The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era / Edition 1

The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era / Edition 1

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The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era / Edition 1

The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era / Edition 1

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The Leader of the Future 2 follows in the footsteps of the international bestseller The Leader of the Future, which has been translated into twenty-eight languages, and is one of the most widely distributed edited collections on leadership to date.

In twenty-seven inspiring and insightful essays, this book celebrates the wisdom of some of the most recognized thought leaders of our day who share their unique vision of leadership for the future.

Returning Contributors: Ken Blanchard with Dennis Carey, Stephen Covey, Marshall Goldsmith, Charles Handy, Sally Helgesen, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner, Richard Leider, Ed Schein, Peter Senge, and Dave Ulrich with Norm Smallwood.

New Contributors: John Alexander, Darlyne Bailey, Howard Gardner with Lynn Barendsen, Usman Ghani, Ronald Heifetz, Joe Maciariello, Jan Masaoka, John Mroz, Brian O'Connell, Jeff Pfeffer, Ponchitta Pierce, Srikumar Rao, General Eric Shinseki, R. Roosevelt Thomas, Noel Tichy with Chris DeRose, and Tom Tierney.

"Hesselbein and Marshall Goldsmith, one of the USA's top executive coaches, edited the collection The Leader of the Future 2. Its 27 eloquent essays provide a kind of hopeful, idealistic best-case scenario for future leaders of non-profits and businesses.  This is not a cookie-cutter, how-to approach. The job of the essayists is to provide food for thought and goals. The high quality of writing here should inspire anyone who has aspirations for leadership."

—Bruce Rosenstein, USA Today

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780787986674
Publisher: Wiley
Publication date: 09/18/2006
Series: Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum , #84
Pages: 336
Product dimensions: 6.30(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.30(d)

About the Author

The Editors

Frances Hesselbein is the founding president and chairman of the Leader to Leader Institute, formerly the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management. She served as CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She is the author of Hesselbein on Leadership, coeditor of twenty other books including Be, Know, Do, and the editor-in-chief of the journal Leader to Leader.

Marshall Goldsmith has been recognized for his outstanding work in leadership and management by the American Management Association, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and The Economist. In addition to The Leader of the Future 2, Goldsmith is the author or coeditor of twenty-two books, including the upcoming What Got You Here Won't Get You There.

The Leader to Leader Institute's mission is to strengthen the leadership of the social sector. Established in 1990 as the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, the Institute, in collaboration with its partners in the private and public sectors, furthers its mission by providing social sector leaders with the essential leadership wisdom, inspiration, and resources needed to lead for innovation and to build vibrant social nonprofit organizations.

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Table of Contents

Preface xi
Frances Hesselbein and Marshall Goldsmith

Part One: A Vision of Leadership

1. Peter F. Drucker on Executive Leadership and Effectiveness 3
Joseph A. Maciariello

Part Two: Leading in a Diverse World

2. Systems Citizenship: The Leadership Mandate for This Millennium 31
Peter Senge

3. Diversity Management: An Essential Craft for Future Leaders 47
R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr.

4. Ten Things I Learned About Leadership from Women Executive Directors of Color 55
Jan Masaoka

5. How Cosmopolitan Leaders Inspire Confidence: A Profile of the Future 61
Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Part Three: Leading in a Time of Crisis and Complexity

6. Anchoring Leadership in the Work of Adaptive Progress 73
Ronald A. Heifetz

7. The Challenge of Complexity 85
John Alexander

8. Understanding the Nonprofit Sector’s Leadership Deficit 95
Thomas J. Tierney

9. Leadership Over Fear 107
John Edwin Mroz

10. Leading in a Constantly Changing World 113
Ponchitta Pierce

11. Leaders of the Future: Growing One-Eyed Kings 121
General Eric K. Shinseki

Part Four: Leading Organizations of the Future

12. Philosopher Leaders 131
Charles Handy

13. Leadership as a Brand 141
Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood

14. Regaining Public Trust: A Leadership Challenge 153
Ken Blanchard and Dennis Carey

15. Leading New Age Professionals 165
Marshall Goldsmith

16. Tomorrow’s Leader 173
Srikumar S. Rao

17. Challenges for Leaders in the Years Ahead 183
Sally Helgesen

18. Leadership Judgment at the Front Line 191
Noel M.Tichy and Chris DeRose

19. It’s Not Just the Leader’s Vision 207
Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner

Part Five: The Quality and Character of the Leader of the Future

20. Leading in the Knowledge Worker Age 215
Stephen R. Covey

21. Are the Best Leaders Like Professors? Teaching, Asking Questions, and Evidence-Based Management 227
Jeffrey Pfeffer

22. The Leader Integrator: An Emerging Role 241
Usman A. Ghani

23. Leadership Competencies: A Provocative New Look 255
Edgar H. Schein

24. The Three Elements of Good Leadership in Rapidly Changing Times 265
Lynn Barendsen and Howard Gardner

25. Distinctive Characteristics of Successful Leaders of Voluntary Organizations: Past, Present, and Future 281
Brian O’Connell

26. The Leader in Midlife 289
Richard J. Leider

27. Leading from the Spirit 297
Darlyne Bailey

The Editors 303

Index 305

What People are Saying About This

From the Publisher

"Hesselbein and Marshall Goldsmith, one of the USA's top executive coaches, edited the collection The Leader of the Future 2. Its 27 eloquent essays provide a kind of hopeful, idealistic best-case scenario for future leaders of non-profits and businesses.

This is not a cookie-cutter, how-to approach. The job of the essayists is to provide food for thought and goals. The high quality of writing here should inspire anyone who has aspirations for leadership."—-Bruce Rosenstein, USA Today

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