In Chances, Lucky grew up in a top crime family; in Lucky, she was married three times; in Lady Boss, she took on Hollywood and bought Panther Studios; and in Vendetta, she fought off a lifelong enemy to keep the studio, and her husband.
Now, in Dangerous Kiss, when a member of her family is brutally gunned down in a random holdup, her fury knows no bounds. While she is tracking the killer, her relationship with her husband, charismatic writer and director Lennie Golden, is put to the test. Then, suddenly, into her life comes a man from her past—a man with a dangerous kiss.
Dangerous Kiss is a story of raw anger, love, lust, murder, and revenge, and at its white-hot center is Lucky Santangelo, a strong, exciting woman who dares to take chances—and always wins.
In Chances, Lucky grew up in a top crime family; in Lucky, she was married three times; in Lady Boss, she took on Hollywood and bought Panther Studios; and in Vendetta, she fought off a lifelong enemy to keep the studio, and her husband.
Now, in Dangerous Kiss, when a member of her family is brutally gunned down in a random holdup, her fury knows no bounds. While she is tracking the killer, her relationship with her husband, charismatic writer and director Lennie Golden, is put to the test. Then, suddenly, into her life comes a man from her past—a man with a dangerous kiss.
Dangerous Kiss is a story of raw anger, love, lust, murder, and revenge, and at its white-hot center is Lucky Santangelo, a strong, exciting woman who dares to take chances—and always wins.

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In Chances, Lucky grew up in a top crime family; in Lucky, she was married three times; in Lady Boss, she took on Hollywood and bought Panther Studios; and in Vendetta, she fought off a lifelong enemy to keep the studio, and her husband.
Now, in Dangerous Kiss, when a member of her family is brutally gunned down in a random holdup, her fury knows no bounds. While she is tracking the killer, her relationship with her husband, charismatic writer and director Lennie Golden, is put to the test. Then, suddenly, into her life comes a man from her past—a man with a dangerous kiss.
Dangerous Kiss is a story of raw anger, love, lust, murder, and revenge, and at its white-hot center is Lucky Santangelo, a strong, exciting woman who dares to take chances—and always wins.
Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9780671020958 |
Publisher: | Pocket Books |
Publication date: | 07/01/2000 |
Series: | Lucky Santangelo Series |
Edition description: | Reissue |
Pages: | 592 |
Product dimensions: | 4.19(w) x 6.75(h) x 1.20(d) |
About the Author

Los Angeles, CaliforniaDate of Birth:
October 4, 1941Place of Birth:
London, EnglandWebsite:
http://www.jackiecollins.comRead an Excerpt
Chapter Ten
Finally Lennie said the magic words. "Cut. Print. That's a wrap everyone.
"Thank goodness," Mary Lou said, rushing to her trailer, unbuttoning the suit she'd worn in the scene on her way.
Terri, one of the wardrobe assistants, ran behind her. "Can I help?" Terri asked. She was black, overweight, and out of breath, but full of enthusiasm. Like everyone else on the set, she adored Mary Lou and would do anything for her.
"Yes!" Mary Lou said. "I need to be ready like an hour ago!"
"You got it," Terri said. "I'm here to assist."
"How's that little brother of yours?" Mary Lou asked as they reached her trailer.
"Doin' okay, thanks," Terri answered, marveling that Mary Lou even remembered her confiding about her sixteen-year-old brother, who'd recently gotten arrested for vandalism. "They gave him three months' probation."
"That should teach him a lesson."
"My mama taught him a lesson," Terri said, rolling her eyes. "She paddled his ass so fine he couldn't sit down for a week!"
"Good," Mary Lou said. "Now he'll think twice next time he plans on getting out of line."
"Ain't that the truth," Terri said, hanging up Mary Lou's skirt after she stepped out of it.
"Y'know," Mary Lou said, opening the small fridge where she'd hidden her heart-shaped diamond earrings and necklace anniversary gifts from Steven "If you like, I can arrange for my husband to see him, give him some advice about how not to get into trouble."
