Laboratory Techniques in Plant Bacteriology
Laboratory Techniques in Plant Bacteriology is ideal for scientists and students who seek a career in plant pathogenic bacteria. This book contains 41 chapters comprising practicable techniques from isolation of bacterial plant pathogens to their identification up to species and race/biotype level. It includes identification protocols of morphological, biochemical, immunological, and molecular-based techniques.

This book comprises all technological aspects of plant bacteriological studies. Its content is ideal for graduate students and research scholars including bacteriological professionals or technicians. The book ultimately provides working technologies useful for controlling bacterial disease pathogens.

Laboratory Techniques in Plant Bacteriology
Laboratory Techniques in Plant Bacteriology is ideal for scientists and students who seek a career in plant pathogenic bacteria. This book contains 41 chapters comprising practicable techniques from isolation of bacterial plant pathogens to their identification up to species and race/biotype level. It includes identification protocols of morphological, biochemical, immunological, and molecular-based techniques.

This book comprises all technological aspects of plant bacteriological studies. Its content is ideal for graduate students and research scholars including bacteriological professionals or technicians. The book ultimately provides working technologies useful for controlling bacterial disease pathogens.

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Laboratory Techniques in Plant Bacteriology

Laboratory Techniques in Plant Bacteriology

by Suresh G. Borkar
Laboratory Techniques in Plant Bacteriology
Laboratory Techniques in Plant Bacteriology

Laboratory Techniques in Plant Bacteriology

by Suresh G. Borkar


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Laboratory Techniques in Plant Bacteriology is ideal for scientists and students who seek a career in plant pathogenic bacteria. This book contains 41 chapters comprising practicable techniques from isolation of bacterial plant pathogens to their identification up to species and race/biotype level. It includes identification protocols of morphological, biochemical, immunological, and molecular-based techniques.

This book comprises all technological aspects of plant bacteriological studies. Its content is ideal for graduate students and research scholars including bacteriological professionals or technicians. The book ultimately provides working technologies useful for controlling bacterial disease pathogens.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781032096001
Publisher: CRC Press
Publication date: 06/30/2021
Pages: 342
Product dimensions: 7.00(w) x 10.00(h) x (d)

About the Author

Prof. Suresh Borkar, PhD, is University Head in the Department of Plant Pathology and Agricultural Microbiology since 2005. Graduated from Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola in 1977, he obtained his M. Sc. and Ph.D. from IARI, New Delhi in 1979 and 1983 respectively. He did his post-doctorate from INRA, Angers, France in 1984 and D. Sc from international University, Washington in 1999. He is a fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society and Eurasian Academy of environmental Sciences.

After returning from France, he joined his first appointment of Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology at Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi VishwaVidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.) and served the university from January 1985 to December 1989. He was selected as Associate Professor of Plant Pathology at Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri and joined the position in December, 1989. He was selected as Professor of Plant Pathology in 1994 by Maharashtra Council of Agriculture Education and Research for Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri and joined the position in May 1994. He has also served as Dean, Post Graduate Institute of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri during 2012-2013.

Prof. Suresh Borkar has published more than 75 research papers in around 25 National and 7 foreign journals. He has guided around 25 students for their M.Sc and Ph.D degree research. Most of his students are serving as ICAR scientist and in Agricultural universities. He has received 13 Awards from scientific societies and social organizations within the country and Abroad. He has developed four wheat varieties, six patents, several technologies and recommendations and new strains of beneficial microbes and published three books. He has chaired several sessions in ICAR workshops and National seminars. He has visited several universities abroad in France, Greece, U. K. and Nepal. He is on the selection committee of different Agricultural Universities in the country. He is a well known teacher and scientist at National and International level.

Table of Contents

Laboratory Ethics in Plant Bacteriology Laboratory, Instruments, and General Guidelines. Confirmation of Bacterial Pathogen in Diseased Sample. Histopathology of Bacterial Infection. Sterilization. Medium for Isolation of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Isolation of Bacterial Plant Pathogens. Purification of Plant Pathogenic Bacterial Cultures. Rapid Assessment of Plant Pathogenic Nature of Bacterial Isolates. Determination of Pathogenesity of the Isolated Bacterial Culture on Natural Host Plant. Isolation and Enumeration of Microorganisms Associated with Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Soil, Rhizosphere, and Phylloplane. Preparation of Pure Cultures of Microorganisms. Maintenance and Preservation of Bacterial Pure Cultures. Staining of Bacterial Cultures for Morphological Studies. Bacterial Mobility. Describing Bacterial Colony Morphology. Physiological Characterization of Bacteria. Biochemical Test Used in Identification of Bacteria. Characterization of Phytopathogenic Bacteria up to Genus. Differentiation of Bacterial Genus up to Group. Differentiation of Bacterial Genus up to Species. Identification of Races of Bacterial Plant Pathogen. Studies on Bacterial Cell Wall Related Biological Compounds. Isolation of Bacterial Metabolite. Role of Bacterial Component in Induction of Disease Reaction or Pathogenesis. Enumeration of Bacterial Population. Determination of Ice-Nucleation in Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Transmission of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria through Vector. Determination of Perpetuation of Bacterial Plant Pathogen. Determination of Plant Resistance. Identification of Bacteria by Using Immunodiagnostic Technique. Identification of Bacteria by Using Molecular Techniques. Bacteriophages of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Determination of Bacterial Sensitivity to Antibiotics and Pesticide, Determination of Mutation in Bacterial Plant Pathogen. Transfer of Genetic Factor in Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Population Studies of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria on Host Plant. Preservation of Bacterial Disease Samples. Measurement of Plant Bacterial Disease. Isolation of Antibacterial Compounds. Isolation of Antibacterial Microbes. Preparation of Bactericidal Formulations.

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