Title: Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh Brothers, Author: Deborah Heiligman
Title: Leonardo da Vinci: Renaissance Genius, Author: Tamra B. Orr
Title: Yoko Ono: Collector of Skies, Author: Nell Beram
Title: William Hanna and Joseph Barbera: The Sultans of Saturday Morning, Author: Jeff Lenburg
Title: Pablo Picasso, Author: Stuart A. Kallen
Title: Walter Lantz: Made Famous by a Woodpecker, Author: Jeff Lenburg
Title: Frida Kahlo, Author: Don Nardo
Title: Robert Kirkman, Author: Adam Woog
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Author: Don Nardo
Title: Michelangelo: Master of the Renaissance, Author: Tamra B. Orr
Title: Genndy Tartakovsky: From Russia to Coming-of-Age Animator, Author: Jeff Lenburg
Title: Nicki Minaj: Rapper & Fashion Star : Rapper & Fashion Star, Author: Ashley Rae Harris
Title: Diego Rivera: Mexican Muralist, Author: Mariana Medina