Terri's expression perked up. "Really?"
"Steven's great with kids. He occasionally talks to boys at a school in Compton -- helps them withcareer tips, that kind of thing. They think he's the greatest."
"I bet."
"Sometimes we have a few of them over for a barbecue. Steven knows how to motivate. He makes them want to get an education and do well."
"Sounds like exactly what my little brother needs," Terri said, carefully removing Mary Lou's white, shimmering evening gown from its protective plastic covering.
"I'll arrange it," Mary Lou said, unhooking her bra and reaching for her dress.
"You're so slim," Terri said enviously, watching as Mary Lou navigated her way into the slinky gown.
"It's called hardly ever eating!" Mary Lou said ruefully. "In my job you have to be thin. I'd much sooner be pigging out on fried chicken and grits. But I figure one of these days way, way in the future that's what I'll do. Right now it's important I keep my figure.
"Look at me," Terri said with a helpless shrug. "I'm eighty pounds overweight."
"Make a goal," Mary Lou said. "Promise yourself you'll lose four pounds a month. Take it slow and easy, and in less than two years you'll be down to the weight you want."
Terri laughed at the thought. "I can't do that."
"Yes you can," Mary Lou said. "We can do anything we set our minds to."
"Gee, I wish that was true," Terri said wistfully.
"Do I look all right?" Mary Lou asked.
"Fine as silk," Terri said with a sigh, zipping the back of her dress.
"Thanks," Marv Lou said, quickly applying a thin coat of lip gloss. "Now, I promise I won't forget about your brother. I'll talk to Steven tonight."
"You're the best," Terri said.
"No I'm not," Mary Lou said. "It's just that I understand when someone needs guidance. One day I'll tell you how Steven and I first met. Boy! Did I need guidance then! Actually, it's quite a story."
"Tell me now," Terri pleaded.
"No time now," Mary Lou said, laughing. "Sit with me at lunch tomorrow and I'll reveal everything. Oh yes, and tomorrow you're starting your diet right?"
"If you say so."
There was a knock on the trailer door, followed by Lennie calling out, "You ready?"
"Just about," she said, quickly putting on her spike-heeled silver shoes as Terri opened the trailer door.
"Let's get going," Lennie said. "If I don't make it in time for her speech, Lucky will kill me." He took her arm and helped her down the steps.
"'Bye, Terri," Mary Lou said, waving.
"Don't you look something," Lennie remarked as they made their way to his car.
"Like my dress?" Mary Lou asked, doing a little twirl for him.
"Love it," he said. "But you'd better prepare yourself Steven'll have a heart attack when he sees you. He's too old to have a wife who looks like you."
"Great!" Mary Lou said, laughing. "Don't tell him that, he's already experiencing a midlife crisis."
"Steven is?"
"He thinks he's getting fat and boring."
"C'mon. Mister Handsome?"
Mary Lou giggled. "I told him he can turn into the fattest, most boring man in the world, and I'll still love him."
"What a woman!"
"He's the best."
"So are you."
"Thank you, Lennie. I appreciate that."
"Hey," Lennie said, as they trekked down the street. "I'm afraid it didn't occur to me to hire a limo for tonight. I prefer driving myself. But what with you looking so outrageous, I realize I should've gotten us a car."
"Don't be silly," Mary Lou said. "I'm happy as long as we get there. And the sooner the better." She smiled softly. "Y'know, it's so funny; Steven and I have been married almost nine years, yet when I'm away from him, even if it's only for a day, I still miss him."
"I know what you mean," Lennie said. "Sometimes I look around at all the miserable marriages in this town, y'know people playing musical beds and getting divorced and I think how happy I am with Lucky. She's my everything. Yes, I'm into working, but coming home to her at the end of the day makes it all worthwhile."
"That's how I feel," Mary Lou said, wide eyed. "We're exactly alike."
