A Modern Herbal: The Complete Edition

If you're wondering how Golden Rod, Ragwort, and Devil's Bit got their names, how Dandelion can be used to treat liver disorders, or how Horseradish staves off scurvy, look no further than A Modern Herbal. This modern reboot of the medieval herbal improves upon its predecessors with meticulously researched scientific support and pages of recorded folklore about each entry. Encyclopedic in coverage, A Modern Herbal covers every herb, grass, shrub, fungus, and tree you can think of, from to Abscess Root to Zedoary.

Building on the traditional herbal, which combines folklore about the plants, their medicinal properties, anatomies, and botanical classification, Mrs. Greives has compiled a one-of-a-kind encyclopedia of more than 800 varieties of plants. The entries are neatly and thoroughly filled with seemingly boundless amounts of information on cultivation methods, chemical constituents, dosages, preparations of extracts, tinctures, and foods, as well as cosmetic properties, and beautiful, detailed illustrations. Also included are hundreds of recipes for lotions, ointments, sauces, wines, vinegars, brandies, and prescriptions for tonics and liniments to combat just about any ailment.

"There is not one page of this enchanting book which does not contain something to interest the common reader as well as the serious student...regarded simply as a history of flowers, it adds to the joys of the country." - B.E. Todd, Spectator

Readers interested in related titles from M. Grieve will also want to see: A Modern Herbal (Volume 1, A-H) (ISBN: 1626542198), A Modern Herbal (Volume 2, I-Z and Indexes) (ISBN: 162654221X).

A Modern Herbal: The Complete Edition

If you're wondering how Golden Rod, Ragwort, and Devil's Bit got their names, how Dandelion can be used to treat liver disorders, or how Horseradish staves off scurvy, look no further than A Modern Herbal. This modern reboot of the medieval herbal improves upon its predecessors with meticulously researched scientific support and pages of recorded folklore about each entry. Encyclopedic in coverage, A Modern Herbal covers every herb, grass, shrub, fungus, and tree you can think of, from to Abscess Root to Zedoary.

Building on the traditional herbal, which combines folklore about the plants, their medicinal properties, anatomies, and botanical classification, Mrs. Greives has compiled a one-of-a-kind encyclopedia of more than 800 varieties of plants. The entries are neatly and thoroughly filled with seemingly boundless amounts of information on cultivation methods, chemical constituents, dosages, preparations of extracts, tinctures, and foods, as well as cosmetic properties, and beautiful, detailed illustrations. Also included are hundreds of recipes for lotions, ointments, sauces, wines, vinegars, brandies, and prescriptions for tonics and liniments to combat just about any ailment.

"There is not one page of this enchanting book which does not contain something to interest the common reader as well as the serious student...regarded simply as a history of flowers, it adds to the joys of the country." - B.E. Todd, Spectator

Readers interested in related titles from M. Grieve will also want to see: A Modern Herbal (Volume 1, A-H) (ISBN: 1626542198), A Modern Herbal (Volume 2, I-Z and Indexes) (ISBN: 162654221X).

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A Modern Herbal: The Complete Edition

A Modern Herbal: The Complete Edition

by Margaret Grieve
A Modern Herbal: The Complete Edition

A Modern Herbal: The Complete Edition

by Margaret Grieve


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If you're wondering how Golden Rod, Ragwort, and Devil's Bit got their names, how Dandelion can be used to treat liver disorders, or how Horseradish staves off scurvy, look no further than A Modern Herbal. This modern reboot of the medieval herbal improves upon its predecessors with meticulously researched scientific support and pages of recorded folklore about each entry. Encyclopedic in coverage, A Modern Herbal covers every herb, grass, shrub, fungus, and tree you can think of, from to Abscess Root to Zedoary.

Building on the traditional herbal, which combines folklore about the plants, their medicinal properties, anatomies, and botanical classification, Mrs. Greives has compiled a one-of-a-kind encyclopedia of more than 800 varieties of plants. The entries are neatly and thoroughly filled with seemingly boundless amounts of information on cultivation methods, chemical constituents, dosages, preparations of extracts, tinctures, and foods, as well as cosmetic properties, and beautiful, detailed illustrations. Also included are hundreds of recipes for lotions, ointments, sauces, wines, vinegars, brandies, and prescriptions for tonics and liniments to combat just about any ailment.

"There is not one page of this enchanting book which does not contain something to interest the common reader as well as the serious student...regarded simply as a history of flowers, it adds to the joys of the country." - B.E. Todd, Spectator

Readers interested in related titles from M. Grieve will also want to see: A Modern Herbal (Volume 1, A-H) (ISBN: 1626542198), A Modern Herbal (Volume 2, I-Z and Indexes) (ISBN: 162654221X).

