Becoming a Leader of Character: 6 Habits That Make or Break a Leader at Work and at Home
While many books focus on developing managerial competencies, most leadership failures are the result of a failure in character, not a failure in competence. But, just like how you don’t get in shape by reading a fitness magazine, you don’t become a Leader of Character by reading a book on Character. You have to DO what you want to BE! Leaders of Character is a “workout plan” designed to develop six Habits of Character by providing small, daily exercises that strengthen your character muscles for the bigger character tests all leaders face.
Becoming a Leader of Character: 6 Habits That Make or Break a Leader at Work and at Home
While many books focus on developing managerial competencies, most leadership failures are the result of a failure in character, not a failure in competence. But, just like how you don’t get in shape by reading a fitness magazine, you don’t become a Leader of Character by reading a book on Character. You have to DO what you want to BE! Leaders of Character is a “workout plan” designed to develop six Habits of Character by providing small, daily exercises that strengthen your character muscles for the bigger character tests all leaders face.
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Becoming a Leader of Character: 6 Habits That Make or Break a Leader at Work and at Home

Becoming a Leader of Character: 6 Habits That Make or Break a Leader at Work and at Home

Becoming a Leader of Character: 6 Habits That Make or Break a Leader at Work and at Home

Becoming a Leader of Character: 6 Habits That Make or Break a Leader at Work and at Home


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While many books focus on developing managerial competencies, most leadership failures are the result of a failure in character, not a failure in competence. But, just like how you don’t get in shape by reading a fitness magazine, you don’t become a Leader of Character by reading a book on Character. You have to DO what you want to BE! Leaders of Character is a “workout plan” designed to develop six Habits of Character by providing small, daily exercises that strengthen your character muscles for the bigger character tests all leaders face.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781630479374
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
Publication date: 10/11/2016
Pages: 218
Sales rank: 703,108
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.60(d)

About the Author

General James L Anderson, PhD. After graduating from West Point, General Jim Anderson spent a total of 41 years leading soldiers in the United States Army. His served twenty-four years at Master of the Sword as the Head of the Physical Education Department developing our nation’s future Army officer corps. He was an Army Ranger School instructor, and a veteran of two tours in combat in Vietnam earning a Silver Star, two Bronze Stars for Valor, and a Purple Heart while leading soldiers in combat. He is the best selling author of The West Point Fitness and Diet Book and The Competitive Edge along with hundreds of journal articles and TV and radio guest appearances. Dave Anderson Dave graduated from West Point and served as a field artillery forward observer during Operation Desert Storm. He earned a Bronze Star while leading soldiers in combat. After the Army, Dave joined a Fortune 50 company where he spent twenty years in sales and various sales leadership positions winning multiple sales and leadership awards. He now owns Anderson Leadership Solutions as a leadership speaker and consulting expert. He hosts a syndicated leadership talk radio show (IMPACT Talk Radio) and has written over 400 leadership articles posted on his website

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Leadership: Why We Must Change the Focus

Our Why

There is a crisis of leadership in the world today. That may not be news to you. All you have to do is read a newspaper, watch the nightly news, or scan the Internet to see that the lack of good leadership is one of the central problems in our world.

Yet, books on leadership abound. So why this book? Why another book on leadership? Our reason is this: the book you hold in your hands is a different type of leadership book. We have read many of the books that are out there on leadership and watched as the crisis in leadership in all parts of our culture has continued to grow. We realize that plenty of people are devoting themselves to stopping this deterioration in leadership. They have written books and produced leadership seminars, claiming to have the answers for changing leaders. These books and seminars cover management techniques, personality traits, building trust, building teams, and improving coaching for performance. These approaches are not bad, but we believe they miss the root cause of the issue. We believe that the majority of the leadership offerings available are treating the symptoms of the leadership crisis and not the underlying disease. Our book is here to help all of us who are motivated and ready to treat that disease.

We Have a Sick Patient — and the Patient Is Not Getting Better

Most of the leadership books and seminars available are synonymous to giving the patient Robitussin® to control a cough. That is not a bad idea in and of itself. We can even argue which cough medicine may work best at controlling the cough. But the issue we face is not really a cough. What we are dealing with is PNEUMONIA! The Robitussin® may help control the cough in the short-term, but the patient is not going to get better.

