Table of Contents
Acknowledgments xiii
Contents | Website Resources xvii
Section One: Set the Stage 1
Chapter 1: Leading in a Mission-Driven Context 3
What Do You Mean by Mission-Driven Work?
What Do You Mean by Togetherness, Anyway?
Why Togetherness Matters Even More in Your Context
My Own Togetherness Journey
Why This Book Is Different
How This Book Is Organized
How Each Chapter Is Organized
How to Use This Book
Notes on Terminology and Methodology
Togetherness Is a Means to an End Togetherness Talks: Shawn Mangar
Chapter 2: Take Stock: Assess Your Togetherness Level 15
Overview and Objectives
Togetherness Levels
The Tools You Need
Reader Quiz: Togetherness Tools
Routines Rule
Mind-Sets Matter (More Than Anything)
Build the Habit
Don’t Go on an Organizational Binge
Let’s Jump In
Togetherness Talks: Natalie Rubio
Section Two: Get Clear on Your Purpose 27
Chapter 3: Set Goals: Define the Direction 29
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
How Do I Set Yearly Goals?
How Do I Set Quantitative Goals?
Create a Time Line for Goal Setting—and Put Someone in Charge
Reviewing Goal Progress
Start Strong See It In Action: Goal Setting Start to Finish
Chapter 4: Break Down the Goals: Create a Priority Plan 63
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
Jen’s Priority Plan
Kari’s Priority Plan
How Big or How Small—Are These Giant Leaps or Baby Steps?
The Routine
Getting a Team Onboard
My Priority Plan Isn’t Working for Me
Start Strong See It In Action: Wrist, Elbow, and Shoulder
Chapter 5: Align Your Meetings: Make a Meeting Matrix 95
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
The Model
Build Your Own
The Mechanics of a Regular One-on-One Meeting
Nailing the Content
The Routine
Meeting Follow-Up
A Long-Term View
Start Strong Common Challenge: The Crisis
Section Three: Get Yourself Together 129
Chapter 6: Get Macro: Design a Comprehensive Calendar 131
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
Create Your Comprehensive Calendar
Articulate Your Priorities
Sketch an Ideal Week
Impose the Ideal Week onto Your Digital Calendar
Let’s Get Consolidated
Zoom Out to View a Year
Start Strong Togetherness Talks: Vince Marigna
Chapter 7: Strategic Procrastination: Design a Later List 151
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
The Model
Build Your Own
The Routine
Start Strong Common Challenge: The Calendar and To-Do List Collide
Chapter 8: Reconcile Your Time and To-Dos: Create Your Weekly Plan 177
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
The Model
Task-Driven, Time-Driven, or Blended?
Build Your Own
Little Things Make a Difference
Some Other Sneaky Calendar Tricks
But, Maia, What about Things That Just
Come Up?
Keep It Alive: The Routine
Start Strong Common Challenge: Too Much to Do!
Chapter 9: Keep It Together: Routines and Checklists 209
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
Weekly Routines: Clean Up and Look Ahead
Ensuring Weird Weeks Don’t Take You by Surprise
Monthly or Quarterly Practices
Other Useful Checklists
Need a Few Trackers?
Start Strong Common Challenge: A New Job
Chapter 10: Hold That Thought: Save It for Later! 231
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
The Model
Build Your Own
The Routine
Start Strong See It in Action: What Should I Carry?
Togetherness Talks: Shawn Stover
Section Four: Get Your Team and Organization Together 255
Chapter 11: Keep E-mail in Its Place 257
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
Conduct an E-mail Audit
Get Your In-box Set Up for Success
Write Clearly and Efficiently
Process Efficiently
Creating Routines: When Do You Check Your E-mail?
Managing Communications as an Organization
Start Strong Common Challenge: E-mail Emergency
Chapter 12: Project Design, Planning, and Communication: More Than Just Spreadsheets! 289
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
Set the Stage
Detour: Don’t Forget to Merge with your Personal Organization System!
Start Strong Togetherness Talks: Erica Phillips
Chapter 13: Become a Dynamic Duo: Maximize Your Assistant 323
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
Evaluate Your Current Relationship
Hire the Right Person
Train Your Assistant Well
Use Your Assistant to Manage More Than Your Scheduling
Leader and Assistant Communication Structures
Start Strong See It in Action: The Management Memo
Section Five: Put It All Together 365
Chapter 14: Keep Track of Stuff, Space, and Knowledge 367
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
Deal with Your Own Stuff
Make the Most of Shared Office Space
Track the Inventory
Manage the Knowledge
Start Strong Common Challenge: On-the-Go Office
Chapter 15: Create a Culture of Togetherness 393
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
Define Togetherness in Your Organization
Select the Right People
Showcase and Model Togetherness at the Onset
Create an Onboarding Overview
Up and Running: Observe and Coach
How to Observe Togetherness
Maintaining Togetherness in Your Organization
Agreeing on Standard Together Team Tools
Start Strong Togetherness Talks: Stephanie Patton
Chapter 16: Conclusion: Keep It All Together 413
Seen and Heard
Overview and Objectives
Remember the Why
What to Tackle First
Explaining Yourself to Others
What Happens When You Fall Off
Transferring Togetherness to the Home Front
Why the World Needs Together Leaders
Bibliography 421
Index 423
How to Access the Website Resources 439
About the Author 441