Table of Contents
List of Figures and Tables
1 The City as Palimpsest: Narrating National Identity through
Urban Space and Place
Alexander C. Diener and Joshua Hagen
Part I: Remembering and Forgetting
Alexander C. Diener and Joshua Hagen
2 Creating a Place for the Nation in Dublin: The Republic of Ireland’s Garden of Remembrance
Kara E. Dempsey
3 Making a Wrong Turn in Tokyo: Yasukuni Shrine and the “Empty Center” of Contemporary Japanese Nationalism
Ronald Davidson
4 The City, Memory, and Ideology in Ulaanbaatar: Inscribing Memory and Ideology in Postsocialist Mongolia
Orhon Myadar
5 Ankara’s Forest Farm and the Turkish Nation: Modern Narratives of Agriculture, Identity, and Contestation
Kyle T. Evered and Emine Ö. Evered
6 A Usable Past in Tashkent: Public Culture, Eidolons, and “Uzbekness” in Independent Uzbekistan
Reuel R. Hanks
Part II: “Other” Identities and Counternarratives
Alexander C. Diener and Joshua Hagen
7 Remembering Rio: From the Imperial Palace to the African Heritage Circuit
Brian J. Godfrey
8 The Cityscapes of Lusaka and Mongu: Narrating National Symbolism in Zambia
Garth A. Myers and Angela G. Subulwa
9 Rewriting the National Past in Contemporary Budapest: Populism in Action
Emilia Palonen
10 Urban National Politics in the United States: #BlackLivesMatter and the Challenges to Normative National Identity
Joshua F. J. Inwood
11 From Precolonial to Postcolonial African Cities: Identity Formation, Social Change, and Conflict
Bill Freund
Part III: National Identity amid Globalization
Alexander C. Diener and Joshua Hagen
12 National Day Celebrations in Doha and Abu Dhabi: Cars and Semiotic Landscapes in the Gulf
Natalie Koch
13 With or without Chinese Characteristics in Beijing, Wuhan, and Shenzhen: Navigating Antiquity and Modernism in Socialist China’s Urban Space
James DeShaw Rae
14 From “Rural” to “Urban” India: Transforming a Nation’s Identity through Serial Urban Renewals
Diganta Das and Bikramaditya K. Choudhary
15 Ethno- and Religio-nationalism in Putrajaya, Taman Tamadun Islam, and Kota Iskandar: Malay(sian) National Identity in Contemporary Urban Megaprojects
Sarah Moser
16 The City as Crucible: Urban Space, Place, and National Identity into the Twenty-First Century
Alexander C. Diener and Joshua Hagen
About the Contributors