God's Peace for When You Can't Sleep
God’s Peace for When I Can’t Sleep is a wonderful means for calming the mind and soothing the spirit during drawn-out restless nights.

Find Comfort and Peace during Long Sleepless Nights

Every evening, millions of people crawl into bed and struggle either to go to sleep or stay asleep through the quiet hours of the night. What’s worse, lying awake during those dark and silent times can bring on a busy mind and anxious thoughts that make sleeping seem even more impossible. Instead of recharging and resting peacefully before the alarm rings, the early morning sunbeams are met with exhaustion and difficulty focusing.

God’s Peace for When I Can’t Sleep is a wonderful means for calming the mind and soothing the spirit during those drawn-out periods of restlessness. Short and simple anecdotes, quotes, Bible verses, blessings, and prayers help direct ones thoughts toward a serene and tranquil place of rest—a place full of God’s presence of peace. It’s the perfect companion to keep within reach for any time of night or early morning hours.

God's Peace for When You Can't Sleep
God’s Peace for When I Can’t Sleep is a wonderful means for calming the mind and soothing the spirit during drawn-out restless nights.

Find Comfort and Peace during Long Sleepless Nights

Every evening, millions of people crawl into bed and struggle either to go to sleep or stay asleep through the quiet hours of the night. What’s worse, lying awake during those dark and silent times can bring on a busy mind and anxious thoughts that make sleeping seem even more impossible. Instead of recharging and resting peacefully before the alarm rings, the early morning sunbeams are met with exhaustion and difficulty focusing.

God’s Peace for When I Can’t Sleep is a wonderful means for calming the mind and soothing the spirit during those drawn-out periods of restlessness. Short and simple anecdotes, quotes, Bible verses, blessings, and prayers help direct ones thoughts toward a serene and tranquil place of rest—a place full of God’s presence of peace. It’s the perfect companion to keep within reach for any time of night or early morning hours.

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God's Peace for When You Can't Sleep

God's Peace for When You Can't Sleep

by Christina Vinson
God's Peace for When You Can't Sleep

God's Peace for When You Can't Sleep

by Christina Vinson


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God’s Peace for When I Can’t Sleep is a wonderful means for calming the mind and soothing the spirit during drawn-out restless nights.

Find Comfort and Peace during Long Sleepless Nights

Every evening, millions of people crawl into bed and struggle either to go to sleep or stay asleep through the quiet hours of the night. What’s worse, lying awake during those dark and silent times can bring on a busy mind and anxious thoughts that make sleeping seem even more impossible. Instead of recharging and resting peacefully before the alarm rings, the early morning sunbeams are met with exhaustion and difficulty focusing.

God’s Peace for When I Can’t Sleep is a wonderful means for calming the mind and soothing the spirit during those drawn-out periods of restlessness. Short and simple anecdotes, quotes, Bible verses, blessings, and prayers help direct ones thoughts toward a serene and tranquil place of rest—a place full of God’s presence of peace. It’s the perfect companion to keep within reach for any time of night or early morning hours.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780718037888
Publisher: Nelson, Thomas, Inc.
Publication date: 08/11/2015
Pages: 208
Sales rank: 615,775
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.10(h) x 1.00(d)

Read an Excerpt

God's Peace for When You Can't Sleep

By Christina Vinson

Thomas Nelson

Copyright © 2015 Thomas Nelson
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-7180-3788-8


God's Peace for When You Feel Overwhelmed

It's that time of night again. The house is quiet, the stars are shining against the blackened sky, and everyone is asleep. Everyone, that is, except you. Your mind is racing, shoulders still hunched with the day's obligations, fists already clenched with the worries of what a new day will bring. In a word, you're overwhelmed. Exhausted. Wondering when the to-do list will let up, when the financial pressure will finally subside, when your days will feel like less of a rat race.

And so it begins every evening: the endless fight for sleep. As the hours pass, anxiety creeps in with the knowledge morning is drawing closer—and you haven't yet slept. The day is dawning, but rest has only come in intermittent fits. In fact, you're more exhausted than ever while lying in the rumpled mess of your sheets, trying, trying to ignore the ticking of the clock. Does this ring true for you right now? Are you letting out a whoosh of relief, thinking, Yes, I get it. That's me. I am not alone!

