“You’re a wizard, Harry.” As a bibliophile and a parent, you’re so eager for the day your kid is ready to read those words and enter the wizarding world of Harry Potter. But along with fanciful components like letter-delivering owls, chocolate frogs, a hidden train platform, and an enchanted Sorting Hat, come darker elements, like […]
The good news: You’re dating a book nerd. You are a book nerd. A wise move on both counts; we compliment you on your mental and emotional fortitude (and physical, too, because books are heavy). The bad news: Valentine’s Day approaches, and you have some pretty strong competition—the books. Because we all know how hard it is to focus […]
Let’s face facts: life is just a string of moments between Harry Potter rereadings. Ever since J.K. Rowling put her magical quill to parchment and penned the series that changed us forever, we’ve all been doomed to a life of answering every “What’s your favorite book?” query with a fervent and slightly suspicious “You mean… besides Harry Potter, […]
Sometimes things just don’t go your way—sometimes, you’re Slytherin getting repeatedly destroyed by Gryffindor in the House Cup of life. Little do you know, J.K. Rowling has fixed virtually all of life’s problems, from tiny annoyances to major grievances, sneakily embedding their solutions in a certain seven-part series we all know and love. Here are 15 perfect Potterquotes to get […]