A Spiritual Look at the 12 Signs: An Introduction To Spiritual Astrology
A spiritual perspective on the 12 signs of the zodiac, the horoscope, healing and spirituality. People's quirks and idiosyncrasies have deep spiritual roots. The horoscope shows us what they are. What are seen as flaws are really strengths deeply disguised or not used properly. Every sign is in essence a spiritual force and function and denotes a person's deepest urges. This book explains these urges. It also contains meditations for each of the signs, and the herbs, colors, gems and reflexology points that will most benefit each sign. There are chapters on the unique spiritual path for each sign and the healing modalities that are best for each - and much more.
A Spiritual Look at the 12 Signs: An Introduction To Spiritual Astrology
A spiritual perspective on the 12 signs of the zodiac, the horoscope, healing and spirituality. People's quirks and idiosyncrasies have deep spiritual roots. The horoscope shows us what they are. What are seen as flaws are really strengths deeply disguised or not used properly. Every sign is in essence a spiritual force and function and denotes a person's deepest urges. This book explains these urges. It also contains meditations for each of the signs, and the herbs, colors, gems and reflexology points that will most benefit each sign. There are chapters on the unique spiritual path for each sign and the healing modalities that are best for each - and much more.
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A Spiritual Look at the 12 Signs: An Introduction To Spiritual Astrology

A Spiritual Look at the 12 Signs: An Introduction To Spiritual Astrology

by Joseph Polansky
A Spiritual Look at the 12 Signs: An Introduction To Spiritual Astrology

A Spiritual Look at the 12 Signs: An Introduction To Spiritual Astrology

by Joseph Polansky


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A spiritual perspective on the 12 signs of the zodiac, the horoscope, healing and spirituality. People's quirks and idiosyncrasies have deep spiritual roots. The horoscope shows us what they are. What are seen as flaws are really strengths deeply disguised or not used properly. Every sign is in essence a spiritual force and function and denotes a person's deepest urges. This book explains these urges. It also contains meditations for each of the signs, and the herbs, colors, gems and reflexology points that will most benefit each sign. There are chapters on the unique spiritual path for each sign and the healing modalities that are best for each - and much more.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781780991993
Publisher: Collective Ink
Publication date: 03/31/2017
Pages: 144
Sales rank: 478,495
Product dimensions: 5.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.40(d)

About the Author

Joseph Polansky, a full-time practicing astrologer, has been involved in esotericism since 1972. He is intimately familiar with all aspects of the spiritual life. He lives in North Port, Florida.

Read an Excerpt

A Spiritual Look at the 12 Signs

An Introduction to Spiritual Astrology

By Joseph Polansky

John Hunt Publishing Ltd.

Copyright © 2016 Joseph Polansky
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-78099-199-3


A Spiritual View of Aries

The central urge of Aries is to begin new things. The soul, symbolically speaking, has just completed a major cycle. It has digested its past. It has "died to the old." In Aries the soul is "reborn" or "resurrected" into a new cycle of life, growth and experience.

If we meditate on the sunrise or Spring or on newly born infants we can get a feeling of what the Aries nature is all about.

Aries is the spirit of "youth unconquerable." There is something of the spirit of eternal youth about them. Though they grow and mature they never quite grow up. In the rare cases where they do grow "old" it is never "gracefully." Aries is fighting that state furiously. It is not their nature. Not in their psychology. "Everything in nature – including old age and hoary tradition – can be overcome by my will," sayeth Aries. This is as it should be. For Aries is here to learn about itself and its power through experience – through doing – through action.

Many astrologers say that Aries is a soul with no "past at its back" – and this is very true. As far as it is concerned all the "lessons of history" – the imposing weight of past tradition – do not exist. And if the Aries acknowledges its existence he/she feels it's "irrelevant." To talk to Aries about the lessons of history is like trying to convince the sunrise about the tradition of night; or trying to delay the Spring with talk about the great tradition of Winter. "All of this may be true," says Aries, "but MY coming shall change all that!"

Aries is the soul eternally on the rise – always on the rise – never at its peak – though it is destined for the peaks. But in order for it to reach the peaks that it KNOWS MUST happen, the Aries will have to undergo many a metamorphosis – many learning experiences.

In Aries, symbolically speaking, the soul "remembers" its "I AM THAT I AMNESS" – its divine individuality. Unconditioned and unconditional being. "I can do and be whatever I will and no man has the right to stop me from expressing the Law of my Being." I am who I am and the world had better accept me as I am or there's going to be a fight. Perhaps no one more than Aries understands the ageless dictum of being "true to oneself." Perhaps no one more than Aries lives this truth in experience.