My friend, take heart. For the burdens you are carrying in your heart, mind, and body aren't yours to bear alone. There is One who understands and is waiting to help you. Again and again, God reminds us in Scripture that through leaning on Him, we will find rest for our souls—our downtrodden, utterly wearied souls. Jesus Christ Himself doesn't just tell us to give Him our burdens; He offers to take our burdens for us. He commands us, all of us who are weary and heavy laden, to come to Him and lay our burdens down. Not just half of them, not the ones that seem easily fixable—all of them. What He gives in return is like a cooling, soul-satisfying drink: He gives rest.

As you reflect on these words, on the promises and call of the Lord, take in a deep breath. Exhale the stress you are holding, and breathe in the peace of God, letting the promises of His Word flood your tired soul. And then, as you close your eyes and lay your head down, know that He is right there with you; He is your rock, your strength, your ever-present help in times of trouble, even in the quiet hours of the morning. Cling to that rock!

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8


LORD, YOU ARE THE GIVER of rest. help me trust that You have everything under control, and that my job is not to juggle everything, but to hand all of my burdens over to You, the all-powerful, able, strong God.


MAY GOD'S STRENGTH BE yours tonight, calming you with His goodness, nourishing you with His richness, satisfying you with His all-encompassing presence and grace. May your burdens be replaced with joy and your worries exchanged for peace.


I PRAISE YOU, LORD, FOR taking my burdens over and over, never ceasing to lighten my load.


God's Peace for When You Are Angry

When you are angry, it can be difficult to fall asleep. You lie in bed stewing, your mind constantly replaying the events that led to your anger. Maybe it was something that happened today: your coworker's criticism, your child's rebellious behavior, the church member's gossip with you at the center. Or maybe something happened in the past but continually comes back to the surface of your mind. Her unkind words, his refusal to apologize, the betrayal you never saw coming, the wounds you think will never heal. Those are hard things to forgive—and hard things to let go.

While your day may be filled with so much busyness there's no time to properly contemplate these difficult circumstances, your nights lying in bed are often not that way. All you have is yourself, your pillow, and your thoughts. And when your thoughts turn to these provoking situations, they can lead to long nights of restlessness. Instead of peacefully dreaming, you're troubled by ways you've been wronged, mistreated, and deceived. Not surprisingly, this doesn't lead to peaceful, bliss-filled sleep. Instead, your heart feels a little hard and your desire for revenge keeps knocking, holding your thoughts captive.

What would it look like to let that anger go? The resentment that pounds in your veins and makes your face flush with frustration is really controlling you—not the person who wronged you, not the friend who deceived you, not the spouse who betrayed you. In short, the anger you hold and nurse and keep on simmer is impacting you most fervently. It's stealing your body of rest and festering in the deepest parts of your soul. Be careful, beloved. The enemy relishes the angst you are feeling. But there is good news: the Lord is able to rescue you from it.

In Psalm 37:8, the psalmist said, "Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil" (ESV). Harboring unforgiveness is not only harmful for you—it's also exhausting. Make a change tonight, even a small change. Cry to God for help. Ask Him for supernatural strength to breathe deeply, inhaling forgiveness and exhaling bitterness. Imagine His loving arms around you, letting you know that He understands. This kind of change doesn't often happen overnight. But just for this night, in these quiet moments, you can take a small step toward change—cleansing, purifying, rest-giving change.

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. James 1:19–20

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.... Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:14, 21

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1


FATHER, HELP ME TAKE A step toward healing and forgiveness tonight. remind me of the everlasting patience You hold, and help me regard others with the same gracious, loving, spirit-filled attitude.


TONIGHT, MAY THE compassion of God the Father fill your heart and your mind, may the love of Jesus Christ permeate your spirit, and may the tender care of the Holy spirit give you peace.


I PRAISE YOU, MOST generous Father, for Your continued mercy toward me when I fail, never harboring Your anger against me, but forever opening Your arms to embrace me, the prodigal child.


God's Peace for When Your Bank Account Is Empty

Inhale, exhale. You try to breathe slowly and deeply in and out, but the anxiety is still there. Mentally, you tabulate your checking account and envision the stacks of bills on the kitchen table, watching dollar signs flash before your eyes. You are worried about money, or lack of it, and it's keeping you up into the wee hours of the night. Take heart, and listen to these words.