Corporations spend $50 billion a year on leadership training and development and that number continues to grow. There are more leadership books than ever available for any aspiring or current leader to read. But leaders are not getting better. In a survey of over fourteen thousand leaders and HR professionals conducted every two years since 2009, Development Dimensions International (DDI) found that the effectiveness of leaders in business had not improved from 2009 to 2015. In fact, despite the increase in spending on leadership development, only one in three people believe they received value from the leadership training they got at work. Plus, only 15 percent of leaders in the survey rated their company's leadership bench strength as "high" in 2015. Even that was a decline from 18 percent in 2011. The results are in: What we are doing to develop leaders is not working! We are treating the symptoms and ignoring the disease.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Let's stop treating a pneumonia patient with over-the-counter cough medicine! Let's treat the underlying cause of the cough and the other symptoms that go with this disease.

In leadership, the symptoms may be trust, poor communication, goal setting, employee turnover, coaching skills, or dysfunctional teams. But the underlying disease, the main issue that does not get adequately addressed, is CHARACTER. We are practicing leadership and developing leaders without an adequate consideration for character. To change our own results and to change the results of leadership development books and seminars, character must be at the foundation of every effort, or else we will keep missing the underlying cause of 90 percent of all our leadership woes.

We believe that the Habits of Character that determine your strength of character as well as ours flow from two critical habits: Courage and Humility. Without Courage and Humility, the other critical habits we unpack in this book — Integrity, Selflessness, Duty, and Positivity — will continue to be well-meaning platitudes instead of character-changing behaviors.

Simple Truths Simply Presented

If you are like most leaders, you are overwhelmed with the demands of work and home life. We are not delusional and believe you have hours upon hours to wade through an academic treatise on leadership. So we did not write one. This book is designed so you can read a chapter and put it down. There is a free online character assessment available at ( so you can evaluate which chapters you want to dig into and which ones you can read once and move forward. Or, you can read our book straight through and then return to the chapters you want to dwell on. We also have reflective questions for you to contemplate at the beginning of each chapter to help you focus on the topic at hand; you could spend a short time or a long time ruminating over those. Whatever works best for you.

Each chapter contains stories from the battlefields of Southeast Asia and the boardrooms of corporate America. These stories will open each chapter on the Habits of Character and create a foundation for our discussions.

Inside each chapter, you are going to get no-nonsense definitions of Leader of Character, character, and each of the six Habits of Character. When something can be said simply and briefly, that's just what we do. Then, with our terms defined, we dig into the six Habits of Character that all of us need and can grow into as Leaders of Character. These habits are not new, but they are certainly dynamic, and they will revolutionize your leadership and even the rest of your life.

At the end of each of the six character-habit chapters, we provide exercises — straightforward day-to-day and week-to-week activities that will act as character workouts. The best thing about these workouts is that you do not have to change your clothes and go to a gym to do them. You can do them wherever you are and with whomever you encounter.

All in all, what we provide in these pages are real-life practical solutions for growing as Leaders of Character. This book is designed for you to grow your own leadership influence. And it can also be used with your work teams and within your families. We do not just tell you what the six Habits of Character are. We also tell you how to develop those habits in yourself, in your team, and even in your family.

Who Are We?

The chronologically superior of us, General Jim Anderson (aka The General), spent forty-two years leading soldiers in the United States Army. He grew up in a county-run orphanage after being abandoned there by his father. The only way he could afford college was to go to the Naval Academy or to West Point. Realizing he got seasick too easily, he chose the Army.

After graduating from West Point, The General served as an infantry officer, an Army Ranger School instructor, and a veteran of two combat tours in Vietnam. He spent his final twenty-four years on active duty at West Point as the Master of The Sword (aka Head of the Department of Physical Education). The General devoted those years to developing our nation's future Army officer corps. He brings a military man's perspective to our conversation on leadership.

The younger of us, Dave Anderson (aka The Business Guy), also graduated from West Point. After serving in combat in Operation Desert Storm, he spent twenty years in a Fortune 50 company in sales and in various sales leadership positions. He is a corporate world business veteran who is now a professional speaker, talk-radio-show host, and consultant. His passion is for building Leaders of Character and building character in organizations large and small.

