I Am God the Son: Read My Story
Imagine sitting down with Jesus and Him telling you stories from the Bible in His own words. I Am God the Son is one of the most unique copies of God’s Word ever printed. In this first book in the I Am God series, God the Son tells His story of how He, the creator of the universe, lived a sinless life while on this earth and performed the greatest miracles known to mankind and taught the greatest lessons of life ever to come from one person, that person being God. The book doesn’t end with His life on earth and His rising to heaven after His death on the cross. It tells how He sent the message of salvation to the world, through His church, how He led His church from its infancy, and how they took the message of salvation to those lost in sin, a message that would change the world, and is still changing lives today.

I Am God the Son is translated into the first person so that Jesus is speaking the words of scripture directly to the reader. This makes I Am God the Son a paraphrase, not a translation. A paraphrase communicates the same meaning of the original language but with different words.

Written in modern English, the easy read text will capture readers of all ages. Not only does The Son narrate His story straight from Scripture, but there are callouts that are directed specifically to the reader for a call to action.
I Am God the Son: Read My Story
Imagine sitting down with Jesus and Him telling you stories from the Bible in His own words. I Am God the Son is one of the most unique copies of God’s Word ever printed. In this first book in the I Am God series, God the Son tells His story of how He, the creator of the universe, lived a sinless life while on this earth and performed the greatest miracles known to mankind and taught the greatest lessons of life ever to come from one person, that person being God. The book doesn’t end with His life on earth and His rising to heaven after His death on the cross. It tells how He sent the message of salvation to the world, through His church, how He led His church from its infancy, and how they took the message of salvation to those lost in sin, a message that would change the world, and is still changing lives today.

I Am God the Son is translated into the first person so that Jesus is speaking the words of scripture directly to the reader. This makes I Am God the Son a paraphrase, not a translation. A paraphrase communicates the same meaning of the original language but with different words.

Written in modern English, the easy read text will capture readers of all ages. Not only does The Son narrate His story straight from Scripture, but there are callouts that are directed specifically to the reader for a call to action.
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I Am God the Son: Read My Story

I Am God the Son: Read My Story

by Elmer Dr. Towns
I Am God the Son: Read My Story

I Am God the Son: Read My Story

by Elmer Dr. Towns


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Imagine sitting down with Jesus and Him telling you stories from the Bible in His own words. I Am God the Son is one of the most unique copies of God’s Word ever printed. In this first book in the I Am God series, God the Son tells His story of how He, the creator of the universe, lived a sinless life while on this earth and performed the greatest miracles known to mankind and taught the greatest lessons of life ever to come from one person, that person being God. The book doesn’t end with His life on earth and His rising to heaven after His death on the cross. It tells how He sent the message of salvation to the world, through His church, how He led His church from its infancy, and how they took the message of salvation to those lost in sin, a message that would change the world, and is still changing lives today.

I Am God the Son is translated into the first person so that Jesus is speaking the words of scripture directly to the reader. This makes I Am God the Son a paraphrase, not a translation. A paraphrase communicates the same meaning of the original language but with different words.

Written in modern English, the easy read text will capture readers of all ages. Not only does The Son narrate His story straight from Scripture, but there are callouts that are directed specifically to the reader for a call to action.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781942603689
Publisher: Heritage Builders
Publication date: 06/14/2016
Pages: 362
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.70(d)

About the Author

Dr. Elmer Towns is a college and seminary professor, an author of popular and scholarly works (the editor of two encyclopedias), a popular seminar lecturer, and dedicated worker in Sunday school, and has developed over 20 resource packets for leadership education. He began teaching at Midwest Bible College, St. Louis, Missouri, for three years and was not satisfied with his textbooks so he began writing his own (he has published over 100 books listed in the Library of Congress, 7 listed in the Christian Booksellers Best Selling List; several becoming accepted as college textbooks. He is also the 1995 recipient of the coveted Gold Medallion Award awarded by the Christian Booksellers Association for writing the Book of the Year, i.e., The Names of the Holy Spirit.

He was President of Winnipeg Bible College for five years, leading it to receive American Accreditation and Provincial authority to offer degrees (1960-1965). He taught at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, in greater Chicago, Illinois, in the field of Religious Education and Evangelism (1965-1971).

He is co-founder of Liberty University, with Jerry Falwell, in 1971, and was the only full-time teacher in the first year of Liberty's existence. Today, the University has over 11,400 students on campus with 39,000 in the Distance Learning Program (now Liberty University Online), and he is the Dean of the School of Religion.