Jesus is very specific in talking about our daily needs. In Matthew 6:25, He commands us with three very specific words: "Do not worry." Then, He lists the things that we tend to worry about—our physical needs: food, drink, and clothing. In our world today, money buys these items. However, there are times when the bills pile up, the money pours out of the bank account like water down the drain, and all of a sudden you're looking at very real, pressing needs and a very small amount of money. That may be why you're lying in bed tonight, unable to drift off to sleep.

The tiny amount of money left in your bank account can lead to a long night of lying awake, anxiety growing as you try to pare down the grocery list, the medical bills—anything to make that bottom line look a little less worrisome.

It's scary, isn't it? Having to rely on a very present—yet also invisible—God for your tangible and physical needs. Will He help you? Will He provide? He gives us the answer in Scripture. Jesus doesn't tell us not to worry—and then not come through on His end! He holds up His end of His promises.

The Lord of your own heart is the same Jehovah-Jireh who provided Abraham a ram to sacrifice instead of his own son (Genesis 22:13). He's the same God who led the Israelites through the Red Sea on dry ground (Exodus 14:21–22), and the same Father who provided manna around the Israelites' campsites (16:13–15). It is so hard to trust when the outlook is bleak and the bills are stacked in piles; it's even harder if you have a family to care for too. But you can rest in the knowledge that your heavenly Father cares for every sparrow, every blade of grass, every hair on your head, and most of all, your every need. He will take care of you. Cast your cares on Him and sleep peacefully tonight—He is with you.

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Matthew 6:25–27

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?" Hebrews 13:5–6

Yet he gave a command to the skies above and opened the doors of the heavens; he rained down manna for the people to eat, he gave them the grain of heaven. Human beings ate the bread of angels; he sent them all the food they could eat. He let loose the east wind from the heavens and by his power made the south wind blow. He rained meat down on them like dust, birds like sand on the seashore. Psalm 78:23–27


LORD, I AM AFRAID. I AM so anxious about money and it's on my mind all hours of the day and night. Please help me trust that You are Jehovah-Jireh, the God who provides for my every need, and grant me rest in the knowledge that You are my helper.


MAY You DEEPLY KNOW the care God bestows on you. May you experience His provision from dawn to dusk day after day, and be filled with thanksgiving for HIS good gifts.


I PRAISE YOU, LORD, FOR Your rapt attention on my life. Not a hair falls from my head without You noticing, and You promise to never leave me or forsake me. Thank You for being my provider!


God's Peace for When You Feel Sadness

Are you feeling sad right now? Perhaps you are missing someone—a grandparent, a faraway child, a deployed spouse, or a loved one who has passed away. Maybe you're sad about the circumstances in your life: a lost job, a relationship that didn't pan out, or a sick friend. There are countless scenarios, but it's important that you know two truths: you are not alone, and it's okay to feel sad.

You are not alone because your heavenly Father is watching over you. As sure as the stars that twinkle in the night sky, as dependable as the evening tide, He is with you. He's there when you're overflowing with joy as well as when you're overwhelmed with sadness. He is the helper of the helpless, the One who whispers "be still" to life's storms.

Jesus declares He is with you always. And He confirms it with the word surely. In Matthew 28:20, He said, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." He is with you right now, in this very moment, dear one. You may not see Him with your eyes or hear Him in the echoes of the night's silence, but let me assure you: He is with you. The Lord knows the depths of your heart, and He knows the exact sorrow you're feeling right now.

Have faith that as each moment passes, you are getting closer to a break in the clouds. Morning, and its new beginnings, will come—it always does. The rain will stop, the clouds will part, and you will once again find light in your heart. Even if your sadness is not relieved when tomorrow's dawn breaks, it will be washed away eventually, for you serve a God who brings solace and healing to His children—He will bless those who mourn (Matthew 5:4).

Be comforted, dear friend, for the goodness of the Lord will be revealed. Cling to that as you fall asleep tonight. Curl back into bed, pull the covers up, rest your head on your pillow, and know that you are loved extravagantly and beyond measure.

Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5

For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones. Isaiah 49:13

Because of the Lord's great love we are note consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22–23


LORD, THE SADNESS IN my heart overcomes me in this moment. I desire to see Your goodness, even for a moment, this evening. Please surround me with Your gentle presence, for my heart feels heavy within me.


MAY YOU EXPERIENCE the help and renewal of God your Father. May you sleep soundly tonight with the sweet presence of the Lord enveloping you with love and reminding you of His great faithfulness.


