Title: George Washington's First War: His Early Military Adventures, Author: David A. Clary
Title: Europese & Amerikaanse Geschiedenis van Middeleeuwen tot Verlichtingsrevoluties: Politieke & Economische Machtsverhoudingen door de Eeuwen heen, Author: Johannes Malero
Title: En la niebla de la guerra (2da. Edicion), Author: Andreas Schedler
Title: Charters of the Colony of Virginia, Author: Virginia House of Burgesses
Title: Stephen Crane The Battle of Bunker Hill and Other Great Battles of the World, Author: Stephen Crane
Title: Above Every Other Desire: A History of Johnson University, 1893-2018, Author: L. Thomas Smith Jr.
Title: Indian Slavery in Colonial Times, Author: Almon Wheeler Lauber
Title: Historia minima de la revolucion cubana, Author: Rafael Rojas Gutierrez
Title: Tales and Sketches from the Queen City, Author: Benjamin Drake
Title: European & American History from Dark Ages to Enlightenment Revolutions: Political & Economic Balances of Power through the Ages, Author: Johannes Malero