In a wintery world of frozen rivers and snow-veiled forests, Yule Tide, a young Winterswood boy, is swept up in an enchanting adventure when he meets the Angel of Christmas and is taken back to that one silent night-the first Noel.
In his compelling journey to discover the true meaning of Christmas, Yule uncovers the great hope that lies within. With the love of his family, the cheer of Father Christmas, and the herald of a warrior angel he pushes through unexpected sorrow and experiences the eternal light of the Servant King.
In a wintery world of frozen rivers and snow-veiled forests, Yule Tide, a young Winterswood boy, is swept up in an enchanting adventure when he meets the Angel of Christmas and is taken back to that one silent night-the first Noel.
In his compelling journey to discover the true meaning of Christmas, Yule uncovers the great hope that lies within. With the love of his family, the cheer of Father Christmas, and the herald of a warrior angel he pushes through unexpected sorrow and experiences the eternal light of the Servant King.
Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9798985887129 |
Publisher: | Steed Publishing, LLC |
Publication date: | 11/20/2023 |
Pages: | 460 |
Product dimensions: | 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.02(d) |
Age Range: | 9 - 12 Years |