Dr. Towns has given theological lectures and taught intensive seminars at over 50 theological seminaries in America and abroad. He holds visiting professorship rank in five seminaries. He has written over 2,000 reference and/or popular articles and received six honorary doctoral degrees. Four doctoral dissertations have analyzed his contribution to religious education and evangelism.

His personal education includes a B.S. from Northwestern College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a M.A. from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary also in Dallas, a MRE from Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL, and a D.Min. from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA.

Table of Contents

Intro. I Am God the Son 11

Part 1 Based On Matthews Gospel

I Am God the King 13

1 The Record of My Genealogy 15

2 The Wise Men Visit Me 17

3 John the Baptizer Begins Preaching 19

4 I Am Tempted by Satan to Sin 21

5 The Sermon on the Mount 23

6 Giving, Praying, Fasting, Trusting 27

7 Your Relationship to Others 29

8 I Perform Miracles 31

9 Getting a Friend to Me 35

10 Choosing my Disciples 39

11 John the Baptizer 43

12 The Sabbath 47

13 The Sermon by the Sea 51

14 The Murder of John the Baptizer 55

15 Follow God's Commands 59

16 My Church Is Introduced 63

17 A Meeting With God 65

18 Childlike Faith 67

19 The Rich Young Ruler 69

20 On the Way to Jerusalem 73

21 The Triumphant Entry 75

22 I Teach With Stories 79

23 I Denounce the Scribes and Pharisees 83

24 The Mount of Olives Discourse 87

25 My Coming Kingdom 91

26 The Passion Week 95

27 My Death and Burial 101

28 The Empty Tomb 107

Part 2 Based On Mark's Gospel

I Am God the Servant 109

1 The Beginning of My Ministry 111

2 I Am the Messiah 115

3 My Healing Power 119

4 My Message to a Lost and Dying World 123

5 My Healing Nature 127

6 Walking on the Water 131

7 The Problem With Traditions 135

8 Who do You Say That I AM? 137

9 My Godhood Revealed 141

10 Teaching About the Kingdom of God 145

11 I Set my Course for Jerusalem 149

12 Teaching in the Temple 151

13 The Mount of Olives Discourse 155

14 My Last Supper With My Disciples 157

15 My Crucifixion 161

16 My Temporary Tomb 165

Part 3 Based On Luke's Gospel

I Am God the Son of Man 167

1 The Birth of John the Baptizer 169

2 My Journey on Earth Begins at My Birth 175

3 The Ministry of John the Baptizer 179

4 I Am Tempted by Satan in the Desert 183

5 I Call My Disciples 187

6 I Quickly End the Debate About the Sabbath 191

7 The Good News of My Miracles Starts to Spread 195

8 Preaching the Good News 199

9 The Twelve Disciples are Commissioned 203

10 The Seventy are Sent Out in My Name 209

11 I Teach My Disciples The Lord's Prayer 213

12 Warnings and Encouragement For My Followers 217

13 News From Jerusalem 221

14 I Heal a Man on the Sabbath 225

15 The Parable of the Lost Sheep 229

16 Parables for My Disciples and for the Pharisees 231

17 I Talk about My Coming Back to Earth 235

18 Setting My Sights on Jerusalem 239

19 Zacchaeus 243

20 Controversy in the Temple 247

21 Teaching About the Future 251

22 My Final Days on Earth 255

23 My Crucifixion 261

24 My Ascension Back to Heaven 265

Part 4 Based On John's Gospel

I Am God the Son of God 269

1 I Am God The Son 271

2 My First Miracle 275

3 A Night Interview with Nicodemus 277

4 The Story of the Samaritan Woman 281

5 Proof That I AM God 285

6 Two Miracles and a Lesson 289

7 The Coming of the Holy Spirit 293

8 An Argument with Religious Leaders 297

9 I Heal a Man Born Blind 301

10 I Am The Good Shepherd 305

11 I Raise Lazarus From the Dead 309

12 My Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem 313

13 My Last Supper With My Disciples 317

14 The Upper Room Discourse 321

15 I Am The True Vine 325

16 The Testing of Your Faith 327

17 My Prayer to Be Glorified 329

18 I AM Betrayed, Arrested, and Forsaken 331

19 My Death on the Cross 335

20 Peter, John and Mary Visit the Empty Tomb 339

21 I Appear on the Lake Shore 343

Excerpts From the Psalms 347

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