With Force

My entire life, I've wanted something dark and sinister.

Something so private that I've yet to ask a boyfriend if they could give it.

I've never trusted them enough.

When my brother's best friend and golden retriever extraordinaire starts flirting me up, I find that years of friendship do not make me immune to his charm... or his muscles. That cop badge isn't helping, either.

I find myself really liking him... and I know I can trust him.

I only hope Mally will give it to me just the way I like... With Force.

With Force

My entire life, I've wanted something dark and sinister.

Something so private that I've yet to ask a boyfriend if they could give it.

I've never trusted them enough.

When my brother's best friend and golden retriever extraordinaire starts flirting me up, I find that years of friendship do not make me immune to his charm... or his muscles. That cop badge isn't helping, either.

I find myself really liking him... and I know I can trust him.

I only hope Mally will give it to me just the way I like... With Force.

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With Force

With Force

by Daisy Jane

Narrated by Lance Greenfield, Daisy Jane

Unabridged — 11 hours, 38 minutes

With Force

With Force

by Daisy Jane

Narrated by Lance Greenfield, Daisy Jane

Unabridged — 11 hours, 38 minutes

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My entire life, I've wanted something dark and sinister.

Something so private that I've yet to ask a boyfriend if they could give it.

I've never trusted them enough.

When my brother's best friend and golden retriever extraordinaire starts flirting me up, I find that years of friendship do not make me immune to his charm... or his muscles. That cop badge isn't helping, either.

I find myself really liking him... and I know I can trust him.

I only hope Mally will give it to me just the way I like... With Force.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940160657738
Publisher: Daisy Jane
Publication date: 01/01/2024
Series: Men Of Paradise , #3
Edition description: Unabridged
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