This is perhaps why Aries natives are generally unsuited and unhappy in corporate environments. For if there is one inviolate rule in the corporate boardroom it is this – "Thou shalt never be thyself. Thou shalt conform to the image and likeness that we create for thee." (We are talking about the Aries type. This can be modified by the individual horoscope.)

There are those who call Aries "rash and impulsive," but it seems to me that this is an unfair judgment. True that from the viewpoint of more staid types Aries' behavior is rash, impatient and impulsive, but the Aries native does not consider him/herself this way. Aries is just being itself. Speed – what others call speed – is normal. The only way to be. Where do we draw the line between "speed-alacrity-alertness" and rashness-impulsiveness? Who is to make that judgment?

Is the Sun rash when it banishes the night? Is Spring rash when it banishes Winter?

From the psychological viewpoint, the Aries nature tends to define itself in terms of "what it can do." There are no limits to what I am if I can do it. To try to limit or curtail the activities of Aries – which are really explorations of itself – is to limit the "I AMNESS" of Aries. And they generally resent it bitterly. The joy of the action is its own reason for doing it. Never mind whether the action has "redeeming social value" – never mind whether the action is really needed or not – never mind whether the action is profitable or not (though the Aries sincerely hopes that it will be) – action is good for its own sake. If my action produces some "social benefit" or profit for the shareholders all the better – a happy side effect – but the bliss is in the doing. Profit or social benefit is not really the main objective. The joy of the doing is. Very often the Aries will use the pretext of some social good as a cover for its need for action. They are the activists par excellence of the zodiac.

In the more evolved types they are karma yogis. They express the Divine through action – through deeds. This is a valid spiritual path for Aries.

The path of contemplation, silence and stillness is not for them and thus most Aries types have some trouble with most meditative paths. They need to meditate while doing something. They learn by doing.

Aries rules the head. For in the head, all experience, all cycles, and all manifestations find their beginnings. Everything begins in the head. And just as thoughts spring forth spontaneously in the head (thought is the "activity" of the head) effortlessly and naturally, so, too, do actions spring forth from Aries spontaneously and naturally.

The color of Aries is red, the first color of the spectrum, the hottest and most active of all the colors. The gems of Aries are amethyst, rubies and garnets. Its metals are iron and steel.

The most favorable periods of the year for Aries are March 21 – April 21 (Sun in Aries); July 21 – August 21 (Sun in Leo); November 21 – December 21 (Sun in Sagittarius). The most favorable periods of the month are when the Moon is in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. The best days of the week for Aries are Tuesday and Sunday. (Again, this will be modified by other indicators in the horoscope. But a Tuesday with good aspects will be better for Aries than a Wednesday or Friday with good aspects. A period when the Sun is in Leo (July 21 – August 21), for example, with good aspects, will be better for Aries than other periods with equivalent aspects.)

Speaking generally, for this can be modified by many other factors in the horoscope, Aries' genius is in execution, not planning. If there is a clear-cut plan presented to them they can execute it perfectly, but if you ask them to "create a plan" there could be problems. It's not that they can't plan – to them, with their genius of action, these things seem "unnecessary, irrelevant, too abstract, too time-wasting, too procrastinating." They are "field men" par excellence, but not very good "staff men."

If you want to punish an Aries – we hope it never comes to that – make him/her a vice-president and stick him/her behind a desk all day.

The willfulness and so-called self-centeredness of Aries is never malicious. It is the willfulness (some have called it omnipotence) of the infant who KNOWS – by its instincts – EXACTLY what its job is for the stage that it's in. The infant is so "in tune" with the Divine Will – so "true to itself" – that all around it, even powerful adults, must conform to its dictates. It is the willfulness of the dawn banishing the night. So it is with Aries. They know that they are here to do things and to learn by doing.

Even if they make mistakes, they will only know that it is a mistake through the doing. No good to tell them about it beforehand. They have to find out about it for themselves. After they've done the thing, then they might agree that "yes, possibly it was a mistake." But don't YOU start telling them beforehand. The Aries will see it as a "limitation of his/her will" and will either do it anyway – or if forced to obey, will chafe under the inaction.

The herbs of Aries are aloe, garlic, onions, cayenne pepper, jalapenos, radishes and mustard. Its scent is honeysuckle.

