How Children Learn, 50th anniversary edition
This enduring classic of educational thought offers teachers and parents deep, original insight into the nature of early learning. John Holt was the first to make clear that, for small children, "learning is as natural as breathing." In this delightful yet profound book, he looks at how we learn to talk, to read, to count, and to reason, and how we can nurture and encourage these natural abilities in our children.
How Children Learn, 50th anniversary edition
This enduring classic of educational thought offers teachers and parents deep, original insight into the nature of early learning. John Holt was the first to make clear that, for small children, "learning is as natural as breathing." In this delightful yet profound book, he looks at how we learn to talk, to read, to count, and to reason, and how we can nurture and encourage these natural abilities in our children.
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How Children Learn, 50th anniversary edition

How Children Learn, 50th anniversary edition

by John Holt, Deborah Meier

Narrated by Matthew Kugler

Unabridged — 9 hours, 25 minutes

How Children Learn, 50th anniversary edition

How Children Learn, 50th anniversary edition

by John Holt, Deborah Meier

Narrated by Matthew Kugler

Unabridged — 9 hours, 25 minutes

Audiobook (Digital)

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This enduring classic of educational thought offers teachers and parents deep, original insight into the nature of early learning. John Holt was the first to make clear that, for small children, "learning is as natural as breathing." In this delightful yet profound book, he looks at how we learn to talk, to read, to count, and to reason, and how we can nurture and encourage these natural abilities in our children.

Editorial Reviews

From the Publisher

"Holt is a class with Piaget."
New York Review of Books

"By his vision of what can be done in education, he makes us think in new ways about what is being done."
The Wall Street Journal

"One of the most profoundly moving books I've ever read, the truest account of how I remember my best learning experiences as a child and an adult."
Cory Doctorow, author of Walkaway and Little Brother

"The gentle voice of reason."
Life magazine

Product Details

BN ID: 2940170204908
Publisher: Hachette Audio
Publication date: 08/01/2017
Edition description: Unabridged
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