I was named after my Grandmother Wanda Amisimak Stalker. When I was born my parents, Jacob Sr. and Marie, talked and decided Wendell was the closest they can come to Wanda. When my Grandfather Carl Karanna Stalker was driving his dog team down the coast when it first froze, he ran into a whaling ship that was frozen in. When he got to the boat he saw the whole crew was starving. He asked them why and they pointed all around and said, "There's nothing here." Carl asked them what they like to eat and one of the men said "mutton." So he drove his dog team up the mountains and got Mountain Sheep and also some Caribou. He brought those to the ship then went out over the ice and caught seals. He showed them how to make seal oil and how to use it like a French dip. He told them the seal oil added nutrients. He kept the whole crew alive all winter and the Captain gave him the last name Stalker, saying, "You are better than a hunter." Somewhere there are descendants of that whaling ship alive because of Carl Karanna Stalker.