Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars: Fighting for Human Freedom During the Great Reset

Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars: Fighting for Human Freedom During the Great Reset

by Christopher A. Shaw
Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars: Fighting for Human Freedom During the Great Reset

Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars: Fighting for Human Freedom During the Great Reset

by Christopher A. Shaw


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Enter the trenches of the bloodiest battles you've never heard of: the Vaccine Wars.

Professor Christopher A Shaw discovered, after a deep-dive literature search on aluminum impacts on humans and animals, that aluminum hydroxide, an adjuvant in the anthrax vaccine, had a significantly negative impact on motor functions and reflexes of patients in the literature. After that finding, he did what scientists are supposed to do and kept following the leads. However, organizations like WHO dismissed him immediately. Those powerful organizations either knew what he knew, that aluminum vaccine adjuvants were harmful, or they simply didn’t care. In either case, two possible reasons for the lack of response became clear to Shaw and his colleagues: dogma and money. The first had served to convince most of the world’s medical professionals that Shaw had to be wrong because, after all, “the science was settled.” And, behind much of this was the naked fact of how much money vaccines brought in to cover the pharmaceutical industry’s profit margin. The combination of those two have the finger prints of various Big Pharma companies smudged all over the question of vaccine safety, which included the demonization of both scientists and lay scholars who raised even the tamest questions about safety and the push for vaccine mandates around the world. After these events, Shaw decided to dig deeper.

Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars is a comprehensive look at the origin of vaccination and the oversight of vaccines by various regulatory bodies in the United States and in Canada. The book provides not only the official view on vaccines safety and efficacy, but also provides a critical analysis on which such views are based. Aluminum and other compounds that may contribute to autism spectrum disorder are discussed at length. Professor Shaw also analyzes the corporate influences driving vaccine uptake worldwide and provides an in depth look at the push for mandatory vaccination. Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars evaluates the extent to which vaccinology has become a cult religion driving attempts to suppress divergent scientific opinions. Finally, the book delves into the COVID-19 pandemic and what it means for the future of us all.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781510758506
Publisher: Skyhorse
Publication date: 08/31/2021
Series: Children's Health Defense
Pages: 632
Sales rank: 1,144,269
Product dimensions: 6.10(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.80(d)

About the Author

Christopher A. Shaw is a full professor whose research focusses on ALS as well as neurotoxicity of aluminum from various sources, particularly in the form of vaccine adjuvants. He is the author of over 150 peer-reviewed papers, as well as numerous book chapters and reviews. He has five children, three of whom live with him in Victoria, British Columbia.