"Yeah, except you're a little bit younger than me," Lennie said.
"Just a tiny bit," she said, smiling.
Buddy caught up with them on their way to Lennie's car. "Baby, you look hot!" he said to Mary Lou, checking her out admiringly.
"Why, thank you, Buddy," she said, well aware of his respectful crush. "Coming from you that's a real compliment."
"What's that mean, 'coming from me'?" Buddy said, putting on the charm big time.
"Well," Mary Lou said, half smiling, "everyone knows you're the campus superstud."
"Yeah?" he said, preening. "I got myself a reputation, have I?"
"Let me see, Buddy," she said, pretending to think about it. "Since we've been making this movie I've observed at least three different girls visiting you on the set."
"My sisters," Buddy said, grinning.
She grinned back. "Your sisters, my ass!"
"And a fine ass it is too, if I may say so."
"C'mon," Lennie said, opening the passenger door of his Porsche and hustling Mary Lou inside. "You two can flirt tomorrow. Right now we gotta get going."
She settled into the front seat, fastened her seat belt, and gave a little wave to Buddy, who hovered by the car.
"Does your husband know how lucky he is?" Buddy said, as Lennie ran around and started the car.
"I hope so," she said, blowing him a kiss.
"Baby," Buddy sighed. "If you ever decide you want bigger and better, I am waiting!"
"There's no such thing as bigger and better than my Steven," Mary Lou said. "Sorry to disappoint you."
"Oh, baby, baby," Buddy said, shaking his head. "You are something else."
The Porsche took off. Mary Lou closed the window and grinned. "I hope he makes me look good on screen."
"Buddy's the best," Lennie said. "And considering he has a thing about you, you will look sensational."
"It's so much fun to be making a movie with you, Lennie," she said. "I never imagined we'd work together, and now it's even better than I thought it would be."
"Hey you're a pleasure to work with."
"Coming from you that's a big compliment."
"I'm bummed we had to run so late tonight," Lennie said, adjusting his rearview mirror. "D'you think Lucky will be pissed?"
"Lucky never gets pissed at you."
"Oh yeah?" he said, knowing his wife. "It's almost eight-thirty. By the time we get there it'll be past nine. Trust me tonight she will be pissed."
Chapter Eleven
The boy threw himself into the jeep, adrenaline coursing through his veins, vision blurred. The girl wasn't far behind, giggling insanely.
"How many didja get?" she asked, falling into the passenger seat.
"Four," he said, heart pumping wildly.
"Chicken," she said. "I got six. We'd better get outta here before they send a guard after us."
The boy didn't need to be told twice. He started the jeep, and they roared out of the parking lot, practically colliding with a blue Toyota driven by an elderly man who shook his fist at them.
The girl reached for a beer, cracked one open and handed it to him. He was already drunk, but who cared? He felt like he could do anything. He wasn't stuck in the house, he was out and free. Freedom was a good thing. Freedom ruled!
The girl knew how to enjoy herself, she always had. When they'd been small and growing up together, she'd always taken the initiative, showed him the way to go. Sometimes she'd even stood up for him.
"Let's see what you got," the girl said, fumbling in his pockets.
"Didn't know I was supposed to choose. Grabbed anything I could."
"Crap," the girl said, disgusted. "You're supposed to get stuff we want." She pulled a CD out of his pocket. "Céline Dion!" she exclaimed. "Who listens to her?"
"I told you," the boy said, embarrassed. "Wasn't looking."
"Dunce!" the girl said, reaching under her sweater and pulling out a CD of Ice-T. "Put this on."
He slipped the disk into the player, and throbbing, loud rap filled the jeep.
The girl began moving her body to the beat, then she reached in her pocket for a cigarette, lit up, took a drag, and handed it to him.
"Don't smoke," he mumbled.
"You're such a wuss," she muttered. "New York sure didn't wise you up."
"I smoked grass there," he boasted.
"Ooooh!" she said mockingly. "What a bad motherfucker you are. How about coke you ever done that?"
