The Asian American Educational Experience: A Sourcebook for Teachers and Students
The contributions to The Asian American Educational experience examine the most significant issues and concerns in the education of Asian Americans. Contributors, all leading experts in their fields, provide theoretical discussions, practical insights and recommendations, historical perspectives and an analytical context for the many issues crucial to the education of this diverse population—controversies in higher education over alleged admissions quotas, stereotypes of Asian American students as "whiz kids", Asian Americans as the "model minority", bilingual education, education of refugee and immigrant populations, educational quality and equity. Special emphasis is given to both the historic debates which have shaped the field, and the concerns and challenges facing educators of Asian American students at both the K-12 and university level.
The Asian American Educational Experience: A Sourcebook for Teachers and Students
The contributions to The Asian American Educational experience examine the most significant issues and concerns in the education of Asian Americans. Contributors, all leading experts in their fields, provide theoretical discussions, practical insights and recommendations, historical perspectives and an analytical context for the many issues crucial to the education of this diverse population—controversies in higher education over alleged admissions quotas, stereotypes of Asian American students as "whiz kids", Asian Americans as the "model minority", bilingual education, education of refugee and immigrant populations, educational quality and equity. Special emphasis is given to both the historic debates which have shaped the field, and the concerns and challenges facing educators of Asian American students at both the K-12 and university level.
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The Asian American Educational Experience: A Sourcebook for Teachers and Students

The Asian American Educational Experience: A Sourcebook for Teachers and Students

The Asian American Educational Experience: A Sourcebook for Teachers and Students

The Asian American Educational Experience: A Sourcebook for Teachers and Students

Paperback(New Edition)

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The contributions to The Asian American Educational experience examine the most significant issues and concerns in the education of Asian Americans. Contributors, all leading experts in their fields, provide theoretical discussions, practical insights and recommendations, historical perspectives and an analytical context for the many issues crucial to the education of this diverse population—controversies in higher education over alleged admissions quotas, stereotypes of Asian American students as "whiz kids", Asian Americans as the "model minority", bilingual education, education of refugee and immigrant populations, educational quality and equity. Special emphasis is given to both the historic debates which have shaped the field, and the concerns and challenges facing educators of Asian American students at both the K-12 and university level.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780415908726
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication date: 12/28/1994
Edition description: New Edition
Pages: 424
Product dimensions: 7.00(w) x 10.00(h) x 0.87(d)

About the Author

Director of the Asian American Studies Center at the University of California, Los Angeles. Tina Yamano Nishida is Executive Director of the Yamano College of Aesthetics of Los Angeles and Tokyo.

Table of Contents

1. Growth and Diversity: The Education of Asian/Pacific Americans Don T. Nakanishi; Part I: Historical Perspectives on the Schooling of Asian/Pacific Americans: 2. Yellow Peril in the Schools (I and II) Charles M. Wollenberg; 3. Politics, Education, and Language Policy: The Case of Japanese Language Schools in Hawaii John N. Hawkins; 4. Chinese American Contributions to the Educational Development of Toisan, 1910-1940 Renqiu Yu; 5. Lau v. Nichols: History of a Stuggle for Equal and Quality Education L. Ling-Chi Wang; Part II: Academic Achievement and the Model Minority Debate: 6. The Myth of Asian American Success and Its Educational Ramifications Ki-Taek Chun; 7. Education and the Socialization of Asian Americans: A Revisionist Analysis of the Model Minority Thesis Bob H. Suzuki; 8. Asian American Educational Achievements: A Phenomenon in Search of an Explanation Stanley Sue and Sumie Okazaki; 9. Education, Occupational Prestige, and Income of Asian Americans Herbert R. Barringer, David T. Takeuchim and Peter Xenos; Part III: Elementary and Secondary Educational Issues: The Challenges of Growth and Diversity: 10. Asian American Children: A Diverse Population Valerie Ooka Pang; 11. Southeast Asian Refugees in American Schools: A Comparison of Fluent-English-Proficient and Limited-English-Proficient Students Kenji Ima and Ruben G. Rumbaut; 12. Language and Identity in the Education of Boston-Area Khmer Nancy J. Smith-Hefner; 13. Service Delivery to Asian/Pacific LEP Children: A Cross-Cultural Framework Li-Rong Lilly Cheng; 14. The Education of White, Chinese, Filipino, and Japanese Students: A Look at High School and Beyond Morrison G. Wong; 15. Barriers to Higher Education for Asian/Pacific-American Females Rosalind Y. Mau; Part IV: Higher Educational Issues and Experiences: Access, Representation, and Equity: 16. The Demographics of Diversity: Asian Americans and Higher Education Jayjia Hsia and Marsha Hirano-Nakanishi; 17. Asian Americans in Higher Education: Trends and Issues ugenia Escueta and Eileen O'Brien; 18. A Quota on Excellence? The Asian American Admissions Debate Don T. Nakanishi; 19. Meritocracy and Diversity in Higher Education: Discrimination Against Asian Americans in the Post Bakke Era L. Ling-Chi Wang; 20. Predictors of Academic Achievement Among Asian American and White Students Stanley Sue and Jennifer Abe; 21. Opening the American Mind And Body: The Role of Asian American Studies Shirley Hune; 22. On the Ethnic Studies Requirement Sucheng Chan; 23. Prejudicial Studies: One Astounding Lesson for the University of Connecticut David Morse; 24. Guerilla War at UCLA: Political and Legal Dimensions of the Tenure Battle Dale Minami; 25. Selected Annotated Bibliography on Asian/Pacific Americans and Education Tina Yamano Nishida;
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