"Mary's poetry springs from the well of her generous, beautiful heart and goes straight to yours, reminding us that everything inside of us and around us is part of a divine creation. Her poems are a gift to the heart; enjoy them and share them." - Agapi Stassinopoulos, author of Wake Up to the Joy of You: 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life.
"Mary Burnett Brown's collection of luminous poetry serves as a reminder of the value of open-hearted living. Her poems delve into our human experience with a heart-centered lens that will life your spirits and crack you heart wide open."-Terri Cole, Psychotherapist and author of
Boundary Boss-The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen and (Finally) Live Free
"This exquisite little book is a divine companion for days when we need a reminder that our greatest resource - love - lies within us. We only have to access and experience its life-changing glow. Mary Burnett Brown's poems are an encouraging and uplifting way to do just that."
-Sophronia Scott, author of The Seeker and The Monk: Everyday Conversations with Thomas Merton
"Reading Mary Burnett Brown is like strolling through a serene cloister. Her meditative prayer/poems could have been written centuries ago or centuries from now, for they spring from a timeless, ageless wisdom. Drink from this volume whenever your soul thirsts." - Irene O'Garden,
Off-Broadway playwright, award-winning poet and author of Glad to Be Human
"Mary Burnett Brown's poems offer you an opportunity to settle into a heart-based conversation with the divine whisperings of the soul. Her poems when experienced as a meditation; can be absorbed at a visceral level, providing love and comfort especially during these times of uncertainty in our world." - Glenda Cedarleaf MSW, Guided Imagery Meditation Recording Artist, Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist and author of A Guide to Writing and Recording Guided Imagery Meditations: 70 Healing Scripts Included and Meditative Bedtime Stories
"Mary's poetry always has an underlying energy of love, light and divine wisdom.The first poem I read of Mary's touched my soul in a really beautiful way and many poems later I still feel that beautiful feeling." - Carrie Saba, Your EFT Tapping Coach