Java Cookbook: Problems and Solutions for Java Developers
Java continues to grow and evolve, and this cookbook continues to evolve in tandem. With this guide, you’ll get up to speed right away with hundreds of hands-on recipes across a broad range of Java topics. You’ll learn useful techniques for everything from string handling and functional programming to network communication.

Each recipe includes self-contained code solutions that you can freely use, along with a discussion of how and why they work. If you’re familiar with Java basics, this cookbook will bolster your knowledge of the language and its many recent changes, including how to apply them in your day-to-day development. This updated edition covers changes through Java 12 and parts of 13 and 14.

Recipes include:

  • Methods for compiling, running, and debugging
  • Packaging Java classes and building applications
  • Manipulating, comparing, and rearranging text
  • Regular expressions for string and pattern matching
  • Handling numbers, dates, and times
  • Structuring data with collections, arrays, and other types
  • Object-oriented and functional programming techniques
  • Input/output, directory, and filesystem operations
  • Network programming on both client and server
  • Processing JSON for data interchange
  • Multithreading and concurrency
  • Using Java in big data applications
  • Interfacing Java with other languages
Java Cookbook: Problems and Solutions for Java Developers
Java continues to grow and evolve, and this cookbook continues to evolve in tandem. With this guide, you’ll get up to speed right away with hundreds of hands-on recipes across a broad range of Java topics. You’ll learn useful techniques for everything from string handling and functional programming to network communication.

Each recipe includes self-contained code solutions that you can freely use, along with a discussion of how and why they work. If you’re familiar with Java basics, this cookbook will bolster your knowledge of the language and its many recent changes, including how to apply them in your day-to-day development. This updated edition covers changes through Java 12 and parts of 13 and 14.

Recipes include:

  • Methods for compiling, running, and debugging
  • Packaging Java classes and building applications
  • Manipulating, comparing, and rearranging text
  • Regular expressions for string and pattern matching
  • Handling numbers, dates, and times
  • Structuring data with collections, arrays, and other types
  • Object-oriented and functional programming techniques
  • Input/output, directory, and filesystem operations
  • Network programming on both client and server
  • Processing JSON for data interchange
  • Multithreading and concurrency
  • Using Java in big data applications
  • Interfacing Java with other languages
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Java Cookbook: Problems and Solutions for Java Developers

Java Cookbook: Problems and Solutions for Java Developers

by Ian F. Darwin
Java Cookbook: Problems and Solutions for Java Developers

Java Cookbook: Problems and Solutions for Java Developers

by Ian F. Darwin

Paperback(4th ed.)

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Java continues to grow and evolve, and this cookbook continues to evolve in tandem. With this guide, you’ll get up to speed right away with hundreds of hands-on recipes across a broad range of Java topics. You’ll learn useful techniques for everything from string handling and functional programming to network communication.

Each recipe includes self-contained code solutions that you can freely use, along with a discussion of how and why they work. If you’re familiar with Java basics, this cookbook will bolster your knowledge of the language and its many recent changes, including how to apply them in your day-to-day development. This updated edition covers changes through Java 12 and parts of 13 and 14.

Recipes include:

  • Methods for compiling, running, and debugging
  • Packaging Java classes and building applications
  • Manipulating, comparing, and rearranging text
  • Regular expressions for string and pattern matching
  • Handling numbers, dates, and times
  • Structuring data with collections, arrays, and other types
  • Object-oriented and functional programming techniques
  • Input/output, directory, and filesystem operations
  • Network programming on both client and server
  • Processing JSON for data interchange
  • Multithreading and concurrency
  • Using Java in big data applications
  • Interfacing Java with other languages

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781492072584
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
Publication date: 04/07/2020
Edition description: 4th ed.
Pages: 636
Sales rank: 1,085,344
Product dimensions: 6.90(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.40(d)

About the Author

Ian has a lifetime of experience in the software industry, and has worked with Java across many platforms and types of software, from Java’s initial release to the present. A founding member of Sun/Oracle Java Champions, Ian is the author of O’Reilly’s Java Cookbook and Android Cookbook among others, and has written and taught courses for undergraduate Computer Science and for leading career development company Learning Tree International.

