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The Honeys
From Ryan La Sala, the wildly popular author of Reverie, comes a twisted and tantalizing horror novel set amidst the bucolic splendor of a secluded summer retreat.
Mars has always been the lesser twin, the shadow to his sister Caroline's radiance. But when Caroline dies under horrific circumstances, Mars is propelled to learn all he can about his once-inseparable sister who'd grown tragically distant.
Mars's genderfluidity means he's often excluded from the traditions and expectations of his politically-connected family. This includes attendance at the prestigious Aspen Conservancy Summer Academy where his sister poured so much of her time. But with his grief still fresh, he insists on attending in her place.
What Mars finds is a bucolic fairytale not meant for him. Folksy charm and sun-drenched festivities camouflage old-fashioned gender roles and a toxic preparatory rigor. Mars seeks out his sister's old friends: a group of girls dubbed the Honeys, named for the beehives they maintain behind their cabin. They are beautiful and terrifying and Mars is certain they're connected to Caroline's death.
But the longer he stays at Aspen, the more the sweet mountain breezes give way to hints of decay. Mars’s memories begin to falter, bleached beneath the relentless summer sun. Something is hunting him in broad daylight, toying with his mind. If Mars can't find it soon, it will eat him alive.
The Honeys
From Ryan La Sala, the wildly popular author of Reverie, comes a twisted and tantalizing horror novel set amidst the bucolic splendor of a secluded summer retreat.
Mars has always been the lesser twin, the shadow to his sister Caroline's radiance. But when Caroline dies under horrific circumstances, Mars is propelled to learn all he can about his once-inseparable sister who'd grown tragically distant.
Mars's genderfluidity means he's often excluded from the traditions and expectations of his politically-connected family. This includes attendance at the prestigious Aspen Conservancy Summer Academy where his sister poured so much of her time. But with his grief still fresh, he insists on attending in her place.
What Mars finds is a bucolic fairytale not meant for him. Folksy charm and sun-drenched festivities camouflage old-fashioned gender roles and a toxic preparatory rigor. Mars seeks out his sister's old friends: a group of girls dubbed the Honeys, named for the beehives they maintain behind their cabin. They are beautiful and terrifying and Mars is certain they're connected to Caroline's death.
But the longer he stays at Aspen, the more the sweet mountain breezes give way to hints of decay. Mars’s memories begin to falter, bleached beneath the relentless summer sun. Something is hunting him in broad daylight, toying with his mind. If Mars can't find it soon, it will eat him alive.
The Barnes & Noble Children's & YA Book Awards discovers, champions, and celebrates the very best in Children's publishing in three categories: Picture Books, Young Readers and YA. Explore Now.
Haunting, atmospheric, and completely mesmerizing, we dare you to put The Honeys down after you read the heart-pounding first chapter. Beware: this sun-drenched summer horror story won’t let you go until the very last page.
From Ryan La Sala, the wildly popular author of Reverie, comes a twisted and tantalizing horror novel set amidst the bucolic splendor of a secluded summer retreat.
Mars has always been the lesser twin, the shadow to his sister Caroline's radiance. But when Caroline dies under horrific circumstances, Mars is propelled to learn all he can about his once-inseparable sister who'd grown tragically distant.
Mars's genderfluidity means he's often excluded from the traditions and expectations of his politically-connected family. This includes attendance at the prestigious Aspen Conservancy Summer Academy where his sister poured so much of her time. But with his grief still fresh, he insists on attending in her place.
What Mars finds is a bucolic fairytale not meant for him. Folksy charm and sun-drenched festivities camouflage old-fashioned gender roles and a toxic preparatory rigor. Mars seeks out his sister's old friends: a group of girls dubbed the Honeys, named for the beehives they maintain behind their cabin. They are beautiful and terrifying and Mars is certain they're connected to Caroline's death.
But the longer he stays at Aspen, the more the sweet mountain breezes give way to hints of decay. Mars’s memories begin to falter, bleached beneath the relentless summer sun. Something is hunting him in broad daylight, toying with his mind. If Mars can't find it soon, it will eat him alive.
Ryan La Sala writes about surreal things happening to queer people. He is the author of Reverie and Be Dazzled and lives in New York City. Visit him online at ryanlasala.com.
Haunting, atmospheric, and completely mesmerizing, we dare you to put The Honeys down after you read the heart-pounding first chapter. Beware: this sun-drenched summer horror story won’t let you go until the very last page. Keep reading to hear from Ryan La Sala about writing in different genres for teens.
A cool book will fix you during the hottest days of summer, and our newest set of Monthly Picks has you covered. Escape with a cat-and-mouse thriller, a monstrous werewolf tale, a coming-of-age novel about teenagers and art, a harrowing memoir about an accidental addiction, a sun-drenched summer horror story, and a suspenseful stand-alone about […]
As David Levithan mentioned in his guest post, YA literature has had a tide coming in of LGBTQIA+ books. There are constantly more and more queer books making their way onto our shelves, particularly in this space, and we’re absolutely thrilled to be able to shoutout some of our favorites!
Prepare to find yourself under the spell of this contemporary fantasy by F.T. Lukens. When rival apprentice sorcerers team up to try to protect their magic and mentors, more than just trouble is conjured. Adventurous and magnetic, Spell Bound is a must-read story that will have you wondering if you were blessed with a good time. Keep reading for a guest post from F.T. Lukens about the magic of YA for Celebrate Teen Literature Day!
We’re so excited to be celebrating our 3rd annual Barnes and Noble Children’s & YA Book Awards. Each year brings stacks of new books that capture our hearts and minds, and this past one has been full of some truly stellar stories. Now, without further ado — we’re excited to announce the books on our […]