He shook his head. His dad was against drugs, having once been a major user of anything he could get his hands on.
"Wanna try?" she suggested. "I got some, y'know."
"Where'd you score coke?" he asked.
"Don't you worry 'bout that," she said with a sly smile. "I can score anything I want. I got friends in all the wrong places."
Chapter Twelve
"Where's that husband of yours?" Gino asked.
"I wish I knew," Lucky replied, tight lipped as she wondered the same thing herself.
"Has he left the location yet?" Venus asked, leaning into their conversation.
"Yes," Lucky said. "I called the production trailer. He and Mary Lou took off ten minutes ago."
"Where were they shooting?"
"Downtown. It'll take them at least half an hour to get here."
"Not the way Lennie drives," Steven interjected. "I hope Mary Lou remembers to buckle her seat belt."
"Are you accusing Lennie of being a bad driver?" Lucky sniffed.
"He's a road warrior," Steven said, sounding amused. "Thinks he's the only one out there."
"He's a defensive driver," Lucky explained. "And certainly better than you, Steven. You drive like an old lady, huddled over the wheel like it's gonna jump up and bite your ass!"
"Seriously," Lucky said. "What shall I do? My speech is already half an hour late, but I refuse to give it without Lennie being here."
"Why?" Steven asked.
"Because I can't, that's why."
"He must've heard it? Didn't you rehearse?"
"No. It's a surprise. Okay?"
"Well, maybe you could read it to him later. Y'know, like when you're in bed."
"Brilliant bad idea," she drawled sarcastically.
"Don't get uptight. Go tell the organizers to delay it."
"They're already on my case. My speech was supposed to be before dinner. After dinner there's entertainment."
"Why don't you tell 'em to serve dinner, and by the time it's finished, Lennie will be here, and you can make your speech."
"Oh, great!" Lucky said. "When everyone's stuffed and complacent, I get up."
"Hey, listen it's your problem, not mine. If I were you, I'd give it now."
"No, Steven. I'm going to wait, okay?"
"Whatever you want."
Right, she thought. The story of my life. I've always done whatever I want.
She was mad at Lennie. Oh sure, he was shooting a movie, but he was the director, so if he'd planned it right he could've wrapped early.
She got up and went to talk to the organizers, stopping at several tables along the way, greeting friends and acquaintances in the movie business. Oh yes, they were all nice to her now because she owned and ran a movie studio. But when she wasn't in the movie business, would it be true what they said? That in Hollywood, if you didn't have a hit, people crossed the street to avoid you?
Maybe, maybe not. She couldn't care less, because she'd always walked her own road. Lucky was not conventional in any way. Perhaps that was why she and Venus were such good friends.
The organizers threw a fit when she told them her plan. She stood firm. They finally agreed. Since she was the star of the evening, they had no choice.
Alex joined her as she made her way back to their table. "Husband running late, huh?" he said, taking her arm in a proprietary fashion.
"Hey nobody knows better than you what it's like when you're in production," she said coolly.
"True," he said. "But if it was me, and I knew it was your evening, I would've wrapped early."
Alex was voicing her thoughts, and it aggravated her. He had an uncanny way of tuning in to what she was thinking.
"How's your mother?" she asked, knowing exactly how to set his teeth on edge. Alex had an extremely domineering mother, the French-born Dominique, who up until the last few years had ruled his life with an iron fist, or at least tried to.
"Fine," he said noncommittally.
"Still interfering in your life?" Lucky asked.
"Y'know, you've got it wrong," Alex said calmly. "She gave that up a while ago."
"Hmm..." Lucky said disbelievingly. "One of these days you'll admit it. You know you're always trying to please her."
"I hardly ever see her anymore," he said.
"Have it your way," she said. "I've no desire to get into your personal business. And perhaps you'll do me the same favor."
"I like Lennie," he objected. "Just because he's acting like a rude jerk tonight, I don't hold it against him."
