

by Kalmbach Publishing Co
Current Issue: September-October 2024

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by Kalmbach Publishing Co

NOOK Magazine

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Discover magazine takes you on the most exciting adventure of our times: The scientific quest to uncover our origins, understand the world around us, and build a better future. With stunning photography and deeply personal writing, Discover connects you with the greatest ideas and minds in science. Its mission is to enlighten and challenge its readership in an engaging manner. Opinion makers, Nobel laureates, renegade scientists all meet in Discover ensuring that editors deliver the best in science journalism. Every issue provides readers with immediate access to startling developments in science, technology and medicine.

Discover magazine publishes monthly except February and August (10 issues per year)

Product Details

Publisher: Kalmbach Publishing Co
# of issues/year: 8
Delivered: Monthly
Current Issue: September-October 2024
Format: NOOK Magazine
These items ship to U.S. addresses only.
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