Table of Contents

Preface xiii

1 Getting Started: Compiling and Running Java 1

1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Compiling and Running Java: Standard JDK 2

1.2 Compiling and Running Java: GraalVM for Better Performance 3

1.3 Compiling, Running, and Testing with an IDE 5

1.4 Exploring Java with JShell 11

1.5 Using CLASSPATH Effectively 13

1.6 Downloading and Using the Code Examples 15

1.7 Automating Dependencies, Compilation, Testing, and Deployment with Apache Maven 23

1.8 Automating Dependencies, Compilation, Testing, and Deployment with Gradle 27

1.9 Dealing with Deprecation Warnings 29

1.10 Maintaining Code Correctness with Unit Testing: JUnit 31

1.11 Maintaining Your Code with Continuous Integration 34

1.12 Getting Readable Stack Traces 38

1.13 Finding More Java Source Code 39

1.14 Finding Runnable Java Libraries 40

2 Interacting with the Environment 43

2.0 Introduction 43

2.1 Getting Environment Variables 43

2.2 Getting Information from System Properties 44

2.3 Dealing with Code That Depends on the Java Version or the Operating System 46

2.4 Using Extensions or Other Packaged APIs 51

2.5 Using the Java Modules System 52

3 Strings and Things 57

3.0 Introduction 57

3.1 Taking Strings Apart with Substrings or Tokenizing 60

3.2 Putting Strings Together with StringBuilder 65

3.3 Processing a String One Character at a Time 67

3.4 Aligning, Indenting, and Unindenting Strings 69

3.5 Converting Between Unicode Characters and Strings 73

3.6 Reversing a String by Word or by Character 75

3.7 Expanding and Compressing Tabs 76

3.8 Controlling Case 81

3.9 Entering Nonprintable Characters 82

3.10 Trimming Blanks from the End of a String 83

3.11 Creating a Message with I18N Resources 85

3.12 Using a Particular Locale 88

3.13 Creating a Resource Bundle 89

3.14 Program: A Simple Text Formatter 90

3.15 Program: Soundex Name Comparisons 92

4 Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions 97

4.0 Introduction 97

4.1 Regular Expression Syntax 99

4.2 Using Regexes in Java: Test for a Pattern 106

4.3 Finding the Matching Text 109

4.4 Replacing the Matched Text 112

4.5 Printing All Occurrences of a Pattern 115

4.6 Printing Lines Containing a Pattern 118

4.7 Controlling Case in Regular Expressions 119

4.8 Matching Accented, or Composite, Characters 120

4.9 Matching Newlines in Text 121

4.10 Program: Apache Logfile Parsing 123

4.11 Program: Full Grep 125

5 Numbers 131

5.0 Introduction 131

5.1 Checking Whether a String Is a Valid Number 134

5.2 Converting Numbers to Objects and Vice Versa 135

5.3 Taking a Fraction of an Integer Without Using Floating Point 136

5.4 Working with Floating-Point Numbers 137

5.5 Formatting Numbers 142

5.6 Converting Among Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal 146

5.7 Operating on a Series of Integers 147

5.8 Formatting with Correct Plurals 149

5.9 Generating Random Numbers 151

5.10 Multiplying Matrices 153

5.11 Using Complex Numbers 155

5.12 Handling Very Large Numbers 158

5.13 Program: TempConverter 160

5.14 Program: Number Palindromes 162

6 Dates and Times 167

6.0 Introduction 167

6.1 Finding Today's Date 170

6.2 Formatting Dates and Times 172

6.3 Converting Among Dates/Times, YMDHMS, and Epoch Seconds 174

6.4 Parsing Strings into Dates 175

6.5 Difference Between Two Dates 176

6.6 Adding to or Subtracting from a Date 177

6.7 Handling Recurring Events 178

6.8 Computing Dates Involving Time Zones 181

