Evolution of Economic Thought / Edition 8

Evolution of Economic Thought / Edition 8

by Stanley Brue
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Cengage Learning
Evolution of Economic Thought / Edition 8

Evolution of Economic Thought / Edition 8

by Stanley Brue
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The Evolution of Economic Thought, 6/e presents the history of economics and the philosophies that drive the economic way of thinking. It stresses the importance of understanding contemporary economics, by grasping new ideas, evidence, problems and values that call for reconsideration of basic disputes and major contributions of the past. The textbook explains the ideas of the great economic thinkers and their logical connections to the world of today and tomorrow. Updated pedagogial features provide clear insight into issues like antitrust perspectives and game theory. Introducing ideas like Robert Solow's pioneering model to discuss recent renewed emphasis on growth theory and technological change, the author sheds historical light on modern debates and thoughts. Stanley Brue once again carries on the legacy of Jacob Oser, the book's creator, by offering a scholarly and timely presentation of the history of economic thought.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 2901111823688
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Publication date: 05/30/2012
Edition description: New Edition
Pages: 600
Product dimensions: 7.30(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.90(d)

About the Author

Stanley L. Brue did his undergraduate work at Augustana College (S.D.) and received its Distinguished Achievement Award in 1991. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska Lincoln. He is a professor at Pacific Lutheran University where he has been honored as a recipient of the Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement Award. Professor Brue has also received the national Leavey Award for excellence in economic education. He has served as national president and chair of the Board of Trustees of Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honorary. For relaxation, he enjoys international travel, attending sporting events, and skiing with family and friends.