Read an Excerpt

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
—Melvin A. Benarde
The present book arose from diverse circumstances that were nevertheless related by a common theme: vaccine safety.
Vaccine safety, like the pejorative term “anti-vaxxer,” is a suitcase phrase in that within two simple words are a number of subthemes that span an enormous range. These include the concepts of what science is, and isn’t; what those who are pro- or anti-vaccine—not to mention a vast middle-of-the-road group—actually believe; the fears that people in both pro- and anti-camps harbor; how the questions raised by the various groupings have impacted and, in turn, been impacted by politicians; and, not least, the elephants in the room, the interlocking roles of the pharmaceutical industry (the “pharma”), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
The “pharma” is often seen in some circles as somehow a benign player. People, especially those whose stances tend to be highly on the pro-“vax” side, may acknowledge the serious money the industry makes from vaccines, acknowledge the very clear evidence that the same industry is rife with corruption and preventable disasters like Vioxx, and yet fail to see the possibility that money and corruption play a role in how vaccines are developed and rolled out to a public that has been trained to trust vaccine doctrine completely. Governmental agencies in the United States, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and internationally, such as WHO, are often seen as neutral and generally beneficial bodies, even by people normally distrustful of pretty much anything governments do. This odd phenomenon crosses the political divide, often in some very peculiar ways.
I came into research in the vaccine safety area quite by chance. First, I should point out that I am not an ophthalmologist regardless of the medical department I am in at my university. In actual fact, I am a neuroscientist by training and profession who happens to be in an ophthalmology department solely because I once did basic research into eye disorders. Indeed, for much of my career as a scientist, I had pretty much no views on vaccines at all, apart from what I had learned as an undergraduate and graduate student that vaccines were uniformly safe and effective. This was all it seemed that I needed to know for many years. That view did not change until about 2005.
That was the year when a graduate student in my laboratory and I decided to seek another cluster of Lou Gehrig’s disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS). In brief, my laboratory had been studying the cluster of ALS on Guam and decided that, to find more clues to this disorder, we had to broaden our search. To do so, we sought another cluster that might serve to diminish the number of potential causes of the disease.
In due course, we found one in Gulf War Syndrome, the mysterious multisystem disorder that emerged after the American Coalition’s 1991 war against Iraq. In this syndrome, ALS incidence in Coalition soldiers appeared to occur at a much higher incidence, and at a much younger age, than in the general population.
In turn, our reading of the published literature led to the emerging epidemiology on the syndrome that, in some cases, pointed the finger at the anthrax vaccine that most soldiers had received. The correlation with this vaccine seemed to be independent of whether the soldiers actually deployed to the Gulf or not. This fact alone seemed to rule out environmental factors that arose during the war such as exposure to oil well fires or anti-nerve gas agents.
With this as a background, we attempted to purchase the anthrax vaccine, made at that time by a company called BioPort. BioPort refused to sell us the vaccines, so we decided to simply look at the listed ingredients and try the components individually that, based on the scientific literature, seemed most likely to be involved. Two such ingredients stood out, both adjuvants, or helpers, to the vaccine: aluminum salts, such as aluminum hydroxide; and squalene, a tripertene. The first was acknowledged to be in the vaccine; the second was not, but other investigators were able to show that it was there in at least some of the anthrax vaccine vials. Aluminum was recognized as a neurotoxin even then.
We conducted a typical in vivo animal model study in which we injected young male mice with a weight-adjusted amount of aluminum hydroxide or squalene, versus both, and all compared to control mice getting only saline. At this time, we felt that we would fairly rapidly discover that there were no negative effects and go back to look for other possible causal factors for Gulf War Syndrome.
To our surprise, we found that the aluminum, in particular, had a significantly negative impact on motor functions and reflexes. Further, histological examinations showed that the motor cortex and spinal cords of the aluminum-treated mice had significant increases in motor neuron degeneration.
Now intrigued, from that point on we did what scientists are supposed to do and kept following the leads. The emerging data in adult and young mice supported the general notion that aluminum was harmful to the central nervous system (CNS). This alone was not particularly surprising, as we were to discover when we began a detailed survey of the existing experimental literature.
We went on from this early work to publish a number of reviews, experimental studies, and other commentaries on aluminum (see Chapter 5).
In science, provocative results are supposed to be met with attempts by others to replicate the findings in order to see if the data hold up to scrutiny. Indeed, various researchers were finding the same things we had seen. In contrast, agencies like WHO did not have experimental data, but rather simply dismissed our work out of hand using one of their sub-bodies, the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS). Here is their comment in reference to several of our studies:
