When A Man Loves You: What He Keeps Inside

Most men keep things inside and do not express how they feel about relationships. We are not good talkers and find it hard to say how we feel. Like most men I would keep things I was thinking inside and not talk about them to anyone. I found out long ago if I wrote a poem about how I felt it helped me express how I felt in a creative way. The poems felt like stress relief, because I was getting emotions and feelings off my chest. This book is full of heartfelt poetry written from my heart. Inside each poem are feelings, thoughts or fantasy dreams I felt inside. Read the poems and enjoy the feeling of something working inside your heart.

When A Man Loves You: What He Keeps Inside

Most men keep things inside and do not express how they feel about relationships. We are not good talkers and find it hard to say how we feel. Like most men I would keep things I was thinking inside and not talk about them to anyone. I found out long ago if I wrote a poem about how I felt it helped me express how I felt in a creative way. The poems felt like stress relief, because I was getting emotions and feelings off my chest. This book is full of heartfelt poetry written from my heart. Inside each poem are feelings, thoughts or fantasy dreams I felt inside. Read the poems and enjoy the feeling of something working inside your heart.

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When A Man Loves You: What He Keeps Inside

When A Man Loves You: What He Keeps Inside

by Alan Annes
When A Man Loves You: What He Keeps Inside

When A Man Loves You: What He Keeps Inside

by Alan Annes



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Most men keep things inside and do not express how they feel about relationships. We are not good talkers and find it hard to say how we feel. Like most men I would keep things I was thinking inside and not talk about them to anyone. I found out long ago if I wrote a poem about how I felt it helped me express how I felt in a creative way. The poems felt like stress relief, because I was getting emotions and feelings off my chest. This book is full of heartfelt poetry written from my heart. Inside each poem are feelings, thoughts or fantasy dreams I felt inside. Read the poems and enjoy the feeling of something working inside your heart.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781954371545
Publisher: ReadersMagnet
Publication date: 05/19/2021
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 36
File size: 454 KB

About the Author

Alan Annes was born in Indianapolis, IN. He grew up with a house full of siblings. The oldest of 7, 3 Sisters and 3 Brothers. He was blessed with having two great Moms Lorraine and Donna. He graduated High School there in 1979. He went into full time work right after High School. He has worked in Retail Sales, Transportation, Manufacturing and Utility Work. Writing poetry was a hobby of sorts and decided to share them with the world after losing one of his Moms last year. His second book is dedicated to his late Father Clarence Annes.
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