Choices: When You Are Faced with a Challenge, What Choice Will You Make?

Life rarely turns out exactly as you pictured it, and we all face challenges along the way.

God always has a plan.

But He leaves it up to you whether you follow His plan or not.

Life is about choices.

I have chosen to depend on God's faithfulness through all our challenges.

  • Everyone has doubts about their own abilities, but God has a plan for each of us. So believe in Him, and don't give up.
  • Sometimes your attitude, drive, and enthusiasm can take you further than your talents or abilities. Attitude can make all the difference.
  • Find your happiness in whom God says you are. Don't let someone else define your happiness.
Choices: When You Are Faced with a Challenge, What Choice Will You Make?

Life rarely turns out exactly as you pictured it, and we all face challenges along the way.

God always has a plan.

But He leaves it up to you whether you follow His plan or not.

Life is about choices.

I have chosen to depend on God's faithfulness through all our challenges.

  • Everyone has doubts about their own abilities, but God has a plan for each of us. So believe in Him, and don't give up.
  • Sometimes your attitude, drive, and enthusiasm can take you further than your talents or abilities. Attitude can make all the difference.
  • Find your happiness in whom God says you are. Don't let someone else define your happiness.
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Choices: When You Are Faced with a Challenge, What Choice Will You Make?

Choices: When You Are Faced with a Challenge, What Choice Will You Make?

by Lori Vober
Choices: When You Are Faced with a Challenge, What Choice Will You Make?

Choices: When You Are Faced with a Challenge, What Choice Will You Make?

by Lori Vober


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Life rarely turns out exactly as you pictured it, and we all face challenges along the way.

God always has a plan.

But He leaves it up to you whether you follow His plan or not.

Life is about choices.

I have chosen to depend on God's faithfulness through all our challenges.

  • Everyone has doubts about their own abilities, but God has a plan for each of us. So believe in Him, and don't give up.
  • Sometimes your attitude, drive, and enthusiasm can take you further than your talents or abilities. Attitude can make all the difference.
  • Find your happiness in whom God says you are. Don't let someone else define your happiness.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781685560874
Publisher: Trilogy Christian Publishing
Publication date: 03/11/2022
Pages: 174
Sales rank: 1,022,482
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.37(d)

About the Author

Lori suffered an intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke at age twenty-nine, and then developed epilepsy due to the stroke. She is a walking miracle, and felt called to share her story, and her journey of faith and perseverance, to encourage others. Lori believes God has a plan for each of us, but life is about your choices! Even with her difficulties, she was able to become an adoptive Mom of a sibling group of three.
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