6.9 Interfacing with Legacy Date and Calendar Classes 182

7 Structuring Data with Java 185

7.0 Introduction 185

7.1 Using Arrays for Data Structuring 186

7.2 Resizing an Array 188

7.3 The Collections Framework 189

7.4 Like an Array, but More Dynamic 190

7.5 Using Generic Types in Your Own Class 194

7.6 How Shall I Iterate Thee? Let Me Enumerate the Ways 197

7.7 Eschewing Duplicates with a Set 201

7.8 Structuring Data in a Linked List 202

7.9 Mapping with Hashtable and HashMap 207

7.10 Storing Strings in Properties and Preferences 209

7.11 Sorting a Collection 213

7.12 Avoiding the Urge to Sort 218

7.13 Finding an Object in a Collection 220

7.14 Converting a Collection to an Array 222

7.15 Making Your Data Iterable 223

7.16 Using a Stack of Objects 226

7.17 Multidimensional Structures 229

7.18 Simplifying Data Objects with Lombok or Record 231

7.19 Program: Timing Comparisons 233

8 Object-Oriented Techniques 237

8.0 Introduction 237

8.1 Object Methods: Formatting Objects with toString(), Comparing with Equals 240

8.2 Using Inner Classes 247

8.3 Providing Callbacks via Interfaces 249

8.4 Polymorphism/Abstract Methods 253

8.5 Using Typesafe Enumerations 255

8.6 Avoiding NPEs with Optional 259

8.7 Enforcing the Singleton Pattern 261

8.8 Roll Your Own Exceptions 263

8.9 Using Dependency Injection 265

8.10 Program: Plotter 268

9 Functional Programming Techniques: Functional Interfaces, Streams, and Parallel Collections 273

9.0 Introduction 273

9.1 Using Lambdas/Closures Instead of Inner Classes 276

9.2 Using Lambda Predefined Interfaces Instead of Your Own 281

9.3 Simplifying Processing with Streams 283

9.4 Simplifying Streams with Collectors 284

9.5 Improving Throughput with Parallel Streams and Collections 288

9.6 Using Existing Code as Functional with Method References 289

9.7 Java Mixins: Mixing in Methods 293

10 Input and Output: Reading, Writing, and Directory Tricks 297

10.0 Introduction 297

10.1 About InputStrearns/Outputstreams and Readers/Writers 299

10.2 Reading a Text File 301

10.3 Reading from the Standard Input or from the Console/Controlling Terminal 304

10.4 Printing with Formatter and printf 308

10.5 Scanning Input with StreamTokenizer 312

10.6 Scanning Input with the Scanner Class 316

10.7 Scanning Input with Grammatical Structure 319

10.8 Copying a File 324

10.9 Reassigning the Standard Streams 325

10.10 Duplicating a Stream as It Is Written; Reassigning Standard Streams 326

10.11 Reading/Writing a Different Character Set 329

10.12 Those Pesky End-of-Line Characters 330

10.13 Beware Platform-Dependent File Code 330

10.14 Reading/Writing Binary Data 331

10.15 Reading and Writing JAR or ZIP Archives 332

10.16 Finding Files in a Filesystem-Neutral Way with getResource() and getResourceAsStream() 336

10.17 Getting File Information: Files and Path 338

10.18 Creating a New File or Directory 345

10.19 Changing a File's Name or Other Attributes 346

10.20 Deleting a File 349

10.21 Creating a Transient/Temporary File 351

10.22 Listing a Directory 354

10.23 Getting the Directory Roots 355

10.24 Using the FileWatcher Service to Get Notified About File Changes 356

10.25 Program: Save User Data to Disk 358

10.26 Program: Find-Walking a File Tree 362

11 Data Science and R 367

11.1 Machine Learning with Java 368

11.2 Using Data In Apache Spark 369

11.3 Using R Interactively 372

11.4 Comparing/Choosing an R Implementation 374

11.5 Using R from Within a Java App: Renjin 375