"He's not acting like a jerk," Lucky countered, furious at his criticism. "He'll be here any moment."
"Okay, okay. In the meantime allow me to escort you back to the table so you don't have to stop and talk to every asshole who grabs you."
"Thanks, Alex. I'm sure this will make the gossip columns very happy."
"What do you mean?"
"Lucky Santangelo Golden being escorted across the ballroom by bad-boy director Alex Woods."
Alex laughed. "Big fucking deal."
"Where's Pia?" Lucky inquired. "And where exactly did you come up with this one?"
"You seem to be under the impression that I only date bimbos and actresses," Alex said. "Well, let me tell you, this one's a very capable lawyer."
"She is?" Lucky said, trying to keep the amusement out of her voice.
"What's the matter with you?" Alex said irritably. "Don't you think an attractive woman can function as a lawyer?"
"Sure I do. And if this one's so smart, maybe she'll last longer than five minutes."
"You can be such a bitch."
"I can be a good friend too. Never forget that, Alex."
"There is something I'll never forget."
"What?" she said, before she could stop herself.
"Remember that one special night long ago and far away?"
"No, Alex, I do not remember it. We both promised we would forget it ever happened. And if you ever tell Lennie, I will personally slice your balls off with a blunt knife. Do you get the picture?"
"Yes, ma'am," he said, thinking that only Lucky could come up with such a descriptive phrase.
"It's not funny," she said sternly. "I am quite serious, so quit with the shit-eating grin and let's go back to the table, where I'll try to be nice to Mia or Pia, or whatever her name is."
"If I didn't know you better," Alex said, fixing her with a quizzical look, "I'd think you were jealous of all my girlfriends."
"I told you the problem, Alex. I've got to talk to them; you get to fuck 'em."
"Hey," he said, straight faced. "You think it's fun for me? One blow job and they expect me to return the compliment."
She shook her head. "You're absolutely incorrigible."
"Thanks," he said, with a big crocodile grin. "I love it when you talk dirty!"
Table of Contents
Before the live chat, Jackie Collins agreed to answer some of our questions:Q: Isn't there a lot of sex in your books?A: Of course! People enjoy having great sex, and I'm sure they enjoy reading about it! Erotic sex as opposed to rude sex -- which is what a lot of men write. I like to make the sex in my books fun and a turn-on, but I also write about married sex, which I think is lacking in most novels. I write books that people can have a good time with in every way, so that if they pick up one of my novels, they can get lost in a visual trip, because I am writing about Hollywood from the inside, not the outside. Lucky and Lennie in Dangerous Kiss have great married sex!
Q: What is it about Lucky that makes her such a popular heroine?
A: Lucky is the kind of woman who does all the things that most women would love to do, and says all the things that most women would love to say, and yet Lucky says it to them and gets away with it. She is strong, sexy, dynamic, and dangerous! She is the woman we would all like to be!
Q: What's in store for Lucky after Dangerous Kiss?
A: Dangerous Kiss is the fifth book about Lucky Santangelo, and I could go on writing about her forever, because I am writing about her life and the things that happen to her. But I am also very fond of a character I created in L.A. Connections, Madison Castelli, and I think I shall write about Madison in the new book I am working on now, Lethal Seduction. Madison is also a dangerous, sexy, smart woman and a strong character. However, there will never be another Lucky Santangelo!
What People are Saying About This
When she was 12 years old she remembers watching her father snatch a plate of food and threw it at her mother.
That incident changed Jackie Collins forever. The glamorous and successful author of 22 books says, "To me that was a pivotal event because it showed me the inequality between the sexes."
On Tuesday, June 8th, welcomed Jackie Collins to discuss DANGEROUS KISS.
Moderator: Welcome, Jackie Collins. We feel so lucky that you could join us this evening to discuss DANGEROUS KISS. How are things this evening?
Jackie Collins: I'm delighted to be here tonight. DANGEROUS KISS has got off to a flying start.
