse, the gaps in the Kelpie history have been replaced with facts that revealed an unexpected, totally new and indisputable history.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940190985245
Publisher: William Robertson
Publication date: 09/21/2024
Edition description: Unabridged
Sales rank: 533,785
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