11.6 Using Java from Within an R Session 377

11.7 Using FastR, the GraalVM Implementation of R 379

11.8 Using R in a Web App 380

12 Network Clients 383

12.0 Introduction 383

12.1 HTTP/REST Web Client 386

12.2 Contacting a Socket Server 388

12.3 Finding and Reporting Network Addresses 389

12.4 Handling Network Errors 391

12.5 Reading and Writing Textual Data 392

12.6 Reading and Writing Binary or Serialized Data 394

12.7 UDP Datagrams 397

12.8 URI, URL, or URN? 400

12.9 Program: TFTP UDP Client 402

12.10 Program: Sockets-Based Chat Client 406

12.11 Program: Simple HTTP Link Checker 410

13 Server-Side Java 413

13.0 Introduction 413

13.1 Opening a Server Socket for Business 414

13.2 Finding Network Interfaces 417

13.3 Returning a Response (String or Binary) 418

13.4 Returning Object Information Across a Network Connection 422

13.5 Handling Multiple Clients 423

13.6 Serving the HTTP Protocol 428

13.7 Securing a Web Server with SSL and JSSE 430

13.8 Creating a REST Service with JAX-RS 433

13.9 Network Logging 436

13.10 Setting Up SLF4J 437

13.11 Network Logging with Log4j 439

13.12 Network Logging with java.util.logging 444

14 Processing JSON Data 449

14.0 Introduction 449

14.1 Generating JSON Directly 451

14.2 Parsing and Writing JSON with Jackson 452

14.3 Parsing and Writing JSON with org.json 453

14.4 Parsing and Writing JSON with JSON-B 455

14.5 Finding JSON Elements with JSON Pointer 457

15 Packages and Packaging 461

15.0 Introduction 461

15.1 Creating a Package 462

15.2 Documenting Classes with Javadoc 464

15.3 Beyond Javadoc: Annotations/Metadata 468

15.4 Preparing a Class as a JavaBean 469

15.5 Archiving with JAR 473

15.6 Running a Program from a JAR 475

15.7 Packaging Web Tier Components into a WAR File 477

15.8 Creating a Smaller Distribution with jlink 478

15.9 Using JPMS to Create a Module 479

16 Threaded Java 483

16.0 Introduction 483

16.1 Running Code in a Different Thread 485

16.2 Displaying a Moving Image with Animation 489

16.3 Stopping a Thread 494

16.4 Rendezvous and Timeouts 497

16.5 Synchronizing Threads with the synchronized Keyword 498

16.6 Simplifying Synchronization with Locks 504

16.7 Simplifying Producer/Consumer with the Queue Interface 508

16.8 Optimizing Parallel Processing with Fork/Join 511

16.9 Scheduling Tasks: Future Times, Background Saving in an Editor 514

17 Reflection, or "A Class Named Class" 519

17.0 Introduction 519

17.1 Getting a Class Descriptor 520

17.2 Finding and Using Methods and Fields 521

17.3 Accessing Private Methods and Fields via Reflection 525

17.4 Loading and Instantiating a Class Dynamically 526

17.5 Constructing a Class from Scratch with a ClassLoader 529

17.6 Constructing a Class from Scratch with JavaCompiler 530

17.7 Performance Timing 533

17.8 Printing Class Information 538

17.9 Listing Classes in a Package 539

17.10 Using and Defining Annotations 542

17.11 Finding Plug-In-Like Classes via Annotations 547

17.12 Program: CrossRef 550

18 Using Java with Other Languages 555

18.0 Introduction 555

18.1 Running an External Program from Java 556

18.2 Running a Program and Capturing Its Output 560

18.3 Calling Other Languages via javax.script 564

18.4 Mixing Languages with GraalVM 566

18.5 Marrying Java and Perl 567

18.6 Calling Other Languages via Native Code 571

18.7 Calling Java from Native Code 576

Afterword dlxxix

A Java Then and Now 581

Index 591

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