Our goal is to help you realize that your character is why people follow you. Who you are at your core impacts your effectiveness as a leader more than any management skill-based seminar or MBA program available. Besides, that MBA is a Masters of Business Administration, not a Master's of Business Leadership. And from what we see going on in business today, character-based leadership, not administration, is what our culture needs.

Are You Ready?

Imagine this. You are the leader everyone wants to work for and everyone wants to do business with. Why? Because people want to follow you. They know you are willing to make the hard decisions and are also humble enough to listen to feedback from others. They know your word is gold, and you always follow through on your promises. They know you want what is best for them and that you will always push them to grow beyond who they are today. In other words, they want a Leader of Character and that leader is you! Is that what you want for yourself? Are you ready to do what it takes to achieve that?

In families, companies, and countries throughout history, generation after generation has handed the baton of leadership to the next generation, hoping they were not only eager to run the race laid out for them but that they were ready to meet the challenge of leading. If you are part of that new generation, are you ready to run that race? And if you are among those soon to pass along the baton, are you ready to prepare those coming up behind you?

Maybe you are one of the young guns. You are whom our future depends upon. The future of your family, your company, and even your country is riding on what type of leader you will become. Are you ready to lead? We want to help you become the Leader of Character we all need you to be today and for decades to come.

Maybe you are in the leadership mix now. You are midcareer. You have survived up and down economies. You have worked for good and bad bosses. You are leading a small team or maybe a large organization. And in your leadership role, you know you have room to grow. You've read books and gone to seminars, but getting past the current demands of your life prevents you from truly implementing the stuff you read and heard from all those other authors and consultants. This book is designed to help you begin to grow as a Leader of Character today because you are needed today at your work, in your home, and for your country. Are you ready?

Perhaps you are the grizzled veteran of so many leadership battles you can't remember them all. You've had good years and bad years. You know the time is close at hand for you to hand the baton of leadership to someone else. Who should that person be? What should he or she be preparing for? How should you prepare this person? This book will help you pass that baton to a Leader of Character when the time is right, and it will help you learn how to model those behaviors from now until then. Are you ready?

Being a Leader of Character is not complicated, but it is hard. That is why we use exercise terminology throughout the book.

Our goal in this book is to provide the young guns a healthy exercise program that will defeat the disease before it can cause any damage. For those at the mid-career point, you will see a treatment plan and rehabilitation exercises that will repair any damage and help prevent the disease from recurring. For the grizzled veteran, what we lay out may be like a maintenance program. You've survived the ravages of the disease, and you do not want to risk going back there again. These are the exercises you must do so you do not succumb to the disease as you continue to mature.

Leadership Is Not Easy

"Being a professional is doing the things you love to do, on the days you don't feel like doing them."

Julius Erving (Dr. J)

If you want to grow as a leader, you are going to have to put in the same effort as a great athlete or a great chef. The way forward is not going to be easy. Becoming a great leader, a great athlete, or a great chef takes more than desire or even knowledge. It takes effort. It takes practice. It takes hard work. It takes doing what you need to do on days you don't feel like doing it.

To grow you have to break a sweat. Growth — going beyond where you currently are — requires you to get uncomfortable and sweat. When most people head to the gym, they realize that to get any better, any stronger, or anymore fit, they will have to push past what is comfortable. Sweat and discomfort help us get fit. The same is true when it comes to leadership. To grow as a leader, you have to be willing to sweat and do uncomfortable things.

In other words, simply reading this book will not make you a Leader of Character. To become a great leader, you must become a great worker too. No one ever gets in shape by reading a fitness magazine or by going to the gym once. We get in shape by actually working hard consistently. We want you to do more than read the principles in this book. We want you to DO them.

You have to DO what you want to BE!

One of the simplest truths in the world is that we will never become good at anything unless we actually do that thing. Good intentions and the desire to be good at something are never enough to get us to the point where we are actually good.

We are going to present a path to you that may be new and may seem hard. Realize, though, that new things typically seem difficult. But if we never try tackling something that's new, we will never become anything beyond who we already are. Everything of value is hard before it gets easy. We must get started and then practice doing it until we become proficient. And to become truly great at something, we must practice over an extended period of time until that skill becomes a habit. It must become part of who we are to the point where it is almost an unconscious behavior. The great free-throw shooters in basketball don't think about the mechanics of shooting a ball while they put it into the air. They just shoot because their mechanics have become habitual due to practice, practice, practice.

