Set in a post apocalyptic world, humanity now led by the religious sects, is besieged by the forces of hell. Cults of demon worshippers, Vampire Covens, Necromancers and many others in the ranks of evil forces whose only goal is submission or death. All that stands in their way are the warriors known as the Grey Templars, genetically modified warriors of God. They are blending of faith and science all in the name to save humanity.
Our story follows the adventures of one of the many Templar units, led by the story’s protagonist Templar Captain Donis. Many are the perils our hero will face on this grand adventure. But he won’t face them alone, by his side are his brother warriors, vigilantes and many others both friend and foe. Join the ride to save the very soul of humanity in The Grey Templars: Humanity’s Haven.
Set in a post apocalyptic world, humanity now led by the religious sects, is besieged by the forces of hell. Cults of demon worshippers, Vampire Covens, Necromancers and many others in the ranks of evil forces whose only goal is submission or death. All that stands in their way are the warriors known as the Grey Templars, genetically modified warriors of God. They are blending of faith and science all in the name to save humanity.
Our story follows the adventures of one of the many Templar units, led by the story’s protagonist Templar Captain Donis. Many are the perils our hero will face on this grand adventure. But he won’t face them alone, by his side are his brother warriors, vigilantes and many others both friend and foe. Join the ride to save the very soul of humanity in The Grey Templars: Humanity’s Haven.
The Grey Templars: Humanity's Haven
The Grey Templars: Humanity's Haven
Product Details
BN ID: | 2940153922843 |
Publisher: | Anthony Condos |
Publication date: | 01/16/2017 |
Series: | Grey Templars |
Sold by: | Smashwords |
Format: | eBook |
File size: | 477 KB |
Age Range: | 18 Years |