The Infinite-Infinite

Imagine waking up one morning to a better life: a beautifully stylized home, an elevated position at your job, a cleaner society. Oh, there's a catch - your boyfriend may be a murderer with access to the most powerful invention in human history.This is exactly how Nina Marks woke on August 8th. Kidnapped across the multiverse, Nina has to navigate her way home. An action-packed journey that will transport readers across several stops in the multiverse, this is a thrilling read for fans of Michael Crichton and the Sci-Fi Genre. See how these parallel universes came to be because of one critical change in history: what if Eleanor Roosevelt had been President? If you have enjoyed other alternative history thrillers like The Man In The High Castle and Underground Airlines, then The Infinite-Infinite should be at the top of your must-read list.

The Infinite-Infinite

Imagine waking up one morning to a better life: a beautifully stylized home, an elevated position at your job, a cleaner society. Oh, there's a catch - your boyfriend may be a murderer with access to the most powerful invention in human history.This is exactly how Nina Marks woke on August 8th. Kidnapped across the multiverse, Nina has to navigate her way home. An action-packed journey that will transport readers across several stops in the multiverse, this is a thrilling read for fans of Michael Crichton and the Sci-Fi Genre. See how these parallel universes came to be because of one critical change in history: what if Eleanor Roosevelt had been President? If you have enjoyed other alternative history thrillers like The Man In The High Castle and Underground Airlines, then The Infinite-Infinite should be at the top of your must-read list.

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The Infinite-Infinite

The Infinite-Infinite

by MK Williams

Narrated by MK Williams

Unabridged — 6 hours, 17 minutes

The Infinite-Infinite

The Infinite-Infinite

by MK Williams

Narrated by MK Williams

Unabridged — 6 hours, 17 minutes

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Imagine waking up one morning to a better life: a beautifully stylized home, an elevated position at your job, a cleaner society. Oh, there's a catch - your boyfriend may be a murderer with access to the most powerful invention in human history.This is exactly how Nina Marks woke on August 8th. Kidnapped across the multiverse, Nina has to navigate her way home. An action-packed journey that will transport readers across several stops in the multiverse, this is a thrilling read for fans of Michael Crichton and the Sci-Fi Genre. See how these parallel universes came to be because of one critical change in history: what if Eleanor Roosevelt had been President? If you have enjoyed other alternative history thrillers like The Man In The High Castle and Underground Airlines, then The Infinite-Infinite should be at the top of your must-read list.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940178770399
Publisher: MK Williams
Publication date: 06/05/2020
Series: The Feminina Series , #1
Edition description: Unabridged
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