Tara Leone from Short Hills: What does the title refer to? Lucky's little dalliance with Alex Woods, perhaps? I can't wait to read DANGEROUS KISS. Thanks for the hours of fun reading.
Jackie Collins: Thank you, Tara. Yes, it does refer to Lucky's unspoken affair with Alex Woods. She loves her husband, but Alex is a forbidden temptation she can barely resist.
Donald from Lexington, KY: Do you have a favorite character in DANGEROUS KISS -- a character you most enjoyed creating?
Jackie Collins: I am very fond of Charlie Dollar -- Charlie is a 50-something, stoned movie star whom women love! And he has an affair with Lina, the sleek black supermodel with the burning ambition to become a movie star. Both characters are slightly off the wall and edgy, but great fun to write.
Sandy D. from Detroit: How would you categorize your novels? Women's fiction? Romance? Suspense?
Jackie Collins: I would say I write books about relationships. Sometimes they are romantic, sometimes they are edgy, and at all times they are an adventure, because when I am writing my books, my characters take me on a wild trip.
Maxine from California: Is Lennie ever going to find out about that one-night stand between her and Alex?
Jackie Collins: This I will have to resolve in a [future] book about Lucky. So far he doesn't know, and Lucky prefers to keep it that way.
Sarah Sager from Cole Valley, CA: Do you have a model for Lucky Santangelo? What inspires you to put her in the situations that she's in, her decisions and the people she meets?
Jackie Collins: It's almost as though when I'm writing Lucky, she becomes a real person and takes me over. I just follow where my pen takes me, because I write my books in longhand and I have no plan of how they are going to plot out. However, I wanted to create a really strong female character.
Bob from Maine: I was wondering what it takes to be a great writer. I have a way with words and great ideas but lack the rest, or at least I'm not really sure of any ideas on how to get started and where to submit information for possible publishing.
Jackie Collins: I think, Bob, it is the dream of everyone to write a book. And if you have good ideas, you should sit down and start writing. If you do that, you will soon have something you can show to an agent or a publisher and let them make the decision whether you are worth publishing or not. But don't be disillusioned by turndowns. Some writers are turned down many times before they get their first break.
Felicia Sattler from Greenville: What I like about your novels is that there's such a diverse group of age ranges, races, sexual preferences. I'm assuming that's intentional, and I'm hoping to hear your thoughts on including this diversity. Thanks.
Jackie Collins: Yes, I always try to write the world as I see it, and the world as I see it is full of all kinds of people. Black, white, Hispanic, Chinese, whatever. And the world as I see it is also all different ages.
Samantha from Pennsylvania: What is your next book, LETHAL SEDUCTION, about?
Jackie Collins: LETHAL SEDUCTION will be about three women who go to Las Vegas and inadvertently become involved with the mob. It's a black comedy. And then after that I'm writing HOLLYWOOD WIVES, THE NEW MILLENNIUM, where I will bring back some of the old familiar characters.
Sumita Dalal from New Jersey: In DANGEROUS KISS, a gun is used that one of the teenagers stole from an adult in the household. Seems pretty timely, with all the school shootings that have happened over the past year. What are your thoughts on gun control?
Jackie Collins: I feel very strongly that automatic weapons should not be allowed to be sold, because to me they are weapons of war. And I fail to see why they are necessary on the streets of America. However, I feel that you should be allowed to possess a handgun that is licensed, and if you are found with an unlicensed gun, there should be a very stiff penalty.
Susan from Michigan: Do you and your sister have a writing rivalry?
Jackie Collins: Absolutely not. My sister is a very fine actress who just sometimes dabbles in writing, usually nonfiction books.
Sams from Fresno: What can we expect from DANGEROUS KISS? How similar is it to all of your other Lucky Santangelo novels?
