The Edge of Words: God and the Habits of Language
The Edge of Words is Rowan Williams' first book since standing down as Archbishop of Canterbury.

Invited to give the prestigious 2014 Gifford Lectures, Dr Williams has produced a scholarly but eminently accessible account of the possibilities of speaking about God – taking as his point of departure the project of natural theology.

Dr Williams enters into dialogue with thinkers as diverse as Augustine and Simone Weil and authors such as Joyce, Hardy, Burgess and Hoban in what is a compelling essay about the possibility of language about God.

The Edge of Words: God and the Habits of Language
The Edge of Words is Rowan Williams' first book since standing down as Archbishop of Canterbury.

Invited to give the prestigious 2014 Gifford Lectures, Dr Williams has produced a scholarly but eminently accessible account of the possibilities of speaking about God – taking as his point of departure the project of natural theology.

Dr Williams enters into dialogue with thinkers as diverse as Augustine and Simone Weil and authors such as Joyce, Hardy, Burgess and Hoban in what is a compelling essay about the possibility of language about God.

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The Edge of Words: God and the Habits of Language

The Edge of Words: God and the Habits of Language

by Rowan Williams
The Edge of Words: God and the Habits of Language

The Edge of Words: God and the Habits of Language

by Rowan Williams

Hardcover(New Edition)

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The Edge of Words is Rowan Williams' first book since standing down as Archbishop of Canterbury.

Invited to give the prestigious 2014 Gifford Lectures, Dr Williams has produced a scholarly but eminently accessible account of the possibilities of speaking about God – taking as his point of departure the project of natural theology.

Dr Williams enters into dialogue with thinkers as diverse as Augustine and Simone Weil and authors such as Joyce, Hardy, Burgess and Hoban in what is a compelling essay about the possibility of language about God.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781472910431
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Publication date: 11/20/2014
Edition description: New Edition
Pages: 224
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 9.30(h) x 0.90(d)

About the Author

Rowan Williams is a former Archbishop of Canterbury and was until 2020 Master of Magdalene College at the University of Cambridge. He is the author of many books, including Looking East in Winter, Holy Living, and The Edge of Words, published by Bloomsbury Continuum. He lives in Cardiff and continues to broadcast, preach and lecture internationally. In 2022, he gave the second of the BBC's centenary Reith Lectures.

Table of Contents



1 A Future for 'Natural Theology'

2 Can We Say What We Like? Language, Freedom and Determinism

3 Speech and Time: the Unfinishable Business of Language

4 Intelligent Bodies: Language as Material Practice

5 Excessive Speech: Language in Extreme Situations

6 Saying the Unsayable: Where Silence Happens

Appendix: On Representation


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