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781626542235
Publisher: Stone Basin Books
Publication date: 09/04/2015
Pages: 1018
Sales rank: 239,050
Product dimensions: 7.50(w) x 9.20(h) x 2.20(d)

Table of Contents

ACONITE (Aconitum Napellus)
ALOE (Aloe Vulgaris)
ALMOND (Amygdalus Communis)
ANISE (Pimpinella Anisum)
ANGELICA (Angelica Archangelica)
"APPLE, BITTER (COLOCYNTH) (Citrullus Colocynthis)"
"ANGOSTRUA,TRUE (Cusparia Febrifuga)"
ARNICA (Arnica Montana)
"ARRACH,STINKING (Chenopodium Olidum)"
"ASAFETIDA, PERSIAN (Ferula Persica)"
ASARABACCA (Asarum Europœum)
AVENS (Geum Urbanum)
BALSAM OF GILEAD (Commiphora Opobalsamum)
BALSAM OF PERU (Myroxlon Pereirœ)
BENZOIN (Styrax Benzoin)
"BINDWEED, SYRIAN (SCAMMONY) (Convolvulus Scammonia)"
"BINDWEED, JALAP (Convolvulus Falapa)"
BLADDERWRACK (Fucus Vesiculosis)
BISTORT (Polygonum Bistorta)
BOGBEAN (Menyanthes Trifoliata)
BROOM (Cytisus Scoparius)
BUCHU (Barosma Betulina)
"BUCKTHORN, ALDER (Rhamnus Frangula)"
CAJUPUT (Melaleuca Leucadendron)
CALUMBA (Fateorhiza Calumba)
CABBAGE TREE (Andira Inermis)
CAMPHOR (Cinnamonum Camphora)
CARDAMOM (Elettaria Cardamomum)
CARAWAY (Carum Carvi)
CARROT (Daucus Carota)
CASCARILLA (Croton Eleuteria)
CASTOR OIL PLANT (Ricinus Communis)
"CATECHU, BLACK (Acaia Catehu)"
CAYENNE (Capsicum Minimum)
"CELANDINE, GREATER (Chelidonium Majus)"
CENTAURY (Erythrœa Centaurium)
"CHAMOMILE, COMMON (Anthemis Nobilis)"
"CHESTNUT, HORSE (Æsculus Hippocastanum)"
CINNAMON (Cinnamonum Zeylanicum)
CLOVES (Eugenia Caryophyllata)
COFFEE (Coffee Arabica)
COLTSFOOT (Tussilago Farfara)
CONTRAYERVA (Dorstenia Contrayerva)
COPAIBA (Copaifera Langsdorffi)
CORIANDER (Coriandrum Sativum)
COWHAGE (Mucuna Pruriens)
CROTON TREE (Croton Tiglium)
"CROWFOOT, UPRIGHT MEADOW, AND LESSER SPEARWORT (Ranunculus Acris and Rannunculus Flammula)"
CUBEBS (Piper Cubeba)
CUCKOO-PINT (Arum Maculatum)
"CUCUMBER, SQUIRTING (Echallium Elaterium)"
DANDELION (Taraxacum Officinale)
DILL (Peucedanum Graveolens)
"DROPWORT, HEMLOCK WATER (Œnangthe Crocata)"
"DROPWORT, WATER (Œnanthe Phellandrium)"
ELDER (Sambucus Nigra)
ELECAMPANE (Inula Helenium)
FLAX - LINSEED AND MOUNTAIN FLAX (Linum Usitatissimum and Linum Catharticum)
FOXGLOVE (Digitalis Purpurea)
FRANKINCENSE (Boswellia Thurifera)
FUNGI (Agaricus Bulbosus)
FUNGI (Agaricus Semiglobatus)
"FUNGI (Amanita Muscaria, Var.)"
FUNGI (FLY AGARIC) (Amanita Muscaria)
FUNGI - ERGOT OF RYE (Claviceps Purpurea)
GAMBOGE (Garcinia Hanburyii)
GARLIC (Allium Sativum)
GENTIAN (Gentiana Lutea)
GINGER (Zingiber Officinale)
"GRASS, DARNEL (Lolium Temulentum)"
GOLDEN ROD (Solidago Virgaurea)
GUAIACUM (Guaiacum Officinale)
"HELLEBORE, BLACK (Helleborus Niger)"
"HELLEBORE, WHITE (Veratrum Album)"
"HELLEBORE, (WHITE) ORIENTAL (Helleborus Orientalis)"
HEMLOCK (Conium Maculatum)