Reflexology points important to Aries are the thumbs of both hands (from the nails to the top joint) and the big toes of both feet. These should be massaged regularly – but especially during stressful transits. Regular face and scalp massage (also cranial sacral therapy) is excellent for Aries.

Careers most suitable for Aries are welding, metal working, sheep herding, the wool industry, surgeons, the military, athletics, any pioneering enterprise – the riskier the better, the hat industry, barber or beautician (if Venus is strong in the nativity). In the corporate world they are better as field executives than staff executives. They will naturally gravitate to jobs that offer "risk and adventure." They will excel at positions where "initiative and quick reflexes" are the most important consideration.

The Aries nature is very self-motivated and very often they are able to motivate others – to fire them up with zeal and enthusiasm – to banish fear and depression in others. Difficult to be in the "doldrums" with an Aries around.

Meditation for Aries

"I Am that I Am hath sent me into this world. I Am that I Am hath sent ME into expression. Therefore, my actions are ever potent, ever successful, ever victorious, ever benevolent, and ever harmonious. I Am that I Am forever acts through me. I Am that I Am is the real doer, the real achiever in me."

A Spiritual View of Taurus

In its journey through the zodiac the soul, symbolically speaking, is discovering new powers – new things about itself – gaining experience.

In Aries the soul discovers or "remembers" its power to ACT, and like any newly discovered "toy" the tendency is to want to play with it – to explore it – to its ultimate capacity. The result of the action – in terms of profits, or social benefits, or "good" achieved – is not the issue with Aries. The joy of the action – the joy of the doing – is where it's at.

In Taurus the soul still has the power to act but something new is discovered or recalled. It has the power to ESTABLISH and SOLIDIFY an action or group of actions on the Earth. It has the power to do and it also has the power not to do.

When in doubt an Aries will "do something" – almost a "knee jerk" reaction. When in doubt a Taurus will tend "to do nothing." It has learned its lessons in Aries – doing something is not always the answer – sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Having learned from its over-exuberance in Aries, the Taurus wants to be absolutely sure of things before launching any action on the physical plane – especially actions that could affect its security and comfort – something that is very vital and important to Taurus.

If we observe the behavior of any "reformed" person – a reformed alcoholic, or reformed drug addict or reformed smoker – we note a tendency to actually abhor their former state. These people tend to be the most rabid anti-smokers or anti-alcohol people. The reformed "sinner" tends to be the most fanatic churchman. In order to break from a former state the soul needs to embrace its "polar opposite" and sometimes it becomes extreme in another direction before equilibrium is established. The Taurus nature could, in a certain sense, be considered a "reformed action addict." He/she seems to actually abhor action – to abhor anything that smacks of pioneering. The tendency can be to an ultra-conservatism which is just as unbalanced as too much activism. "One should not lightly trifle with a comfort that is already manifest," sayeth Taurus. "Holy, holy, holy is the status quo."

But Taurus has this outstanding virtue. It remembers the essential wealth and affluence of the soul. It remembers – instinctively – that there is no lack, poverty or want in the spiritual dimensions of being; that the laws of the cosmos operating through nature are always working to enrich and prosper; and that every soul has access to sure and steady SUPPORT. The Taurus nature knows of its inner wealth and recognizes its inalienable right to it. It recognizes the eternal ease and comfort of its higher nature and that two of the qualities of Divinity (which we are all here to express in one way or another) are wealth and affluence. Having. Owning. "The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, and I being ONE with the Lord of ALL partake and share in this universal ownership. I am a natural shareholder in Earth Incorporated." Thus does the Taurus think to himself.

And the Taurus' instinct is to express this spiritual state and perception on the Earth. This, in my opinion, is the key to Taurus.

In the younger soul this gets a bit distorted. The Taurus can tend to define itself in terms of what it has. I am what I own. I am my bank balance. I am what my financial statement shows. I own therefore I am. If the stock market goes down then I have "become less than I am" – I am diminished by it.

The more developed Taurus thinks differently. I am therefore I own. I own everything that my Father in heaven owns. I own because my soul is eternally affluent – such is its inherent nature. There is no pride or ego in this ownership; it just IS that way. Being is impossible without having the substance to be, and if I AM then the substance of Being is also present. Possessions are a natural attribute of my being. Matter is very spiritual! Wealth is spiritual! There is no evil in it or about it!

No matter what happens on the physical plane, the instant I make my connection with "my Father who owns it all" I am again part owner – an honored and important shareholder – in all the wealth there is.

