In the world of Sebi, the spiritual world is rendered visible. As Rom awakens in this new world, he begins his long journey home, ignorant of the role for which he has been chosen and unaware of the powers aligned to stop him. A bird, a scroll, and weapons of great power are entrusted to him along the way as he discovers unexpected parallels between his journey and those who came before him.
As Rom discovers more of the how the spiritual world of Sebi works, his own shortcomings and potential are also revealed. Battles against external foes are matched by Rom's internal struggle to overcome pride, insecurity, selfishness, people-pleasing, and his own cravings. Guides, gifts, and friends emerge along the way as he is led toward an all-important decision.
In the world of Sebi, the spiritual world is rendered visible. As Rom awakens in this new world, he begins his long journey home, ignorant of the role for which he has been chosen and unaware of the powers aligned to stop him. A bird, a scroll, and weapons of great power are entrusted to him along the way as he discovers unexpected parallels between his journey and those who came before him.
As Rom discovers more of the how the spiritual world of Sebi works, his own shortcomings and potential are also revealed. Battles against external foes are matched by Rom's internal struggle to overcome pride, insecurity, selfishness, people-pleasing, and his own cravings. Guides, gifts, and friends emerge along the way as he is led toward an all-important decision.
Passage to the House of Power: A Prophetic Parable
378Passage to the House of Power: A Prophetic Parable
Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781735456706 |
Publisher: | Robert and Joanna Teigen LLC |
Publication date: | 12/28/2021 |
Series: | The Scroll of Remembrance , #1 |
Pages: | 378 |
Product dimensions: | 5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.78(d) |
Age Range: | 13 - 18 Years |