When it comes to becoming a person of character, much less a leader who exhibits character, you must master the small steps first. As Winston Churchill observed many years ago:

"Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones."

That is how we become good at anything. That is how great athletes or great chefs become great. They practice. They strive to master the small steps, not just the big ones. And that is how we will become the Leaders of Character missing in our culture today. James Foude said it well:

"You cannot dream yourself into character. You must hammer and forge one for yourself."

So, our challenge to you is this: If you want to grow as a Leader of Character but don't want to be uncomfortable or put in the effort to do it, then this book is not for you. Put it down and walk away.

If you are still reading, then we assume you are ready to DO what you need to DO in order to BE who you want to BE. You are ready to really work your muscles and grow. You want to be a leader, or you are currently leading somewhere and you want to get better. You want people to follow you and actually be enthusiastic while doing it. You want to make an impact on the people at work, at home, and anywhere else you find yourself serving. You want to be a Leader of Character. If that's you, then we believe that what you need is a simpler and more effective leadership approach than what you can currently find. You — in fact, all of us — need an approach to leadership that is timeless, maybe a little old-fashioned, but still gets to the heart of being a leader. You need a solution to the root cause of our leadership crisis and not just something that only deals with the symptoms of the disease. You need something that will create a clear path for your growth as a Leader of Character. You need something you can read in short bursts or over long weekends. You need something you can share with others. But most of all, you need something you can implement and that will make a difference in how you lead. You need a plan that works. The book you now hold is that plan.

While we focus a lot of this book on leading in the workplace, we believe that helping someone become a Leader of Character at work will transcend the workplace. If we can help leaders get better at work, they will be better husbands, better wives, and better parents. They will be better in their kids' schools, better in their churches, and better anywhere else they are serving. That is why The General is still pounding on podiums speaking about leadership while most of his contemporaries are well into their retirement. That is why The Business Guy left his comfortable corporate life to create a business dedicated to the leadership principles he learned from his dad, West Point, wise authors, and the school of hard knocks. That is why we wrote this book! We wrote it for you, but we wrote it for all of us. Because we all need Leaders of Character wherever we may live, work, and serve.


Excerpted from "Becoming a Leader of Character"
by .
Copyright © 2017 Gen. James L. Anderson, Usa (RET.) And Dave Anderson.
Excerpted by permission of Morgan James Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Leadership: Why We Must Change the Focus,
PART 1: The Why and the What,
Chapter 2 Leaders of Character,
Chapter 3 Developing Our Character,
PART 2: The Foundational Habits,
Introduction Why Courage and Humility Come First,
Chapter 4 Habit #1: Courage,
Chapter 5 Habit #2: Humility,
PART 3: The Final Four Habits,
Introduction How Each Habit Strengthens the Other,
Chapter 6 Habit #3: Integrity,
Chapter 7 Habit #4: Selflessness,
Chapter 8 Habit #5: Duty,
Chapter 9 Habit #6: Positivity,
PART 4: DO What You Want to BE,
Chapter 10 Where Are Today's Leaders of Character?,
Chapter 11 Join the New Counterculture,
Appendix A Developing Families of Character,
Appendix B Developing Teams of Character,
Appendix C The 12-Word (or less) Definitions,
Appendix D Resources,
About the Authors,
Connect with Us,

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From the Publisher

"Wow! What a book - in fact, THE book that should be on every modern leader's desk...I promise you'll be writing in the margins and highlighting pages as you reflect on the habits you need to change." - Jeb Blount, best selling author of People Follow You.

" Becoming a Leader of Character is an uncomplicated approach to developing a leader's most important leadership tool - character." - Joe DePinto, President and CEO, 7-Eleven Inc.

"Breaking away from the numbing array of authors dealing with character and leadership, the Andersons - father and son - not only define what character is and show why it is essential in leaders, they also describe how it is developed." - Lieutenant General David Palmer, USA Retired, Former Superintendent, United States Military Academy at West Point

"When fresh voices put a new perspective on something and still make it accessible to all of us, I stop and pay attention." - Karen Dillon, former Editor of the Harvard Business Review and author of New York Times best-seller How Will You Measure Your Life.

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