Help Heal Yourself from Cancer: Partner Smarter with Your Doctor, Personalize Your Treatment Plan, and Take Charge of Your Recovery
Cancer can make you feel powerless. Survival rate statistics can leave you feeling helpless and afraid. But you are a person, not a percentage. And you are not powerless—you have the ability to help yourself heal.

In Help Heal Yourself from Cancer, cancer survivors and trusted medical professionals Bill and Martha Sears help you go from patient to partner in your cancer-healing journey. They outline the steps you can take, both in working with your cancer-care providers and on your own, to maximize your chances of not just beating cancer, but thriving in its wake.

This comprehensive guide will help you:
  • Develop a conquer-cancer mindset. The science is clear: cancer healing begins with the brain. Believing you will heal is the first step.
  • Personalize your treatment plan. Find out what tests to ask for, which advice to pay attention to (and what to ignore), and how to talk to your oncologist about designing a plan that’s perfectly tailored to you and your cancer.
  • LEAN in to supporting your immune system. Learn how to best support your natural cancer-fighting army through lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition—giving chemotherapy and radiation the best chance of success.

    With eye-catching illustrations to boost understanding and special sections on breast, colon, lung, and brain cancers, this book gives you the tools you need to stop fearing your cancer and start boosting your immune system, fine-tuning your treatment plan, and taking charge of your healing—all so you can ultimately Help Heal Yourself from Cancer.
  • 1140960652
    Help Heal Yourself from Cancer: Partner Smarter with Your Doctor, Personalize Your Treatment Plan, and Take Charge of Your Recovery
    Cancer can make you feel powerless. Survival rate statistics can leave you feeling helpless and afraid. But you are a person, not a percentage. And you are not powerless—you have the ability to help yourself heal.

    In Help Heal Yourself from Cancer, cancer survivors and trusted medical professionals Bill and Martha Sears help you go from patient to partner in your cancer-healing journey. They outline the steps you can take, both in working with your cancer-care providers and on your own, to maximize your chances of not just beating cancer, but thriving in its wake.

    This comprehensive guide will help you:
  • Develop a conquer-cancer mindset. The science is clear: cancer healing begins with the brain. Believing you will heal is the first step.
  • Personalize your treatment plan. Find out what tests to ask for, which advice to pay attention to (and what to ignore), and how to talk to your oncologist about designing a plan that’s perfectly tailored to you and your cancer.
  • LEAN in to supporting your immune system. Learn how to best support your natural cancer-fighting army through lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition—giving chemotherapy and radiation the best chance of success.

    With eye-catching illustrations to boost understanding and special sections on breast, colon, lung, and brain cancers, this book gives you the tools you need to stop fearing your cancer and start boosting your immune system, fine-tuning your treatment plan, and taking charge of your healing—all so you can ultimately Help Heal Yourself from Cancer.
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    Help Heal Yourself from Cancer: Partner Smarter with Your Doctor, Personalize Your Treatment Plan, and Take Charge of Your Recovery

    Help Heal Yourself from Cancer: Partner Smarter with Your Doctor, Personalize Your Treatment Plan, and Take Charge of Your Recovery

    Help Heal Yourself from Cancer: Partner Smarter with Your Doctor, Personalize Your Treatment Plan, and Take Charge of Your Recovery

    Help Heal Yourself from Cancer: Partner Smarter with Your Doctor, Personalize Your Treatment Plan, and Take Charge of Your Recovery


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    Cancer can make you feel powerless. Survival rate statistics can leave you feeling helpless and afraid. But you are a person, not a percentage. And you are not powerless—you have the ability to help yourself heal.

    In Help Heal Yourself from Cancer, cancer survivors and trusted medical professionals Bill and Martha Sears help you go from patient to partner in your cancer-healing journey. They outline the steps you can take, both in working with your cancer-care providers and on your own, to maximize your chances of not just beating cancer, but thriving in its wake.

    This comprehensive guide will help you:
  • Develop a conquer-cancer mindset. The science is clear: cancer healing begins with the brain. Believing you will heal is the first step.
  • Personalize your treatment plan. Find out what tests to ask for, which advice to pay attention to (and what to ignore), and how to talk to your oncologist about designing a plan that’s perfectly tailored to you and your cancer.
  • LEAN in to supporting your immune system. Learn how to best support your natural cancer-fighting army through lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition—giving chemotherapy and radiation the best chance of success.

    With eye-catching illustrations to boost understanding and special sections on breast, colon, lung, and brain cancers, this book gives you the tools you need to stop fearing your cancer and start boosting your immune system, fine-tuning your treatment plan, and taking charge of your healing—all so you can ultimately Help Heal Yourself from Cancer.