The GACVS reviewed 2 published papers alleging that aluminium in vaccines is associated with autism spectrum disorders 3,4 and the evidence generated from quantitative risk assessment by a US FDA pharmacokinetic model of aluminium-containing vaccines. GACVS considers that these 2 studies 3, 4 are seriously flawed. The core argument made in these studies is based on ecological comparisons of aluminium content in vaccines and rates of autism spectrum disorders in several countries. In general, ecological studies cannot be used to assert a causal association because they do not link exposure to outcome in individuals, and only make correlations of exposure and outcomes on population averages. Therefore, their value is primarily for hypothesis generation. However, there are additional concerns with those studies that limit any potential value for hypothesis generation. These include: incorrect assumptions about known associations of aluminium with neurological disease, uncertainty of the accuracy of the autism spectrum disorder prevalence rates in different countries, and accuracy of vaccination schedules and resulting calculations of aluminium doses in different countries.
In Chapter 5, we will see if the WHO/GAVCS comments are valid or not.
The second convergent event in my personal trajectory into vaccine research was actually a series of events that began to suggest to me that we were not wading into just any “typical” medical controversy such as those that populate ALS or other neurological disease research areas, but rather one that had frankly religious overtones. Actually, as we came to see, it was more cult-like than simply religious.
I had also begun to realize that “talking truth to power” was not sufficient. Power in this case either knew what we knew, that is, that aluminum vaccine adjuvants are harmful, or simply didn’t care. In either case, two possible reasons for the lack of response became clear: dogma and money. The first had served to convince most of the world’s medical professionals that we had to be wrong because, after all, “the science was settled.” And behind much of this was the naked fact of how much money vaccines brought into the pharmaceutical industry’s profit margin.
The combination of these two, in turn, led to a series of actions that I believe have the fingerprints of the various companies smudged all over the question of vaccine safety. These included the demonization of both scientists and lay scholars who raised even the tamest questions about safety and the push for vaccine mandates around the world.
In the first case, we have seen this before when various industries find their products threatened, as will be discussed at length in later chapters. In other words, the attack on independent scientists studying vaccine safety was nothing new.
As so often in history, attempts to suppress people, either with mandates or anything else, tend to have predicable consequences, namely, pushback and outright resistance, actions that were emerging even before the COVID-19 pandemic rocked the world.
What had started as a fight for vaccine safety has since rapidly emerged as a fight for basic human rights, in this case that of security of the person.
Whatever the politicians and their pharma backers thought they might achieve by pushing for mandates has hit a wall of resistance, resistance that seemed to be growing then, and even more now, as this book goes to press: the more those in power push, the more they threaten and demean those critical of any aspect of vaccine safety, the greater the resistance grows. Anyone who has ever studied counterinsurgency warfare knows precisely how this process works and what the end result is likely to be. Fear can only be maintained for so long, even if it is increased by pandemics real or imagined.
What was emerging pre-COVID-19 and since can be described, fairly accurately I think, as a war. Not a war involving weapons, thankfully, at least not yet, but one of ideas and about rights. Hence, the title of this book. In the following pages, I will attempt to dissect the various issues that have emerged, and continue to emerge.
Certainly the most dramatic event to emerge since this book was started has been the COVID-19 pandemic, which is ongoing as I write and which will certainly be with us as the book goes to press and beyond. COVID-19 as a disease and the social and political responses to it, fanned by very accommodating media, are likely to be some of the long range aspects of the “new normal.”
COVID-19, from its origins to the future, is the subject of a separate chapter that was not planned when this book was begun. However, I think readers will see in the pre-COVID-19 history what should have been clues to future events that have since transpired. There are various books critical of vaccines, of course. And there are many books taking the opposite tack. Instead of trying to put myself into either camp, I have chosen to go back to basics and try to see what history and science actually tell us about vaccine safety. In so doing, I expect to find opponents from both camps. Some will think I am too “anti-vax” (many already do) for pointing out the flaws in vaccine theory, development, and administration. Others will find me not critical enough. My feeling is that getting vitriol from both sides is the right place to be. Individual readers will decide for themselves.
Needless to say, none of what follows should be considered to reflect the views of my current employer, the University of British Columbia, as it most certainly does not. I will discuss this point in some detail as I think it illustrates how heavily the pharmaceutical industry influences academia.
There are many people to thank, whose contributions I have already acknowledged. The discerning reader will note that some entities and individuals are deliberately not mentioned.
Last issues: In a book attempting to cover so much territory, there will be omissions and gaps, and not everything that might be cited has been. The subject of vaccines and vaccine safety with all of the associated scientific and social ramifications is just too broad. I apologize for any items that I missed and mean no slight to any of the authors of such articles or books.
Additionally, early on in the process of writing this book, I solicited opinions from a range of individuals on topics such as vaccine mandates. By no means was this a rigorous selection process: I simply sent a questionnaire to people I knew. I viewed this as a “temperature check” on various issues. The verbatim responses are shown in supplementary material.
“Fight the power; do no harm,” the slogan of the late Black Cross Medical Collective, expresses the basics of my social and medical beliefs, and most of what follows in the rest of the book is from this perspective.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments xv

