Redox: Fundamentals, Processes and Applications / Edition 1

Redox: Fundamentals, Processes and Applications / Edition 1

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Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Redox: Fundamentals, Processes and Applications / Edition 1

Redox: Fundamentals, Processes and Applications / Edition 1

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Few processes are as important for environmental geochemistry as the interplay between the oxidation and reduction of dissolved and solid species. The knowledge of the redox conditions is most important to predict the geochemical behaviour of a great number of components, the mobilities of which are directly or indirectly controlled by redox processes. The understanding of the chemical mechanisms responsible for the establishment of measurable potentials is the major key for the evaluation and sensitive interpretation of data. This book is suitable for advanced undergraduates as well as for all scientists dealing with the measurement and interpretation of redox conditions in the natural environment.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9783642085819
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date: 12/08/2010
Edition description: Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2000
Pages: 251
Product dimensions: 6.10(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.24(d)

Table of Contents

Redox Potential Measurements in Natural Waters: Significance: Concepts and Problems. - Technique of Measurement, Electrode Processes and Electrode Treatment. - Characterisation of the Redox State of Aqueous Systems: Towards a Problem-Oriented Approach. - Comparison of Different Methods for Redox Potential Determination in Natural Waters. - A Novel Approach to the Presentation of p/pH-Diagrams. - The Couple As(V) - As(III) as a Redox Indicator. - In Situ Long-Term-Measurement of Redox Potential in Redoximorphic Soils. - Redox Measurements as a Qualitative Indicator of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Redox State in a Sandy Forest Soil. - Implementation of Redox Reactions in Groundwater Models. - Variance of the Redox Potential Value in Two Anoxic Groundwater Systems. - Redox Fronts in Aquifer Systems and Parameters Controlling their Dimensions. - Redox Processes Active in Denitrification. - Measurement of Redox Potentials at the Test Site 'Insel Hengsen'. - Redox Reactions, Multi-Component Stability Diagrams and Isotopic Investigations in Sulfur- and Iron-Dominated Groundwater Systems. - Redox Buffer Capacity Concept as a Tool for the Assessment of Long-Term Effects in Natural Attenuation / Intrinsic Remediation. - Redox Zones in the Plume of a Previously Operating Gas Plant. - Degradation of Organic Groundwater Contaminants: Redox Processes and EH-Values. - Microbial Metabolism of Iron Species in Freshwater Lake Sediments. - Redox Measurements in Marine Sediments. - Subject Index.
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