The Journey of Becoming You

The Journey of Becoming You is a 30 minute personal development read designed for the casual reader. There is no need to bedazzle you with my life stories that don't pertain to this book. We get right to the point and go head-on into solving the problems. Who has time these days for 300 page book anyway? I have found the problems we face in our daily lives are not as complicated as one would think. Most often they are a series of small issues that need to be realized and the core issue resolved. They are normally easier to solve than first expected, so let's get you back on track with a lunch break read that give you advice you know is true and can start using in your daily activities today.

Today you start your journey.

The Journey of Becoming You

The Journey of Becoming You is a 30 minute personal development read designed for the casual reader. There is no need to bedazzle you with my life stories that don't pertain to this book. We get right to the point and go head-on into solving the problems. Who has time these days for 300 page book anyway? I have found the problems we face in our daily lives are not as complicated as one would think. Most often they are a series of small issues that need to be realized and the core issue resolved. They are normally easier to solve than first expected, so let's get you back on track with a lunch break read that give you advice you know is true and can start using in your daily activities today.

Today you start your journey.

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The Journey of Becoming You

The Journey of Becoming You

by James lee Young

Narrated by Dustin naylor

Unabridged — 38 minutes

The Journey of Becoming You

The Journey of Becoming You

by James lee Young

Narrated by Dustin naylor

Unabridged — 38 minutes

Audiobook (Digital)

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The Journey of Becoming You is a 30 minute personal development read designed for the casual reader. There is no need to bedazzle you with my life stories that don't pertain to this book. We get right to the point and go head-on into solving the problems. Who has time these days for 300 page book anyway? I have found the problems we face in our daily lives are not as complicated as one would think. Most often they are a series of small issues that need to be realized and the core issue resolved. They are normally easier to solve than first expected, so let's get you back on track with a lunch break read that give you advice you know is true and can start using in your daily activities today.

Today you start your journey.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940175414166
Publisher: James lee Young
Publication date: 11/17/2020
Series: The Journey of Becoming You , #1
Edition description: Unabridged
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