Take Off Your Shoes: One Man's Journey from the Boardroom to Bali and Back

The "Eat, Pray, Love" for busy executives, "Take Off Your Shoes" invites the reader to join a journey of self-rediscovery.

If "10% Happier" made you more mindful, and "Wild" more adventuresome, "Take Off Your Shoes" will ground you and help you find your soul.

“The magic of Ben Feder's narrative is that we see our own lives unfold as we travel alongside him on his journey. His poignant inner monologue touches us and emboldens us to make braver choices in our own lives. We are left richer for the voyage.”-Eric Langshur, author of the "New York Times" bestseller "Start Here

A hard-charging CEO of a large enterprise, Ben Feder discovers that he is losing the very things that sustained him over his years of business success. Unsettled by his insight and determined to rebuild family relationships and rejuvenate his sense of purpose, he risks his career on a life-altering physical and emotional journey. Together with his wife and children, Feder sets off for an exotic island on a self-prescribed sabbatical year. That experience transforms them all.

The writing is honest and moving, baring the author's innermost struggles and fears, and enticing the reader to share his quest. As Feder navigates the thrills and pitfalls of his time away, he draws us into remarkable examinations of values and priorities in adult life.

Take Off Your Shoes: One Man's Journey from the Boardroom to Bali and Back

The "Eat, Pray, Love" for busy executives, "Take Off Your Shoes" invites the reader to join a journey of self-rediscovery.

If "10% Happier" made you more mindful, and "Wild" more adventuresome, "Take Off Your Shoes" will ground you and help you find your soul.

“The magic of Ben Feder's narrative is that we see our own lives unfold as we travel alongside him on his journey. His poignant inner monologue touches us and emboldens us to make braver choices in our own lives. We are left richer for the voyage.”-Eric Langshur, author of the "New York Times" bestseller "Start Here

A hard-charging CEO of a large enterprise, Ben Feder discovers that he is losing the very things that sustained him over his years of business success. Unsettled by his insight and determined to rebuild family relationships and rejuvenate his sense of purpose, he risks his career on a life-altering physical and emotional journey. Together with his wife and children, Feder sets off for an exotic island on a self-prescribed sabbatical year. That experience transforms them all.

The writing is honest and moving, baring the author's innermost struggles and fears, and enticing the reader to share his quest. As Feder navigates the thrills and pitfalls of his time away, he draws us into remarkable examinations of values and priorities in adult life.

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Take Off Your Shoes: One Man's Journey from the Boardroom to Bali and Back

Take Off Your Shoes: One Man's Journey from the Boardroom to Bali and Back

by Ben Feder

Narrated by Mark Bramhall

Unabridged — 7 hours, 34 minutes

Take Off Your Shoes: One Man's Journey from the Boardroom to Bali and Back

Take Off Your Shoes: One Man's Journey from the Boardroom to Bali and Back

by Ben Feder

Narrated by Mark Bramhall

Unabridged — 7 hours, 34 minutes

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The "Eat, Pray, Love" for busy executives, "Take Off Your Shoes" invites the reader to join a journey of self-rediscovery.

If "10% Happier" made you more mindful, and "Wild" more adventuresome, "Take Off Your Shoes" will ground you and help you find your soul.

“The magic of Ben Feder's narrative is that we see our own lives unfold as we travel alongside him on his journey. His poignant inner monologue touches us and emboldens us to make braver choices in our own lives. We are left richer for the voyage.”-Eric Langshur, author of the "New York Times" bestseller "Start Here

A hard-charging CEO of a large enterprise, Ben Feder discovers that he is losing the very things that sustained him over his years of business success. Unsettled by his insight and determined to rebuild family relationships and rejuvenate his sense of purpose, he risks his career on a life-altering physical and emotional journey. Together with his wife and children, Feder sets off for an exotic island on a self-prescribed sabbatical year. That experience transforms them all.

The writing is honest and moving, baring the author's innermost struggles and fears, and enticing the reader to share his quest. As Feder navigates the thrills and pitfalls of his time away, he draws us into remarkable examinations of values and priorities in adult life.

Editorial Reviews

From the Publisher

A refreshingly pleasant addition to the journals of self-discovery, with a timely focus on ecological stewardship. Feder’s self-deprecating humor remains charming throughout.”
—Kirkus Reviews

"This is a well written, well-edited look at Ben Feder’s transformational journey and for many will be immensely relatable...Feder is witty and wise, providing insightful guidance and motivation for anyone facing change or seeking a balance between their professional and personal lives.”
—Retirement Savvy

“Most hard-charging senior executives have thought of leaving their stressful jobs and bugging out to Bali. Ben Feder had the guts to do it. Even if we can’t follow in his footsteps, we all can benefit from his experience through the compelling story he tells in Take Off Your Shoes.”
—Tom Glocer, Former CEO of Thomson Reuters and Founder of Angelic Partners

“Fiercely honest, Ben Feder takes off more than his shoes. He takes the bands off his plastic, expansive brain and lets us in on an intimate journey. At the end I felt a crazy thing: this is an exciting time to be a man. Could this book be more timely? I read it cover to cover on my iPhone!”
—Geraldine Laybourne, Co-founder of Katapult; Founder, Oxygen Media; first President, Nickelodeon

“The magic of Ben Feder’s narrative is that we see our own lives unfold as we travel alongside him on his journey. His poignant inner monologue touches us and emboldens us to make braver choices in our own lives. We are left richer for the voyage.”
—Eric Langshur, author of the New York Times bestseller Start Here

"I think you will enjoy why he made such dramatic changes to his life and the outcomes from those lessons, both of which were refreshing and healing for him and his family."
—Book Pleasures

"How do you balance quality of life (for yourself and your family) with career? Ben Feder shares how he made that call in his informative and thought provoking travel memoir, Take Off Your Shoes: One Man's Journey from the Boardroom to Bali and Back."
—Book Loons

Product Details

BN ID: 2940169600360
Publisher: Benjamin Feder
Publication date: 04/04/2019
Edition description: Unabridged
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