Find the Poo: Without Worrying About Where You Step
The dog's done his bit. Your job is to find what he's left behind.

For years Joe Shyllit has struggled, like all dog owners, with sometimes having trouble finding his dog's poo. A dog's poo can hide almost anywhere.

If he just couldn't find it, Shyllit would either do a fake pick-up or steel his nerves and walk away — a crime punishable by deathly dirty looks. Dog owners are a tough bunch.

One day Shyllit decided that he would take photographs of the places where he could not find the poo but knew it was there. And so, Find the Poo was born, an odor-free challenge to find the poo in 24 sharp color photographs. Driveway gravel, autumn leaves, tree bark, red stones, roots, undergrowth, dappled sunlight, tiny pine cones — all are hiding a contribution from Shyllit's 10-year-old cockapoo, Farfel.

Unlike real life, however, the answers are at the back of the book. Consider them training for the next time you walk your dog.

Find the Poo: Without Worrying About Where You Step
The dog's done his bit. Your job is to find what he's left behind.

For years Joe Shyllit has struggled, like all dog owners, with sometimes having trouble finding his dog's poo. A dog's poo can hide almost anywhere.

If he just couldn't find it, Shyllit would either do a fake pick-up or steel his nerves and walk away — a crime punishable by deathly dirty looks. Dog owners are a tough bunch.

One day Shyllit decided that he would take photographs of the places where he could not find the poo but knew it was there. And so, Find the Poo was born, an odor-free challenge to find the poo in 24 sharp color photographs. Driveway gravel, autumn leaves, tree bark, red stones, roots, undergrowth, dappled sunlight, tiny pine cones — all are hiding a contribution from Shyllit's 10-year-old cockapoo, Farfel.

Unlike real life, however, the answers are at the back of the book. Consider them training for the next time you walk your dog.

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Find the Poo: Without Worrying About Where You Step

Find the Poo: Without Worrying About Where You Step

by Joe Shyllit
Find the Poo: Without Worrying About Where You Step

Find the Poo: Without Worrying About Where You Step

by Joe Shyllit


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The dog's done his bit. Your job is to find what he's left behind.

For years Joe Shyllit has struggled, like all dog owners, with sometimes having trouble finding his dog's poo. A dog's poo can hide almost anywhere.

If he just couldn't find it, Shyllit would either do a fake pick-up or steel his nerves and walk away — a crime punishable by deathly dirty looks. Dog owners are a tough bunch.

One day Shyllit decided that he would take photographs of the places where he could not find the poo but knew it was there. And so, Find the Poo was born, an odor-free challenge to find the poo in 24 sharp color photographs. Driveway gravel, autumn leaves, tree bark, red stones, roots, undergrowth, dappled sunlight, tiny pine cones — all are hiding a contribution from Shyllit's 10-year-old cockapoo, Farfel.

Unlike real life, however, the answers are at the back of the book. Consider them training for the next time you walk your dog.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780228101802
Publisher: Firefly Books, Limited
Publication date: 03/12/2019
Pages: 32
Sales rank: 780,976
Product dimensions: 8.00(w) x 6.00(h) x 0.75(d)

About the Author

Joe Shyllit is an advertising creative director, who has won several international awards in the ad industry. He graduated from the Ontario College of Art and with Jerry Kuleba formed the creative ad agency Kuleba and Shyllit, winning several awards from around the world. In 2015, Kuleba passed away and Shyllit returned to illustration and design with his series called "Knowhereman." He lives in Toronto, Ontario, with his dog, Farfel.

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