In the booming metropolis of New Tokyo, a high-ranking business executive is tasked with transporting valuable company data in the form of an information package stored inside his mind. Fearing an attack from one of the Federation's oldest criminal organizations, the corporation entrusts his safety to the Ayers-Ross Thoughtprotection Agency.
For Sheldon Ayers, a veteran telepath and Mindguard, the mission starts like any other. When his team is attacked in the high-speed transportation network below the city, Sheldon must once again use his legendary skills and experience to protect his client's mind. But this time, he finds himself facing an enemy who seems to be able to predict his every move.
Fighting to adapt to an unprecedented situation, Sheldon suspects that behind the attack lies an unlikely adversary – someone even he couldn't have prepared for, someone with ties to Sheldon's past.
THE POSITIVE DEVIANT is a prequel to THE MINDGUARD SAGA. Set a few months after the events described in HUMANITY OF ONE, it can be read as a stand-alone or at any point in the series.
In the booming metropolis of New Tokyo, a high-ranking business executive is tasked with transporting valuable company data in the form of an information package stored inside his mind. Fearing an attack from one of the Federation's oldest criminal organizations, the corporation entrusts his safety to the Ayers-Ross Thoughtprotection Agency.
For Sheldon Ayers, a veteran telepath and Mindguard, the mission starts like any other. When his team is attacked in the high-speed transportation network below the city, Sheldon must once again use his legendary skills and experience to protect his client's mind. But this time, he finds himself facing an enemy who seems to be able to predict his every move.
Fighting to adapt to an unprecedented situation, Sheldon suspects that behind the attack lies an unlikely adversary – someone even he couldn't have prepared for, someone with ties to Sheldon's past.
THE POSITIVE DEVIANT is a prequel to THE MINDGUARD SAGA. Set a few months after the events described in HUMANITY OF ONE, it can be read as a stand-alone or at any point in the series.
The Positive Deviant: A Mindguard Novella
The Positive Deviant: A Mindguard Novella
Product Details
BN ID: | 2940155391869 |
Publisher: | Andrei Cherascu |
Publication date: | 01/16/2018 |
Series: | The Mindguard Saga |
Sold by: | Draft2Digital |
Format: | eBook |
File size: | 56 KB |