  • Product Details

    ISBN-13: 9781637741443
    Publisher: BenBella Books, Inc.
    Publication date: 10/04/2022
    Pages: 256
    Sales rank: 274,367
    Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.00(d)

    About the Author

    William Sears, M.D., has been advising busy parents on how to raise healthier families for over 40 years, and now turns his attention to the specialty of lifestyle medicine. He has served as a voluntary professor at the University of Toronto, University of South Carolina, University of Southern California School of Medicine, and University of California: Irvine. As a father of 8 children, he coached Little League sports for 20 years, and together with his wife Martha has written more than 40 books and countless articles on parenting, nutrition, and healthy aging. He serves as a consultant for TV, magazines, radio and other media, and his website is one of the most popular health and parenting sites. Dr. Sears and his contribution to family health were featured on the cover of TIME Magazine in May 2012. He is noted for his science-made-simple-and-fun approach to family health.

    Martha Sears, RN, is a breast cancer survivor, mother of their 8 children, and co-healer in this book.

    Table of Contents

    Foreword xv

    Healing Words from Dr. Bill and Nurse Martha 1

    How to Get the Most Healing from This Book 3

    Part I How to Have a Conquer-Cancer Mindset

    Chapter 1 Believe You Will Heal 11


    Will TMs Thought, Food, or Action Feed or Fight My Cancer?

    Enjoy More Self-Help Skills to Partner with Your Pills

    Journal Your Personal Healing Path

    Listen to the Wisdom of Your Body

    Testimonial: Lessons from a Doctor/Cancer Thriver

    Chapter 2 Meet Your Natural Conquer-Cancer Army Inside 23

    Why You Get Cancer: An Overview

    A Second Helping of Why You Get Cancer: A Tale of Two Cells

    Cancer Is a Body Out of Balance

    NK Cells: What They Are, What They Do, and How to Make Them Fight Better for You

    Five Ways to Help Your NK Cells Fight Smarter for You

    Keep in Touch!

    Name Your Conquer-Cancer Plan

    View It and Do It!

    Make Your Own Immunotherapy

    Part II How to Wisely Partner with Your Cancer-Care Providers

    Chapter 3 What to Expect from Your Cancer-Treatment Team: An Overview 45

    Become a Certified Health Coach

    Cancer Speak: Terms You Must Know

    How to Talk to Your Child About Their Cancer

    Get Your Cancer "Vaccine"

    Chapter 4 Partnering with Your Cancer-Care Providers 53

    Prepare Yourself for Your First Consultation

    Be Wise and Open-Minded

    Ask for a Personalized Plan

    You Are a Person, Not a Percentage

    The Oncologist's Dilemma

    How Insisting on a Personalized Treatment Plan Spared Martha Chemotherapy

    Discuss Adverse Effects and the Concept of the Risk/Benefit Ratio

    Research Your "Tipping Point"

    Tame Your Treatment Anxiety

    Dr. Bill's Treatment Anxiety Advice to a Patient

    Seek Second Opinions and Sometimes Third and Fourth Ones

    Should You Add an Integrative Oncologist to Your Team?

    Prepare Your Hospital Nest for Healing

    A Room with a View

    Thank-Yous Are Therapeutic

    Helpful Healing Advice from Martha's Breast Cancer Surgeon, Dr. Anderson

    Build Your Support Team

    The Benefits of Having a Cancer-Healing Mindset and Wisely Partnering with Your Oncologist

    Our Cancer-Healing Wish

    Part III How to L.E.A.N. into Cancer Healing

    Chapter 5 Eat Our Eight-Part Conquer-Cancer Diet 79

    Chemo Prevention

    1 Think Before You Eat

    2 Eat More Conquer-Cancer Foods

    Science-Supported Conquer-Cancer Foods

    A Second Helping of Conquer-Cancer Foods

    Conquer-Cancer Effects of Seafood-Based Omega-3s

    Measure Your Omegas

    3 Eat Fewer Dumb Carbs

    Sugar Shows Where Your Cancer Is

    Your Conquer-Cancer Symphony Inside

    Your New Conquer-Cancer Food Math

    A Tale of Two Carbies

    Transform Your Tastes

    Less Alcohol, Less Cancer

    4 Grazing Is Great for Cancer Prevention and Healing

    Are You a Sugar Spiker? How to Tell

    Cooking Cancer Away

    5 Burn More Than You Eat

    Intermittent Fasting and Ketogenic Diets

    6 Enjoy the Sipping Solution

    Savor Synergy

    Make a Smart Choice!

    7 Use Healing Conquer-Cancer Spices

    "Curry Up" Your Cancer Healing

    8 Savor Science-Based Supplements (SBS)

    Senior Alert!

    Women, Read This!

    Dr. Bill's Daily Conquer-Cancer Diet

    The Leaner You Are, the Less Cancer You Are Likely to Get

    Fat Loss Over Weight Loss

    Why Cancer Increases with Age-If You Let It!