Jackie Collins: I think the only similarity is that I am writing about the continuation of Lucky Santangelo's life, and her life is really complicated and interesting. I loved writing DANGEROUS KISS and bringing back some of the old familiar characters, such as Lennie Golden, Lucky's husband; Venus Maria, the controversial, sexy video superstar who also happens to be Lucky's best friend; and Brigitte Stanispolous, the goddaughter of Lucky, who is now a supermodel in New York and becomes hooked on heroin by a villainous boyfriend.
Lisa S. from Springfield: How close to real life are your characters? Do you base them on actual people?
Jackie Collins: Yes, I do take bits and pieces of people from the world of Hollywood that I know so well. It is quite easy for me to create the guessing game, and people love to play it.
David from New Jersey: Which book is your favorite?
Jackie Collins: Well, it's difficult to say, David. Obviously the latest one is very close to my heart, but I would have to say that CHANCES is my all-time favorite, because Lucky was born in CHANCES and she is my favorite character. I also loved writing her father, Gino Santangelo, from an early age.
Kathryn from California: I just read DANGEROUS KISS and loved it, and I wanted to know, is Alex such a temptation for Lucky because he looks like her ideal for a man before she got married?
Jackie Collins: I think in life there are temptations, and most women know this. To be tempted is good; to resist temptation shows great strength of character. Lucky considers Alex Woods a DANGEROUS KISS, and instead of having a wild affair they become best friends, but the sexual tension is always present. I'm delighted you enjoyed the book!
Shep from Toronto: What do you think are the benefits of writing a series character like you have done with Lucky Santangelo? And what do you think are the drawbacks of writing a series character?
Jackie Collins: The drawback is that it's incredibly difficult sometimes remembering every detail of Lucky's life from four previous novels about her. But the good side is that I know her so well, and I and my readers love her so much, that it's fun to continue her wild and wonderful life.
Jamie W. from Flushing: Once you finish a book, do you find it hard to let Lucky go? How close are you to Lucky -- do you ever find yourself saying, "What would Lucky do?" or "That's something Lucky would say."
Jackie Collins: Very good question, Jamie. Yes, when I was held up in my car several years ago by a masked gunman with an Uzi machine gun, I was writing the miniseries of LADY BOSS, and in that moment of disbelief, as the gun was waved two inches from my face, it flashed through my mind, "What would Lucky do?" and without hesitation I hit the gas pedal and took off. Thank you, Lucky. I think she saved my life.
Jess Goichman from Greenwich: I love reading your books -- there's so much action and beautiful and diverse people jam-packed in them. I imagine that your life is just like that. Is it?
Jackie Collins: If my life was like my characters', I would be permanently exhausted! I work very hard, but I also play hard too. And the combination seems to work for me. I absolutely love what I do. People say to me, I couldn't put your book down, and I think it's because when I'm writing, I can't put my pen down.
Summer from New York: Are you planning any book signings soon in this area?
Jackie Collins: Today I went around New York and signed books in most of the city bookstores -- Barnes & Noble, Borders, and the Madison Avenue Bookshop. So if you want a signed copy of DANGEROUS KISS, call up your local Barnes & Noble and they can probably oblige.
Moderator: How do you plan on spending this New Year's Eve?
Jackie Collins: I'm going to a very glamorous fancy dress party in Hollywood, and right now I'm trying to decide who I should go as. I kind of like the idea of dressing up as Al Capone!
Moderator: Please describe your ideal summer vacation.
Jackie Collins: Hopefully I will be taking it very soon -- a private cruise along the Italian coastline, visiting places like Portofino, Capri, and Positano. I can't wait! And then I shall write about it so you can all share it with me.
Randi from Florida: So are there any more Lucky books in the future?
Jackie Collins: I think she will be back by popular demand. She gets older and better like a good wine!
Reynolds from Savannah, GA: What do you consider your primary objective before you start a book? Do you write to entertain? Thanks! I can't wait to read your new book; I have enjoyed just about every book that you have written.
