An endearing tale of a sea turtle named Topsey, who is completely blind. Follow him and his friends, some of whom have different sorts of handicaps, in this beautifully illustrated story as they face severe challenges and work together to lead a very happy life. Oh! Do you like mermaids? There are four beautiful mermaids in this book and they help Topsey and his friends in their adventures on Clay Island and Topsail Island. See how they deal with a hurricane, giant oil spill, brushes with humans and other mishaps. Do you know how many hatchlings are in a turtle nest?
Join the adventures with Topsey and his friends.
An endearing tale of a sea turtle named Topsey, who is completely blind. Follow him and his friends, some of whom have different sorts of handicaps, in this beautifully illustrated story as they face severe challenges and work together to lead a very happy life. Oh! Do you like mermaids? There are four beautiful mermaids in this book and they help Topsey and his friends in their adventures on Clay Island and Topsail Island. See how they deal with a hurricane, giant oil spill, brushes with humans and other mishaps. Do you know how many hatchlings are in a turtle nest?
Join the adventures with Topsey and his friends.
The Complete Story of Topsey The Blind Sea Turtle: Underwater Adventures With Topsey And His Friends
206The Complete Story of Topsey The Blind Sea Turtle: Underwater Adventures With Topsey And His Friends
206Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781737823087 |
Publisher: | Slapdash Publishing |
Publication date: | 06/16/2023 |
Pages: | 206 |
Product dimensions: | 7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.69(d) |
Age Range: | 4 - 8 Years |