Feeling Great: The Revolutionary New Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

From the author who has sold more than 5 million copies of Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy comes a new and revolutionary high-speed treatment for depression and anxiety.

Based on 40 years of research and more than 40,000 hours treating individuals with severe mood problems. The goal is not just a rapid and complete elimination of negative feelings, but the development of joy and enlightenment.

In Feeling Great, Dr. David Burns reveals that our negative moods do not result from what’s wrong with us, but rather -- what’s right with us. And when you listen and suddenly “hear” what your negative thoughts and feelings are trying to tell you, suddenly you won’t need them anymore, and recovery will be just a stone’s throw away.

Dr. Burns will provide you with inspiring and mind-blowing case studies along with more than 50 amazing tools to crush the negative thoughts that rob you of happiness and self-esteem.

Are you tired of feeling . . .

  • Down, depressed, or unhappy?
  • Anxious, panicky, or insecure?

You can change the way you feel!

You owe it to yourself to FEEL GREAT!

Feeling Great: The Revolutionary New Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

From the author who has sold more than 5 million copies of Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy comes a new and revolutionary high-speed treatment for depression and anxiety.

Based on 40 years of research and more than 40,000 hours treating individuals with severe mood problems. The goal is not just a rapid and complete elimination of negative feelings, but the development of joy and enlightenment.

In Feeling Great, Dr. David Burns reveals that our negative moods do not result from what’s wrong with us, but rather -- what’s right with us. And when you listen and suddenly “hear” what your negative thoughts and feelings are trying to tell you, suddenly you won’t need them anymore, and recovery will be just a stone’s throw away.

Dr. Burns will provide you with inspiring and mind-blowing case studies along with more than 50 amazing tools to crush the negative thoughts that rob you of happiness and self-esteem.

Are you tired of feeling . . .

  • Down, depressed, or unhappy?
  • Anxious, panicky, or insecure?

You can change the way you feel!

You owe it to yourself to FEEL GREAT!

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Feeling Great: The Revolutionary New Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

Feeling Great: The Revolutionary New Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

by David D. Burns
Feeling Great: The Revolutionary New Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

Feeling Great: The Revolutionary New Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

by David D. Burns


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From the author who has sold more than 5 million copies of Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy comes a new and revolutionary high-speed treatment for depression and anxiety.

Based on 40 years of research and more than 40,000 hours treating individuals with severe mood problems. The goal is not just a rapid and complete elimination of negative feelings, but the development of joy and enlightenment.

In Feeling Great, Dr. David Burns reveals that our negative moods do not result from what’s wrong with us, but rather -- what’s right with us. And when you listen and suddenly “hear” what your negative thoughts and feelings are trying to tell you, suddenly you won’t need them anymore, and recovery will be just a stone’s throw away.

Dr. Burns will provide you with inspiring and mind-blowing case studies along with more than 50 amazing tools to crush the negative thoughts that rob you of happiness and self-esteem.

Are you tired of feeling . . .

  • Down, depressed, or unhappy?
  • Anxious, panicky, or insecure?

You can change the way you feel!

You owe it to yourself to FEEL GREAT!

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781683732884
Publisher: PESI Publishing & Media
Publication date: 09/15/2020
Pages: 454
Sales rank: 109,531
Product dimensions: 6.30(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.70(d)

About the Author

David Burns, M.D.,is a renowned psychiatrist, award-winning researcher, and author of the phenomenally successful Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, which has sold 5 million copies worldwide. More than 50,000 American and Canadian mental health professionals have attended his popular training programs, and his weekly Feeling Good Podcasts have just reached 2 million downloads.

Articles about Dr. Burns have been featured in more than 100 popular consumer magazines, including the New York Times, Reader’s Digest, Ladies' Home Journal, and he has been interviewed on more than 1,000 radio and television shows.

Dr. Burns received his medical degree from the Stanford University School of Medicine. He is currently Emeritus Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Stanford University School of Medicine and is certified by the National Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ix

Introduction: Then and Now xi

I How to Turn Depression and Anxiety into Joy

1 How Are You Feeling? 3

2 Feeling Great in 15 Minutes-The CliffsNotes Version 15

3 Why Do We Get Stuck in Bad Moods, Relationship Conflicts, or Habits and Addictions? How Can We Get Unstuck? 35

4 Karen's Story: "I'm a Bad Mom." 59

5 Melanie's Story: "She'll Tell Others Who Will Judge Me!" 91

6 High-Speed Treatment-Is It Possible? Desirable? Or Just Fool's Gold? 121

7 Mark's Story: "I've Been a Failure as a Father." 127

8 Marilyn's Story: "I've Got Stage 4 Lung Cancer." 141

9 Sara's Story: "I'm Afraid of Germs!" 157

10 How to Change the Way You Feel: Part 1-Your Daily MoJo (Daily Mood Journal) 169

11 How to Change the Way You Feel: Part 2-The Great Escape 201

II How to Crush Distorted Thoughts

12 All-or-Nothing Thinking 209

13 Overgeneralization 217

14 Mental Filtering and Discounting the Positive 227

15 Jumping to Conclusions-Mind Reading 235

16 Fortune Telling: Part 1-Hopelessness 247

17 Fortune Telling: Part 2-Anxiety 269

18 Magnification and Minimization 293

19 Emotional Reasoning 303

20 Should Statements 315

21 Labeling 327

22 Self-Blame and Other-Blame 335

III The Spiritual/Philosophical Dimension: The Four "Great Deaths" of the Self

23 Do You Have a Self? Do You Need One? 357

24 Are Some People More Worthwhile? Are You One of Them? 365

25 Are Some People Less Worthwhile? Are You One of Them? 375

26 Let's Be Specific: What Are Your Flaws? 383

27 How to Join the Grateful Dead! 391

IV Relapse Prevention Training

28 How Are You Feeling Now? 409

29 Feeling Great for Good! 413

V Research Update: Does Science Support TEAM-CBT?

30 TEAM-CBT and the Art of Micro-Neurosurgery: Special Guest Chapter Dr. Mark Noble 425

31 What Causes Depression and Anxiety? What's the Best Way to Treat It? 441

VI Additional Resources

32 Incredible Free Stuff for You! 469

33 Fifty Ways to Untwist Your Thinking 475

About the Author 501

Index 503

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