    Chapter 6 Move More, Sit Less, Heal Better 125

    Why Movers Heal Better Than Sitters

    Movement Mobilizes Your Conquer-Cancer Army

    Movement Blunts Sugar Spikes

    Exercise Improves Every Organ

    Exercise Goes to Your Head

    Movement Balances Your Hormones

    Beat Breast Cancer Alert!

    How to Open Your Own Personal Conquer-Cancer Pharmacy: A Doctor-Patient Conversation

    View It and Do It

    Guy Alert: Movement Modulates Male Menopause

    How to Make Your Movements Match Your Healing

    Go Outside and Play-Chase Cancer Away!

    Healing Effects of Movement Outdoors

    Designing Your Own Home Greenspace

    Vitamin G and Vitamin D: Partners in Cancer Healing

    Chapter 7 Peace Be with You 139

    Science Says: Manage Your Mind, Manage Your Cancer

    How Mind Management Helps Cancer Healing

    The Top Conquer-Cancer Stress-Management Tools

    Read More About How to Have a Happy Brain

    Pick Your Music Before Surgery

    Grow Your God Center-Help Heal Your Cancer

    Chapter 8 Sleep Cancer Away 149

    Why Sleep Is So Healing

    Try These Tips to Sleep Better and Heal Better

    More Sleep-Well Tips

    Get Less Cancer or More Cancer-It's Your Choice!

    Chapter 9 Live Cleaner, Get Less Cancer 155

    Sprayed in America

    A Four-Part Plan for Cleaner Living

    Cancer: Made in America

    Go Meat-Less!

    Grow Your Own Garden

    Driving Cleaner

    Learn More About Environmental Toxins

    Consult a Toxicologist

    Testimony from a Dietician Specializing in Toxin Testing and Detox

    Steam Your NK Team

    A World Without Cancer

    Your Daily Conquer-Cancer Guide

    Part IV Top Tips to Conquer Colon, Breast, Brain, and Lung Cancers

    Chapter 10 Help Heat Yourself from Colon Cancer 173

    Dr. Bill's Good-Gut Health Program: Eat Cleaner, More Gut-Friendly Foods

    The Better You Poo, the Less Colon Cancer for You

    Improving Your Waste Affects Your Waist

    Don't Hold on to Stools!

    Read-and Do-Dr. Poo

    Get Screened Earlier, Get Cancer Treatment Earlier

    Chapter 11 Help Heal Yourself from Breast Cancer 183

    Advice for Breast Cells: Avoid Blood-Sugar Spikes!

    How to Wisely Partner with Your Cancer-Care Providers for a Personalized Breast Cancer Treatment Plan

    Top Conquer-Breast Cancer Tips from a Top Cancer Specialist

    Keep Your Own Mammogram File

    Testimonial: How a Husband and Wife Healed Together from Colon and Breast Cancers

    Chapter 12 Help Heal Yourself from Brain Cancer 195

    1 Learn About Your Brain

    2 Tend to Your Brain-the Greatest Garden Ever Grown

    3 Feed Your "Fathead"

    4 Protect Your Blood-Brain Barrier

    5 Value Your Vitamin D

    Chapter 13 Help Heal Yourself from Lung Cancer 201

    Help Your Aging Lung Tissue Stay Younger and Healthier

    Dr. Bill's Belly-Breathing Tip

    Breathe Cleaner Air to Heal Better and Lessen Cancer Recurrence

    Can Cancer Begin in Your Mouth?

    Cancer-Healing Recipes 209

    Gratitudes 213

    Recommended Reading and References 215

    Index 229

    What People are Saying About This

    From the Publisher

    “This new book by Dr. Bill and Martha Sears provides practical advice and guidance for patients with cancer and their families on how to embark on the journey to heal from cancer. The book is a riveting read that empowers patients and their families with self-help tools to become wiser partners in their cancer care.” 
    Mahtab Jafari, PharmD, author of The Truth About Dietary Supplements, and professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the University of California, Irvine
    “This book will teach you how to work smarter with your doctor, customize an action plan, and take charge of your recovery by using invaluable, empowering, enlightening concepts such as ‘your genes are not your destiny,’ ‘your soil is more important than your seeds,’ and ‘you’re not a statistic or a percentage.’ Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig deep to find it.” 
    Bryce Wylde, DHMHS, functional medicine clinician, founder of Mymmunity, cofounder of The DNA Company
    Help Heal Yourself from Cancer empowers each of us to take control of our health and healthcare, with practical insight to help patients through their cancer healing journey. In an easy-to-read-and-understand format, important features of the book include practical science-based tips and guidance for building a conquer-cancer diet, building and partnering with your conquer-cancer team, and living ‘L.E.A.N.’ This is a must-read, serving as a guide for both patients and their health care team.”
    Marla Anderson, MD, FACS, medical director of surgical breast oncology for Mission Hospital

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