17 Adult Sex Stories
Simon is a medical school student. He has a hectic study life but winds up on a positive note. Eric is a man with a physical disability who has desires in his heart. Abhijit is part of the British government and has to go on a mandatory work trip to India . Davina, and Kenna, are twin sisters. They are unhappy with how their professional and private lives are panning out. The stories are depictions of the ordinary people in their daily lives. They are like any of us, burdened by the daily work routine. And, like many of us, they wish for a change from their usual monotonous life. However, the change they're looking for is fueled by a carnal desire—a desire which will make them step out of their personal bubbles and unleash their innate wildness. 17 Adult Sex Stories will transport you into different lustful scenarios, some of which you might have fantasied about during one of your dreams or whilst attending to everyday chores. These scenarios are made more extraordinary by the carnal desires people feel for each other. Join Simon, Eric, Abhijit, Davina, and others, as they whisk you away into worlds you can only fantasize about. Experience sexual scenarios you can dream were happening to you instead of your mundane life. These stories will enforce, in your mind, that any animalistic sexual desire is possible, given the right situation, circumstance, and a raging libido that reciprocates your own. Warning! You might find yourself not wanting to put the book down after each breath-taking adventure, finding yourself being carried off into new, and exciting, worlds.
17 Adult Sex Stories
Simon is a medical school student. He has a hectic study life but winds up on a positive note. Eric is a man with a physical disability who has desires in his heart. Abhijit is part of the British government and has to go on a mandatory work trip to India . Davina, and Kenna, are twin sisters. They are unhappy with how their professional and private lives are panning out. The stories are depictions of the ordinary people in their daily lives. They are like any of us, burdened by the daily work routine. And, like many of us, they wish for a change from their usual monotonous life. However, the change they're looking for is fueled by a carnal desire—a desire which will make them step out of their personal bubbles and unleash their innate wildness. 17 Adult Sex Stories will transport you into different lustful scenarios, some of which you might have fantasied about during one of your dreams or whilst attending to everyday chores. These scenarios are made more extraordinary by the carnal desires people feel for each other. Join Simon, Eric, Abhijit, Davina, and others, as they whisk you away into worlds you can only fantasize about. Experience sexual scenarios you can dream were happening to you instead of your mundane life. These stories will enforce, in your mind, that any animalistic sexual desire is possible, given the right situation, circumstance, and a raging libido that reciprocates your own. Warning! You might find yourself not wanting to put the book down after each breath-taking adventure, finding yourself being carried off into new, and exciting, worlds.
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17 Adult Sex Stories

17 Adult Sex Stories

by Amelia-rose Jordan
17 Adult Sex Stories

17 Adult Sex Stories

by Amelia-rose Jordan


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Simon is a medical school student. He has a hectic study life but winds up on a positive note. Eric is a man with a physical disability who has desires in his heart. Abhijit is part of the British government and has to go on a mandatory work trip to India . Davina, and Kenna, are twin sisters. They are unhappy with how their professional and private lives are panning out. The stories are depictions of the ordinary people in their daily lives. They are like any of us, burdened by the daily work routine. And, like many of us, they wish for a change from their usual monotonous life. However, the change they're looking for is fueled by a carnal desire—a desire which will make them step out of their personal bubbles and unleash their innate wildness. 17 Adult Sex Stories will transport you into different lustful scenarios, some of which you might have fantasied about during one of your dreams or whilst attending to everyday chores. These scenarios are made more extraordinary by the carnal desires people feel for each other. Join Simon, Eric, Abhijit, Davina, and others, as they whisk you away into worlds you can only fantasize about. Experience sexual scenarios you can dream were happening to you instead of your mundane life. These stories will enforce, in your mind, that any animalistic sexual desire is possible, given the right situation, circumstance, and a raging libido that reciprocates your own. Warning! You might find yourself not wanting to put the book down after each breath-taking adventure, finding yourself being carried off into new, and exciting, worlds.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9798369214299
Publisher: Barnes & Noble Press
Publication date: 03/15/2023
Pages: 210
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.50(d)

About the Author

I am a single mother bringing up my disabled daughter on my own. I cherish being Scottish and living in my beautiful country of Scotland. I have always found ‘people watching’ quite fascinating. I enjoy nothing more than sitting outside, drinking a cup of coffee, and watching the world go by. I have never been lucky enough to have erotic experiences or adventures, but I have dreamt of numerous sexual scenarios: I have written some of my erotic fantasies, which I hope you enjoy reading.
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