We are all very grateful to our Taureans for reminding us of this and expressing this truth in their lives. In Taurus the virtues of the element Earth are especially pronounced. Prudence, carefulness, the power to "materialize" ideas, the love and respect for form, conservatism, solidity and stability are all attributed to Taurus. For Taurus is the fertile, fecund, productive Earth. Earth as the substance of spirit. Earth as the "scene of events" through which mighty spiritual powers act.

The developed Taurus will smile indulgently at some of us "star gazers." It is a non-malicious, tolerant smile. It is a smile of one who knows a great secret and is ready to reveal it to us as soon as we are ready to hear.

"Why are you gazing at the stars, young man? Don't you know that all their wonderful secrets and laws and riches are right here under your feet? Don't you know that the ground you stand on is holy ground? When will you take off your shoes? You are already in the Promised Land. Don't you know that the Earth which you have for so long despised is the ultimate objective of Spirit? That Spirit not only loves the Earth, but longs to materialize and concretize? That Spirit wants to be Earthed?

"Come with me. In my garden are all the secrets of the cosmos. In man's financial activities are all the laws of nature. In the visible we see the invisible. Do you think that you can escape Earth? The principle of Earth exists in the Highest Heavens, just as the entire cosmos exists in the Earth. Earth is the temple of the Most High. Look at me properly and I shall grow wings.

"Every tree is a fire of God. Every rock the incarnation of an avatar. Every movement the activity of One Mover. Every mineral the body of a planetary spirit. If you cannot find Truth here, where will you find it? If you cannot find the kingdom of heaven here you will not find it anywhere."

Thus speaks the illuminated Taurus. He has much to teach us.

Taurus excels in careers where stability, routine, persistence, and tireless stick-to-it-iveness are essential. They are excellent executives and managers, better as staff executives than out in the field. They excel in farming, agriculture, and real estate. The cattle industry, banking, sculpture, carpentry, architecture, massage and singing are also excellent professions. They are fabulous money managers. If other factors in the horoscope are right they can excel in the arts.

The gems of Taurus are emeralds and coral. Its metal is copper. Its scents are rose and vanilla. Its herbs are red roses, vanilla, coltsfoot, columbine, lilies, and daisies.

Taurus rules the throat – the place where the body takes possession of the elements of nature – in the form of food – that belong to it. The throat is the place where physical substance enters the body. It is also the place (vocal cords) where abstract or invisible thoughts concretize and materialize as words and sounds – fixed forms of thought. If we meditate on the throat region we will not only understand Taurus, but we will also understand what wealth is about and how it is produced – word by word.

The reflexology points for Taurus are the base of both thumbs and the base of both big toes. These should be squeezed and massaged regularly – but especially when there are stressful aspects to the native's power points in Taurus or to Venus. In the center of the shoulders are points that also reflex to the throat. Regular neck massage – and cranial sacral therapy – is powerful for Taurus.

The most favorable periods in the year are April 21 – May 21 (Sun in Taurus); August 22 – September 21 (Sun in Virgo); December 21 – January 21 (Sun in Capricorn). The most favorable times of the month are when the Moon is in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. The best day of the week for Taurus is Friday. Monday is also pretty good. The most favorable hours of a day are the hours of Venus and when Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn is rising. (It is understood that this is modified by the individual horoscope and by the daily transits. But a Friday with good aspects will be better than other days with good aspects and if there is choice in the matter we would choose Friday or Monday for an important activity. The same is true when considering the periods of the year. Sun in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn are better than Sun in most other signs given an "equivalence" of aspects. If the native is in a generally "easy" period, it will tend to be even easier when the Sun or Moon is in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.)


Excerpted from A Spiritual Look at the 12 Signs by Joseph Polansky. Copyright © 2016 Joseph Polansky. Excerpted by permission of John Hunt Publishing Ltd..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

A Spiritual View of Aries 3

A Spiritual View of Taurus 8

A Spiritual View of Gemini 13

A Spiritual View of Cancer 19

A Spiritual View of Leo 24

A Spiritual View of Virgo 31

A Spiritual View of Libra 36

A Spiritual View of Scorpio 43

A Spiritual View of Sagittarius 49

A Spiritual View of Capricorn 55

A Spiritual View of Aquarius 60

A Spiritual View of Pisces 64

Some Perspectives on the Houses 71

Minutes of a Symposium on the Meaning of Life 79

Minutes of a Second Symposium on the Meaning of Life 86

An Astrological Guide to Aromas 89

The Twelve Yogas 93

The Twelve Philosophies of Health 104

The Horoscope and the Spiritual Roots of Disease 126

Notes 133

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