Preface xvi

Foreword Robert F. Kennedy Jr. xxi

Chapter 1 Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars: An Introduction 1

In the Beginning … 1

The Scientific Method and What Science Can and Can't Do 5

Occam's Razor and the Role of External Players 10

The Benefits versus the Adverse Effects of Vaccines 11

What Evidence Should Any Side in the Vaccine Wars Present To Best Support Their Position? (Part 1) 14

The Combatants and Bystanders in the Vaccine Wars 16

The "Pro-Vaccine" Camp 16

True "Anti-Vaccine" Proponents 19

The Vaccine-Hesitant or Resistant 20

The Remainder 21

Once an "Anti-Vaxxer," Always an "Anti-Vaxxer" 22

Science Literacy versus Illiteracy: It's Not Just Confined to Lay People 23

How Much Vaccine Education Does One Get in Medical School? 25

Residencies 28

Back to What Science Is (and Isn't) 28

A Brief Introduction to the Wakefield Controversy 29

Chapter 2 Vaccination History, Theory, and Practice: A Brief Overview 31

Edward Jenner and the Formal Beginning of Vaccination 31

The Ethics of Vaccination 37

Vaccine Theory and Practice after Jenner 39

Vaccinology: The Methods and Practice of Making Vaccines 42

Note concerning Excipients in Vaccines 46

The "Official" Story of Vaccines 46

What Evidence Should Any Side in the Vaccine Wars Present To Best Support Their Position? (Part 2) 48

Coincidence versus Causality and the Hill Criteria 50

Model Systems 53

Computer Modeling 54

In Vitro Modeling 54

In Vivo Animal Studies 54

Types of Clinical Trials in Medicine 55

Some Ethical Concerns about Clinical Studies 61

Bias in Clinical Trials and Particularly in relation to Vaccine Studies 63

Surrogate Markers in Vaccines 64

Chapter 3 Health Consequences of Vaccination and the "Official" Story 70

Immunology and the Nervous System 70

The Safety and Effectiveness of Vaccines: The "Official" Narrative 76

Are Vaccines Safe? 76

The Nature of Experimental Controls 80

The AAP List of Vaccine Safety Studies 82

The Other Articles Cited by AAP 89

Overall Evaluation of the AAP's Vaccine Safety List of Publications 90

The IOM's Stratton et al. Report on Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality 91

Overall Evaluation of Stratton et al. 95

The CDC's List of Vaccine Safety Studies 96

Overall Evaluation of the CDC's Vaccine Safety List of Publications 99

Overall Evaluation of AAP and CDC Vaccine Safety Studies 100

Taylor et al.'s Curious Epilogue 100

Another Critique from an Independent Scientist on Vaccine Safety Studies 102

Other Critiques of Mainstream Studies 105

Studies of Vaccine Effectiveness 105

Claims, Controversies, and the Danger of "Cherry-Picking" 111

The Calls for a "Vaxxed" versus "Unvaxxed" Study 113

Vaccine Licensing and Surveillance Programs in the United States and Canada 116

Licensing in the United States 116

Adverse Effects of Vaccines 118

Vaccine Safety Surveillance: FDA and CDC 119

Canada 122

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program 126

Concluding Remarks 130

Chapter 4 Vaccine Safety: The View from the Skeptical Side of the House 131

The Origins of Vaccine Skepticism 131

Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 134

Classical Autism 134

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 135

Temporal Increases in ASD Prevalence 136

ASD and the Evidence for Genetic Causality 137

Environmental Factors 138

Changing DSM Criteria 139

Better Diagnosis/Greater Social and Medical Awareness 141

Linkage of an Increased Vaccine Schedule with Increases in ASD 142

The Curious History of the (In)famous Wakefield et al. (1998) Study and Its Aftermath 142

The Editor of BMJ, Fiona Godlee, Supported Deer's Allegations 150

Measles Outbreaks: The Necessary Bogeyman to Drive Vaccine Mandates (At Least until COVID-19) 159

Herd Immunity: What It Is, and What It Isn't 165

Moving the "Goal Posts" in the Search for ASD Etiology (Part 1) 168

Chapter 5 On Mercury and Aluminum: General Aspects of Neurotoxicity and the Role of Aluminum Adjuvants 171