"HEMLOCK, WATER (COWBANE) (Cicuta Virosa)"
HENBANE (Hyoscyamus Niger)
"HOLLY, SEA (Eryngium Campestre)"
"HOREHOUND,WHITE (Marrubium Vulgare)"
HORSERADISH (Cochlearia Armoracia)
"HYSSOP, HEDGE (Gatiola Officinalis)"
IPECACUANHA (Psychotria Ipeacacuanha)
"IRIS, FLORENTINE (Iris Florentina)"
"IVY, POISON (Rhus Toxicodendron)"
JUNIPER (Juniperus Communis)
"KINO, AFRICAN (Pterocarpus Marsupium)"
"LAUREL, CHERRY (Prunus Laurocerasus)"
LAUREL (Laurus Nobilis)
"LAVENDER, SPIKE (Lavandula Spica)"
LEMON (Citrus Limonum)
"LETTUCE, WILD (Lactuca Virosa)"
LIQUORICE (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)
"LOSSESTRIFE, PURPLE (Lythrum Salicaria)"
"MALLOW, MARSH (Althœa Officinalis)"
"MARJORAM, WILD (Origanum Vulgare)"
MASTIC (Pistacia Lentiscus)
"MERCURY, DOGS (Mercurialis Perennis)"
MEZEREON (Daphne Mezereum)
"MINTS (Mentha Viridis, Mentha Pulegium, Mentha Piperita)"
"MOSS, ICELAND (Cetraria Islandica)"
"MUSTARDS, BLACK AND WHITE (Brassica Nigra and Brassica Alba)"
NUTMEG (Myristica Fragans)
NUX VOMICA (Strychnos Nux-Vomica)
OAK GALLS (Quercus Infectoria)
OLIVE (Olea Europœa)
"ORANGE, SWEET (Citrus Aurantium)"
OPOPONAX (Opoponax Chironium)
"PARSLEY, FOOLS' (Æthusa Cynapium)"
"PARIS, HERB (Paris Quadrifolia)"
"PEPPER, BLACK (Piper Nigrum)"
PERUVIAN BARK (Cinchona Succirubra)
PELLITORY (Anacyclus Pyrethrum)
"PIMPERNEL, SCARLET (Anagallis Arvensis)"
"PINE, LARCH (Pinus Larix)"
"PINE, WILD (Pinus Sylvestris)"
PINK ROOT (Spigelia Marilandica)
POMEGRANATE (Punica Granatum)
"POPPY, WHITE (Papaver Somniferum)"
QUASSIA (Pecerœna Excelsa)
"RHATANY, PERUVIAN (Krameria Triandra)"
"RHODODENDRON, YELLOW (Rhododendron Chrysanthum)"
"RHUBARB, EAST INDIAN (Rheum Palmatum)"
"RHUBARB, FRENCH (Rheum Palmatum)"
ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus Officinalis)
RUE (Ruta Graveolens)
SAFFRON (Crocus Sativus)
"SAFFRON, MEADOW (Colchicum Autumnale)"
SASSAFRAS (Sassafras Officinale)
"SEDGE, SWEET (Acorus Calamus)"
SENNA (Cassia Acutifolia)
SENEGA (Polygala Senega)
SIMARUBA (Simaruba Amara)
SNAKEROOT (Aristolochia Serpentaria)
SPURGE (EUPHORBIUM) (Euphorbia Resinifera)
SQUILL (Urginea Scilla)
STAVESACRE (Delphinium Staphisagria)
STORAX (Liquidambar Orientalis)
TAMARIND (Tamarindus Indica)
TANSY (Tanacetum Vulgare)
"THISTLE, HOLY (Carbenia Benedicta)"
THORNAPPLE (Datura Stramonium)
TOBACCO (Nicotiana Tabacum)
TORMENTIL (Potentilla Tormentilla)
WOOD SORREL (Oxialis Acetosella)
TRAGACANTH (Astragalus Gummifer)
BEARBERRY (UVA-URSI) (Arbutus Uva-Ursi)
"VALERIAN, COMMON (Valerinan Officinalis)"
WILLOW (Salix Russeliana)
WINTERGREEN (Chimophila Unbellata)
WINTER'S BARK (Drimys Winteri)
"WORMSEED, LEVANT, AND LEVANT WORMWOOD (Artemisia Cina and Artemisia Absinthium)"
ZEDOARY (Curcuma Zedoaria)
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