"Twilight" is a Hero-and-the-Monster plot with a Happy Love ending. "The Hunger Games" is Utopia/Dystopia, and "Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest" is a Nautical Adventure. Millions of viewers tune in to the popular "CSI" television series, and all three variations use the Cat-and-Mouse plot. "The Lord of the Rings" is Fantasy Adventure, and "Romeo and Juliet" is the quintessential Doomed Love plot.
How would you like to write bestsellers like "Pride and Prejudice" (Happy Love) or blockbusters like "Braveheart" (Epic War)? Make it easier by using the 9 Master Plots!
Each of these classic story structure plots contains key elements to help you tell timeless, yet fresh stories again and again. The 9 Master Plots can be used again and again in each novel or screenplay you finish. They work for any story, too. Once you start using them to structure your storytelling, you'll wonder how you got from page 1 to page 300 without them.
"Twilight" is a Hero-and-the-Monster plot with a Happy Love ending. "The Hunger Games" is Utopia/Dystopia, and "Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest" is a Nautical Adventure. Millions of viewers tune in to the popular "CSI" television series, and all three variations use the Cat-and-Mouse plot. "The Lord of the Rings" is Fantasy Adventure, and "Romeo and Juliet" is the quintessential Doomed Love plot.
How would you like to write bestsellers like "Pride and Prejudice" (Happy Love) or blockbusters like "Braveheart" (Epic War)? Make it easier by using the 9 Master Plots!
Each of these classic story structure plots contains key elements to help you tell timeless, yet fresh stories again and again. The 9 Master Plots can be used again and again in each novel or screenplay you finish. They work for any story, too. Once you start using them to structure your storytelling, you'll wonder how you got from page 1 to page 300 without them.