Jackie Collins: Basically I write for myself. It is very rewarding to have a lot of people out there who enjoy reading my books, but I have no formula. I sit down with a blank piece of paper and just wait for my characters to take me on a wild trip. I have fun when I'm writing, and I hope that you, the readers, have just as much fun when you are reading me. Some people say that they consider my books like a box of chocolates, and they have to devour them very, very slowly so they can last longer!
Sandra from Biloxi, MS: Lucky is such a dynamic character. Do you feel that strong female characters don't have enough of a presence out there today?
Jackie Collins: I certainly think that men writing what they think are strong women don't quite get it. They write these strong female characters who are waiting for some guy to ask them to get married. This is not women's prime objective in the '90s. Lucky has a great marriage, but she would probably be just as fulfilled if she were on her own.
Tally Aquilio from Texas: I love the fact that Lennie and Lucky are so in love. It seems like such an anomaly in California these days. As their creator, what do you think the secrets are to their relationship's success?
Jackie Collins: I think that Lennie and Lucky like each other very much. Of course they are soulmates, but they are also strong people who have formed an unbreakable bond and respect each other and have great sex! I enjoy writing great married sex -- it makes such a refreshing change, as most people write about miserable married sex.
Debbie from Rockville, MD: Whom do you envision when you write Lucky's character? Also, do you think she has evolved or changed since you first introduced her to readers a couple of books back?
Jackie Collins: I think that Lucky has certainly changed. She has become older and wiser, but that doesn't mean that she has lost her wild streak. I was very happy with the two actresses who portrayed Lucky in my miniseries on NBC, Nicolette Sheridan in "Lucky Chances" and Kim Delaney in "Lady Boss." Both of them made incredible Luckys.
Fiona from New York City: Are you happy with the movies that are being made and the books that are being written as we approach the millennium? What would be your constructive criticism?
Jackie Collins: I love some movies we're seeing on the screen today, but a lot of them are too concerned with violence and in a way seem almost anti-female, so I would tell the guys in Hollywood to lighten up and make more romantic comedies and fun movies. As far as books are concerned, there are too many fictional serial-killer books out there. Boring! Not to mention, much too graphic. A good storyteller can create the event without using all the graphic details.
Lisa from Springfield, NJ: I interpreted DANGEROUS KISS to be about Brigette and her involvement with the wrong men.... Did this title have several meanings?
Jackie Collins: Yes, DANGEROUS KISS refers to Lucky's unspoken affair with the danger of Alex Woods, but it also refers to Brigette's deadly meeting with the Italian count, who forces her to become hooked on heroin. DANGEROUS KISS also encompasses the affair between Charlie Dollar and Lina, and 16-year-old Teddy Washington's fatal kiss with the housekeeper's daughter, who leads him into more trouble than he's ever been in in his life.
Lisa from NY Metro: In your future Lucky books, will there be wild adventures with little Gino, Maria, Bobby, and Leonardo? I picture them growing up to be like their famous mom and grandpa.
Jackie Collins: You are absolutely right. I see a great future for Bobby, Lucky's 16-year-old son, who is already very handsome. Sort of like a JFK Jr. And yes, he has inherited Lucky's wild streak and the charismatic charm of his deceased Greek shipowner father, Dimitri. Bobby is certainly destined to be a major character in a future Santangelo novel.
Brenda Banks from Milwaukee, WI: Hello, Jackie Collins. I am curious to know what type of feedback you get from Hollywood. Is it generally positive?
Jackie Collins: I think a lot of people in Hollywood read and love my books, fortunately! Sometimes they get a little upset, especially the women from HOLLYWOOD WIVES. But usually the response is very positive, because they recognize all the people I'm writing about and I change the names to protect the not-so-innocent!
Moderator: Thank you so much for joining us this evening, Jackie Collins. We hope that you will join us again in the near future. Any parting words for the online audience?
Jackie Collins: I would just like to say it was really fun talking to you all tonight, and I thank you for your continued support of my books. You keep reading -- and I'll keep writing! Have a great rest of the evening. Fondest love, Jackie Collins.