Table of Contents

1Introduction and Overview2
A Time Scale of Economic Ideas3
The Five Major Questions5
The Value of Studying Economics and Its History9
AppendixHistory of Economic Thought: Information Sources12
2The Mercantilist School16
Overview of Mercantilism17
Past as Prologue 2-1Mercantilism and the Supply of Labor21
Thomas Mun24
Past as Prologue 2-2Lingering Mercantilism25
Gerard Malynes27
Charles Davenant28
Jean Baptiste Colbert29
Sir William Petty31
3The Physiocratic School36
Overview of the Physiocrats37
Francois Quesnay41
Past as Prologue 3-1Quesnay and the Circular Flow Diagram45
Anne Robert Jacques Turgot46
4The Classical School--Forerunners50
Overview of the Classical School51
Sir Dudley North56
Richard Cantillon58
David Hume61
Past as Prologue 4-1Hume and Cooperation65
5The Classical School--Adam Smith68
Biographical Details69
Important Influences70
The Theory of Moral Sentiments71
Wealth of Nations74
The Economic Laws of a Competitive Economy80
Past as Prologue 5-1Adam Smith and Efficiency Wages85
6The Classical School--Thomas Malthus94
Historical and Intellectual Setting95
Malthus's Population Theory98
Past as Prologue 6-1Malthus and Modern-Day Famine102
The Theory of Market Gluts103
Assessment of Malthus's Contributions105
7The Classical School - David Ricardo110
Biographical Details111
The Currency Question113
The Theory of Diminishing Returns and Rent114
The Theory of Exchange Value and Relative Prices118
The Distribution of Income121
Past as Prologue 7-1The Ricardian Equivalence Theorem122
Policy Implications126
Ricardo on Unemployment129
8The Classical School - Bentham, Say, Senior, and Mill134
Jeremy Bentham135
Past as Prologue 8-1Aquinas, Bentham, and Fisher on Usury140
Jean-Baptiste Say142
Past as Prologue 8-2Say and Rent Seeking144
Nassau William Senior145
John Stuart Mill149
Past as Prologue 8-3Mill, Taylor, and the Rights of Women151
9The Rise of Socialist Thought162
Overview of Socialism163
Henri Comte de Saint-Simon170
Charles Fourier172
Simonde de Sismondi174
Robert Owen176
Louis Blanc180
Charles Kingsley182
10Marxian Socialism186
Biographical Details and Intellectual Influences187
Marx's Theory of History189
The "Law of Motion" of Capitalist Society191
The Law of Motion of Capitalism: A Summary201
Assessment of Marx's Economics203
Past as Prologue 10-1The Collapse of Marxism207
11The German Historical School210
Overview of the German Historical School211
Friedrich List215
Past as Prologue 11-1List and Strategic Trade Theory218
Wilhelm Roscher219
Gustav Schmoller221
Max Weber224
A Postscript225
12The Marginalist School - Forerunners228
Overview of the Marginalist School229
Antoine Augustin Cournot234
Jules Dupuit239
Johann Heinrich von Th"unen242
Past as Prologue 12-1Gossen: Utility and Belated Fame243
13The Marginalist School - Jevons, Menger, von Wieser, and von Bohm-Bawerk248
William Stanley Jevons249
Past as Prologue 13-1Jevons: Is Gambling Rational?256
Carl Menger257
Friedrich von Wieser262
Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk266
14The Marginalist School - Edgeworth and Clark272
Francis Y. Edgeworth273
John Bates Clark281
Past as Prologue 14-1Jacob Viner's Cost Curves282
Past as Prologue 14-2Clark, Marginal Productivity, and Executive Salaries291
15The Neoclassical School -- Alfred Marshall294
Marshall's Life and Method295
Utility and Demand297
Equilibrium Price and Quantity305
Distribution of Income308
Increasing and Decreasing Cost Industries312
Past as Prologue 15-1Why Do Firms Exist?313
16The Neoclassical School -- Monetary Economics320
John Gustav Knut Wicksell322
Irving Fisher328
Ralph George Hawtrey335
Past as Prologue 16-1Hawtrey and Active Monetary Policy, 1982-Present338
17The Neoclassical School -- The Departure from Pure Competition342
Piero Sraffa344
Edward Hastings Chamberlin347
Joan Robinson351
Past as Prologue 17-1Principals, Agents, and X-Inefficiency352
Past as Prologue 17-2Robinson, Monopsony, and Public Policy359
18Mathematical Economics364
Types of Mathematical Economics365
Leon Walras372
Wassily Leontief374
John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern377
John R. Hicks380
Past as Prologue 18-1John Nash: Discovery, Despair, and the Nobel Prize381
Linear Programming387
19The Institutionalist School392
Overview of the Institutionalist School393
Thorstein Bunde Veblen398
Past as Prologue 19-1Veblen Goods and Upsloping Demand Curves401
Wesley Clair Mitchell409
John Kenneth Galbraith413
Past as Prologue 19-2Douglass North and the New Institutionalism419
20Welfare Economics422
Vilfredo Pareto423
Arthur Cecil Pigou427
Past as Prologue 20-1Pigou and Coase on Externalities432
Ludwig von Mises433
Oscar Lange435
Kenneth Arrow437
James M. Buchanan440
21The Keynesian School - John Maynard Keynes446
Overview of the Keynesian School447
John Maynard Keynes452
Past as Prologue 21-1Keynes and the Stockholm School463
22The Keynesian School -- Developments Since Keynes468
Alvin H. Hansen469
Paul A. Samuelson476
Past as Prologue 22-1Abba Lerner and the "Keynesian Steering Wheel"477
The Post-Keynesians484
The New Keynesians487
23Theories of Economic Growth and Development492
Sir Roy F. Harrod and Evsey Domar494
Robert M. Solow496
Joseph Alois Schumpeter499
Ragnar Nurkse504
Past as Prologue 23-1Schumpeter, Creative Destruction, and Antitrust Policy505
W. Arthur Lewis509
Theodore W. Schultz512
Past as Prologue 23-2The Todaro Criticisms of Lewis and Schultz514
24The Chicago School - The New Classicism518
Overview of the Chicago School519
Milton Friedman523
Robert E. Lucas, Jr.531
Past as Prologue 24-1From Stigler to "Lemons"532
Gary S. Becker535
25Concluding Thoughts546
Past as Prologue 25-1The Nobel Laureates in Economics548
Name Index555
Subject Index559
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