Table of Contents
Preface by Michel Foucault
Introduction by Mark Seem
1. Desiring-Production
The schizo's stroll ♦ Nature and industry ♦ The process ♦ Desiring-machine, partial objects and flows: and . . . and . . . ♦ The first synthesis: the connective synthesis or production of production ♦ The production of the body without organs ♦
2. The Body Without Organs
Abti-production ♦ Repulsion and the paranoiac machine ♦ Desiring-production and social production: how anti-production appropriates the productive forces ♦ Appropriation or attraction, and the miraculating-machine—The second synthesis: the disjunctive synthesis or production of recording ♦ Either . . . or . . . ♦ The schizophrenic genealogy ♦
3. The Subject and Enjoyment
The celibate machine ♦ The third synthesis: the conjunctive synthesis or production of consumption-consummation ♦ So it's . . . ♦ Matter, egg, and intensities: I feel ♦ The names in history ♦
4. A Materialist Psychiatry
The unconscious and the category of production ♦ Theater or factory? ♦ The process as production process ♦ The idealist conception of desire as lack (fantasy) ♦ The real and desiring-production: the passive syntheses ♦ One and the same production, social and desiring ♦ The reality of the group fantasy ♦ The differences in regime between desiring-production and social production ♦ The socius and the body without organs ♦ Capitalism, and schizophrenia as its limit (the counteracted tendency) ♦ Neurosis, psychosis, and perversion ♦
5. The Machines
Desiring-machines are machines, no metaphor ♦ The first mode of break: flows and selection from flows ♦ The second mode: chains or codes, and detachments from them ♦ The third mode: subject and residue ♦
6. The Whole and Its Parts
The status of multiplicities ♦ The partial objects ♦ The critique of Oedipus, the Oedipal mystification ♦ Already the child . . . ♦ The orphan-conscious ♦ What is wrong with psychoanalysis? ♦
1. The Imperialism of Oedipus
Its modes ♦ The Oedipal turning-point in psychoanalysis ♦ Desiring-production and representation ♦ The abandonment of the desiring-machines ♦
2. Three texts of Freud
Oedipalization ♦ The flattening-out of Judge Schreber's delirium ♦ How pyschoanalysis is still pious ♦ The ideology of lack: castration ♦ Every fantasy is collective ♦ The libido as flow ♦ The rebellion of the flows ♦
3. The Connective Synthesis of Production
Its two uses, global and specific, partial and non-specific ♦ The family and the couple, filiation and alliance: triangulation ♦ The triangulation's cause ♦ The first paralogism of psychoanalysis: extrapolation ♦ The transcendent use and the immanent use ♦
4. The Disjunctive Synthesis of Recording
Its two uses, exclusive and restrictive, inclusive, and nonrestrictive ♦ The inclusive disjunctions: genealogy ♦ The exclusive differentiations and the nondifferentiated ♦ The second paralogism of psychoanalysis: the Oedipal double-bind ♦ Oedipus wins at every turn ♦ Does the borderline pass between the Symbolic and the Imaginary?
5. The Conjunctive Synthesis of Consumption-Consummation
Its two uses, segregative and biunivocal, nomadic and polyvocal ♦ The body without organs and intensities ♦ Voyages, passages: I am becoming ♦ Every delirium is social, historical and political ♦ Races ♦ The meaning of identification ♦ How psychoanalysis suppresses sociopolitical content ♦ An unrepentant familialism ♦ The family and the social field ♦ Desiring-production and the investment of social production ♦ From childhood ♦ The third paralogism of psychoanalysis: Oedipus as a biunivocal "application" ♦ The disgrace of psychoanalysis with regard to history ♦ Desire and the infrastructure ♦ Segregation and nomadism ♦
6. A Recapitulation of the Three Syntheses
Oedipus would make fools of us all ♦ Oedipus and "belief" ♦ Meaning is use ♦ The immanent criteria of desiring-production ♦ Desire knows nothing of the law, lack, and the signifier ♦ "Were you born Hamlet . . .? ♦
7. Social Repression and Psychic Repression
The law ♦ The fourth paralogism of psychoanalysis: the displacement, or the disfiguration of the repressed ♦ Desire is revolutionary ♦ The delegated agent of psychic repression ♦ It is not psychoanalysis that invents Oedipus ♦
8. Neurosis and Psychosis
Reality ♦ The inverse relation ♦ "Undecidable" Oedipus: resonance ♦ The meaning of actual factors ♦ The fifth paralogism of psychoanalysis: the afterward ♦ The actuality of desiring-production ♦
9. The Process
Leaving ♦ The painter Turner ♦ The interruptions of the process: neurosis, psychosis, and perversion ♦ The movement of deterritorialization and territorialities ♦
1. The Inscribing Socius
The recording process ♦ In what sense capitalism is universal ♦ The social machine ♦ The problem of the socius, coding the flows ♦ Not exchanging, but marking and being marked ♦ The investment and the disinvestment of organs ♦ Curelty: creating a memory for man ♦
2. The Primitive Territorial Machine
The full body of the earth ♦ Filiation and alliance: their irreducibility ♦ The village pervert and local groups ♦ Filiative stock and blocks of alliance debt ♦ Functional disequilibrium: surplus value of code ♦ It only works by breaking down ♦ The segmentary machine ♦ The great fear of decoded flows ♦ Death which rises from within, but comes from without ♦
3. The Problem of Oedipus
Incest ♦ The inclusive disjunctions on the full body of the earth ♦ From intensities to extension: the sign ♦ In what sense incest is impossible ♦ The limit ♦ The conditions of coding ♦ The in-depth elements of representation: the repressed representative, the repressing representation, the displaced represented ♦
4. Psychoanalysis and Ethnology