Moving the "Goalposts" in the Search for ASD Causality (Part 2) 171

Thimerosal and ASD 175

The Neural Toxicity of Hg 175

Scientific Reviews of Thimerosal Toxicity 177

Simpsonwood Meeting on Thimerosal 177

The IOC's Contribution to the Question of Thimerosal and Autism 185

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Book 187

Thimerosal and Autism: Conclusions and Speculations 189

Aluminum Chemistry and Place in the Biosphere 191

Sources of Aluminum Exposure in Humans 192

Aluminum and Human Health 194

The Rationale for Using Aluminum in Vaccines 197

In Vivo and Human Studies of Aluminum Adjuvant Neurotoxicity 199

Modeling Studies of Aluminum Pharmacokinetics 202

Questions about Aluminum and Immunotherapy in relation to Pediatric Vaccine Schedules 205

The Unlikely Assertions of Dr. Paul Offit and CHOP 208

Aluminum and Autoimmunity 208

What Do We Know about Aluminum Adjuvants and ASD? 210

Aluminum and Biosemiosis 212

What Do the Leading US Health Organizations Know about Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines? 214

Summary of the Effects of Aluminum in Vaccines 215

Chapter 6 The Vaccine Wars and the Pro-Vaccine "Thought Leaders" 218

On War Metaphors 218

The "Thought Leaders" of the Pro-Vaccine Camp 220

Peter Hotez 233

Harassment of Pro-Vaccine Advocates 234

Trust Us, Were Experts 236

Eating Their Own: What Happens to Pro-Vaccine Scientists and Physicians Who Step out of Line? 239

Cui Bono? 243

Chapter 7 The Resistance to Vaccination Policies: Vaccine Hesitancy to Outright Refusal 245

The Spectrum of Vaccine Resistance 245

Vaccine Resistance Demographics 247

More Demographics Arising from Vaccine Controversies 251

The Rise of the Vaccine-Hesitant Movement: What Are the Reasons? 255

Key Players in the Resistance to Mandatory Vaccination: Who Are They and Why Do They Believe What They Believe? 257

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 258

Del Bigtree 262

The Others 263

The Emerging Vaccine Skeptic's Literature 265

Chapter 8 Vaccine Ideology and Religion 266

Religion versus Science 266

Does Vaccinology Behave Like a Cult? 271

On Ideology 272

A Brief Excursion into North American Archeology 274

Ideological Constructs of Vaccination 277

Punishing the Apostates 281

A Consideration of Medical Ethics in Light of Vaccine Ideology 282

The Nuremberg Code 284

The Belmont Report 285

The Common Rule for the Protection of Human Subjects 286

Cloms (2002) 288

Chapter 9 Attack of the Bloggers 293

On Critics 293

One Conversation, the Event and the Outcomes 294

Dr. David Gorski, Here to Save Us All from Pseudoscience in Medicine 295

And Now, the Orac "Wannabes" 309

Weaponizing the Peer-Review System 312

Considering Sagan's Demon-Haunted World 319

Chapter 10 The "Trifecta" of Fear: The Media, the Medical Establishment, and the World Health Organization 322

Fear 322

The Role of the Mainstream Media in Inducing Fear of the Vaccine-Hesitant and COVID-19 324

