Speculative fiction is taking over the world. From the prospect of new Star Wars films, to blockbuster book success of The Hunger Games and A Game of Thrones and their associated adaptations, to the yearly deluge of comic book films and TV shows, it can often feel like everything is SF/F. And for those who insist they don’t like […]
If you love both detectives and science fiction, there’s a chance you’re a really fun person. But what would it be like to be a detective in the future? Sure, no one analyzes clues like The Doctor, and Spock and Data tackle a sort of whodunit from time to time, but what about your bonafide sci-fi gumshoes? […]
Reading Head On gave me déjà vu, in a good way. Hugo-winner (and 2018 Hugo nominee) John Scalzi’s latest novel is a compelling combination of science fiction and police procedural, and it brings to mind my favorite of Isaac Asimov’s books: his science fiction mysteries. That is not to say Scalzi is trying to simply […]