Continuation of the Oedipal problem ♦ A process of treatment in Africa ♦ The conditions of Oedipus and colonization ♦ Oedipus and ethnocide ♦ Those who oedipalize don't know what they're doing ♦ On what is psychic repression brought to bear? ♦ Culturalists and universalists: their common postulates ♦ In what sense Oedipus is indeed universal: the five meanings of limit, Oedipus as one of them ♦ Use, or functionalism in ethnology ♦ The desiring-machines do not mean anything ♦ Molar and molecular ♦
5. Territorial Representation
Its surface elements ♦ Debts and exchange ♦ The five postulates of the exchangist conception ♦ Voice, graphism, and eye: the theater of cruelty ♦ Nietzsche ♦ The death of the territorial system ♦
6. The Barbarian Despotic Machine
The full body of the despot ♦ New alliance and direct filiation ♦ The paranoiac ♦ Asiatic production ♦ The bricks ♦ The mystifications of the State ♦ Despotic deterritorialization and the infinite debt ♦ Overcoding the flows ♦
7. Barbarian or Imperial Representation
Its elements ♦ Incest and overcoding ♦ The in-depth elements and the migration of Oedipus: incest becomes possible ♦ The surface elements, the new voice-graphism relationship ♦ The transcendent object from on high ♦ The signifier as the deterritorialized sign ♦ The despotic signifier, and the signifieds of incest ♦ Terror, the law ♦ The form of the infinite debt: latency, vengeance, and ressentiment ♦ This is still not Oedipus . . . ♦
8. The Urstaat
A single State? ♦ The State as a category ♦ Beginning and origin ♦ The evolution of the State: becoming-concrete and becoming-immanent ♦
9. The Civilized Capitalist Machine
The full body of money-capital ♦ Decoding and the conjunction of decoded flows ♦ Cynicism ♦ Filiative capital and alliance capital ♦ The transformation of surplus value of code into a surplus value of flux ♦ The two forms of money, the two inscriptions ♦ The falling tendency ♦ Capitalism and deterritorialization ♦ Human surplus value and machinic surplus value ♦ Anti-production ♦ The various aspects of the capitalist immanence ♦ The flows ♦
10. Capitalist Representation
Its elements ♦ The figures or schizzes-flows ♦ The two meanings of the schiz-flow: capitalism and schizophrenia ♦ The difference between a code and an axiomatic ♦ The capitalist State, its relationship with the Urstaat ♦ The class ♦ Class bipolarity ♦ Desire and interest ♦ Capitalist deterritorialization and re-territorializations: their relationship, and the law of the falling tendency ♦ The two poles of the axiomatic: the despotic signifier and the schizophrenic figure, paranoia and schizophrenia ♦ A recapitulation of the three great social machines: the territorial, the despotic, and the capitalist (coding, overcoding, decoding) ♦
11. Oedipus at Last
Application ♦ Social reproduction and human reproduction ♦ The two orders of images ♦ Oedipus and its limits ♦ Oedipus and the recapitulation of the three states ♦ The despotic symbol and capitalist images ♦ Bad conscience ♦ Adam Smith and Freud ♦
1. The Social Field
Father and child ♦ Oedipus, a father's idea ♦ The unconscious as a cycle ♦ The primacy of the social investment: its two poles, paranoia and schizophrenia ♦ Molar and molecular ♦
2. The Molecular Unconscious
Desire and machine ♦ Beyond vitalism and mechanism ♦ The two states of the machine ♦ Molecular functionalism ♦ The syntheses ♦ The libido, the large aggregates and the micro-multiplicities ♦ The gigantism and the dwarfism of desire ♦ The nonhuman sex: not one, not two, but n sexes ♦
3. Psychoanalysis and Capitalism
Representation ♦ Representation and production ♦ Against myth and tragedy ♦ The ambiguous attitude of psychoanalysis with regard to myth and tragedy ♦ In what sense psychoanalysis fractures representation, in what sense it restores representation ♦ The requirements of capitalism ♦ Mythic, tragic, and psychoanalytic representation ♦ The theater ♦ Subjective representation and structural representation ♦ Structuralism, familialism, and the cult of lack ♦ The destructive task of schizoanalysis, cleansing the unconscious: a malevolent activity ♦ Deterritorialization and re-territorialization: their relationship, and dreams ♦ The machinic indices ♦ Politicization: social alienation and mental alienation ♦ Artifice and process, old earths and the new earth ♦
4. The First Positive Task of Schizoanalysis
Desiring-production and its machines ♦ The status of partial objects ♦ The passive syntheses ♦ The status of the body without organs ♦ The signifying chain and codes ♦ The body without organs, death, and desire ♦ Schizophrenizing death ♦ The strange death cult in psychoanalysis: the pseudo-instinct ♦ The problem of affinities between the molar and the molecular ♦ The mechanic's task of schizoanalysis ♦
5. The Second Positive Task
Social production and its machines ♦ The theory of the two poles ♦ The first thesis: every investment is molar and social ♦ Gregariousness, selection, and the form of gregariousness ♦ The second thesis: distinguish in social investments the preconscious investment of class or interest, from the unconscious libidinal investment of desire or group ♦ The nature of this libidinal investment of the social field ♦ The two groups ♦ The role of sexuality, the "sexual revolution" ♦ The third thesis: the libidinal invesment of the social field is primary in relation to the familial investments ♦ The theory of "maids" in Freud, Oedipus and universal familialism ♦ The poverty of psychoanalysis: 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ♦ Even antipsychiatry . . . ♦ What is the schizophrenic sick from? ♦ The fourth thesis: the two poles of the libidinal social investment ♦ Art and science ♦ The task of schizoanalysis in relation to the revolutionary movements.
Reference Notes