It's Fun for Canadians to Beat Up on the American Media, but Before We Do … 326

The Mainstream Medical Establishment 333

Who Is the WHO, and What Do They Do? 336

What Is the Impact of This Triangulation of Forces on Dissent? 346

Chapter 11 Vaccines and the State of Exception 347

Vaccine and Other Mandates: Implications for Human Natural and Civil Rights 347

The Essential Nature of Governments of All Stripes 353

State of Exception 353

The State of Exception and the COVID-19 Pandemic 358

Fighting Back: The Resistance to State of Exception Ramps Up 360

The Future of Human Freedom in the Age of COVID-19 and the "New Normal" 365

Vaccine Mandates around the World 368

Chapter 12 Tangled Web: The WHO, Bill Gates, and the Pharmaceutical Cartel 370

Sorting Out Who's Who in the Herd in the Room 370

The Official and Unofficial History of Bill Gates 372

Bill Gates as the Media Normally Portrays Him 375

Bill Gates: Captured Media, Captured Audience 381

The Role of the Big Pharmaceutical Industry in Human Health and Disease 390

Converging Lines of Evidence about the Pharma and the Endgame for COVID-19 400

The Endgame Trajectory 402

Chapter 13 The Age of COVID-19: Fear, Loathing, and the "New Normal" 406

Introduction to COVID-19 406

COVID-19: The Early Days of a Pandemic 406

The Still-Unanswered Questions about COVID-19: A Preliminary Overview 409

The Origins of COVID-19 409

What Are the Pathological Impacts of COVID-19? 411

Respiratory 411

Cardiovascular 411

Renal and Hepatic Systems 411

Nervous System 412

How Severe is COVID-19 as an Infectious Disease in Humans? 412

Percentage of the Population Affected 412

More Numerical Comparisons 415

Juggling the Numbers of the Dead 416

Assays to Evaluate COVID-19: PCR versus Serology 416

Testing Protocols 416

PCR 416

Serology 421

Halting Disease Spread by Various Means: How Effective Are These Measures? 422

How Contagious is COVID-19 versus Influenza? 422

Masks 423

Social Distancing 426

Lockdowns 427

Monitoring 428

Reporting and Snitching 428

Vaccine Passports 428

Legislation 429

COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates 429

Social and Medical Consequences of COVID-19 Control Measures 430

Gaslighting the "Proles" for Fun and, Especially, for Profit 430

Animal and Human Studies Pre-COVID-19 431

The Other COVID-19 Vaccines 432

Human Trials: Efficacy Data for Moderna 433

Human Trials: Efficacy Data for Pfizer 435

Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca Efficacy Data with Their Viral Vector COVID-19 Vaccines 436

Johnson and Johnson 436

AstraZeneca 436

Summary for the Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines concerning Efficacy 436

mRNA Vaccine Safety Studies: Modernn, Phase 1 437

mRNA Vaccine Safety Studies: Moderna, Phase 3 437

mRNA Vaccine Safety Studies: Pfizer 439

Pfizer's FDA Briefing Document 439

What Could Go Wrong with mRNA Vaccines? 441

Safety Data for the Viral Vector Platforms: Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca 443

Johnson and Johnson 443

AstraZeneca 443

Summary of the Safety Data 443

Stability of mRNA Vaccines 443

Insider Trading? 444

The Normal Trajectory of Viral Pandemics and Epidemics: Evidence from the Past 445

A Look at Pandemics and Epidemics of the Past 445

The "Spanish Flu" Pandemic 445

Guam and ALS-PDC 446

Predictions on the Pandemic: Three Time Points in the First Year of COVID-19 447

March 23, 2020 447

May 2020 448

June to the End of November, 2020 452

Summary 454

Triangulating the WEF and the "Great Reset" 454

Converging Lines of Evidence on the Great Reset 460

The Essential Role of the Captured Media in the Great Reset 461

On Mandates and Lawsuits 463

Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic 464

The Future of COVID-19 and Us 465

Epilogue 466

Chapter 14 Future Tense: The Lady or the Tiger? 468

Introduction to the End State 468

This Book and Me 470

ASD, The Resolution: Did Vaccines Cause It? 471

Recommendations for Future Vaccine Safety Studies 473

Speaking Truth to Power 475

Some Thoughts on Dunning-Kruger 476

The Hibernation of the Left 478

Battle Procedure and COVID-19 480

Vaccine Safety Pre- and Post-the "New Normal" in the Age of COVID-19 482

Social and Medical Consequences of Health/Vaccine Mandates 485

Social Movements and Infighting: The Vaccine-Hesitant Movement and the Lurch to the Right 488

Cui Bono, Redux 489

The Pharma and the Expression of Medical Fascism 490

Is There a Growing Merger between Vaccine Resistance and Resistance to Corporate Control? 492

The Third Way 494

The Lady or the Tiger? 495

Where Do I Stand? 496

Fiction 496

Nonfiction: Bench Science 497

My Views on Vaccines and Autism 498

On Justice 499

Epilogue 501

Endnotes 503

Sources for Figures and Tables 596

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