EVEN WHEN I AM downcast, my heart still longs to praise You, my God. You are a great, mighty, and steadfast Father who cares for his children. Thank You for abiding with me in my most difficult times and most joyous hours. You are the rock on which I stand.


God's Peace for When You Have So What-Ifs

The Land of What-Ifs is a tempting place to dwell. It is also a dangerous place to be. And chances are, if you flipped to this page, you're stepping foot into its territory. Before you even pull the covers back, your mind is racing with questions. What if I choke up during the meeting tomorrow? What if my child is diagnosed with learning disabilities? What if the test result comes back positive? What if I don't get the job? There are countless "what-if" scenarios, both big and small. But they have one thing in common: they don't help.

While you're lying in bed, trying to gear down for the day, your mind is whirring, spinning every possible negative scenario into a sticky, all-consuming web. You get trapped in it, and spend hours burrowing deeper and deeper—with nothing positive to show for it. In fact, you are so imprisoned in this web that you're paralyzed with fear, anxiety, and panic, all because of two simple words: what if.

The Land of What-Ifs is tempting—but it is also trouble. It's living out anxiety in our minds, hyping ourselves up to frightening, stressful scenarios that may never come true. It places ourselves in the role of God—and relegates the Lord elsewhere. In short, it's a place that Christians need to fight against.

If you're dwelling in the Land of What-Ifs—whether you're a frequent traveler, or have just crossed into its borders—get out now. Ask the Lord to take every thought captive. He can and will do it. He doesn't want us to be filled with anxiety over the what-ifs in life, because He has them all under control. He knows your fears and anxieties—and He wants you to come to Him with them, not let them whirl and swirl in your head, letting you forego sleep for a tromp in dangerous territory. Instead of a blissful night of sleep, you end up on a battleground.

Dear child, come out of that land and dwell in the safety and surety of the Lord's arms. When you are in His presence, nothing can harm you because He is with you. You can let the worries of today—and tomorrow—float away. Stay in the present moment with Him beside you. It's a much better place to be. When you dwell with Him, He will fill you with assurance of His perfect plan for you. He goes before you and prepares a path for you. You don't need to figure everything out; God already has.

Watch the path of your feet And all your ways will be established. Do not turn to the right nor to the left; Turn your foot from evil. Proverbs 4:26–27 NASB

Say to those who have an anxious heart, "Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you." Isaiah 35:4 ESV

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6–7 ESV


Excerpted from God's Peace for When You Can't Sleep by Christina Vinson. Copyright © 2015 Thomas Nelson. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


God's Peace for When You Feel Overwhelmed, 4,
God's Peace for When You Are Angry, 10,
God's Peace for When Your Bank Account Is Empty, 16,
God's Peace for When You Feel Sadness, 22,
God's Peace for When You Have So Many What-Ifs, 28,
God's Peace for When You Are Facing Big Decisions, 34,
God's Peace for When You Are Anxious, 40,
God's Peace for When You Are Filled with Fear, 46,
God's Peace for When You Are Filled with Doubt, 52,
God's Peace for When You Are Too Busy, 58,
God's Peace for When You Are Discontent, 64,
God's Peace for When You Feel Unforgiving, 70,
God's Peace for When You Are Exhausted, 76,
God's Peace for When You Are Waiting, 82,
God's Peace for When You Are Filled with Grief, 88,
God's Peace for When You Are Filled with Regret, 94,
God's Peace for When You Are Missing a Loved One, 100,
God's Peace for When You are Suffering, 106,
God's Peace for When You Feel Betrayed, 112,
God's Peace for When You Feel Inundated by Life's Demands, 118,
God's Peace for When You Feel Discouraged, 124,
God's Peace for When You Are Afraid of the Future, 130,
God's Peace for When You Are Anxious About Money, 136,
God's Peace for When You Are Grieving a Lost Relationship, 142,
God's Peace for When You Feel Guilty, 148,
God's Peace for When You Feel Lonely, 154,
God's Peace for When You Are Dissatisfied, 160,
God's Peace for When You Are Weary, 166,
God's Peace for When Your Heart Feels Broken, 172,
God's Peace for When You Are Anxious About Tomorrow, 178,
God's Peace for When You Can't Stop Worrying, 184,
God's Peace for When Your Prayers Aren't Answered, 190,
God's Peace for When You Are Awake for No Reason, 196,

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