A Renaissance of Locks: An Acacian Legend

Erzsébet doesn't want to start a revolution. She just wants to keep her head warm in the winter. When she goes against tribal tradition and refuses to shave her head, she learns of a history as twisted as her lengthy locks.

A Renaissance of Locks: An Acacian Legend

Erzsébet doesn't want to start a revolution. She just wants to keep her head warm in the winter. When she goes against tribal tradition and refuses to shave her head, she learns of a history as twisted as her lengthy locks.

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A Renaissance of Locks: An Acacian Legend

A Renaissance of Locks: An Acacian Legend

by Taylor C. Bailey

Narrated by Taylor C. Bailey

Unabridged — 19 minutes

A Renaissance of Locks: An Acacian Legend

A Renaissance of Locks: An Acacian Legend

by Taylor C. Bailey

Narrated by Taylor C. Bailey

Unabridged — 19 minutes

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Erzsébet doesn't want to start a revolution. She just wants to keep her head warm in the winter. When she goes against tribal tradition and refuses to shave her head, she learns of a history as twisted as her lengthy locks.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940159775740
Publisher: Olsen & Bailey Group, LLC
Publication date: 04/27/2023
Edition description: Unabridged
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