Life's Engines: How Microbes Made Earth Habitable
The marvelous microbes that made life on Earth possible and support our very existence

For almost four billion years, microbes had the primordial oceans all to themselves. The stewards of Earth, these organisms transformed the chemistry of our planet to make it habitable for plants, animals, and us. Life's Engines takes readers deep into the microscopic world to explore how these marvelous creatures made life on Earth possible—and how human life today would cease to exist without them.

Paul Falkowski looks "under the hood" of microbes to find the engines of life, the actual working parts that do the biochemical heavy lifting for every living organism on Earth. With insight and humor, he explains how these miniature engines are built—and how they have been appropriated by and assembled like Lego sets within every creature that walks, swims, or flies. Falkowski shows how evolution works to maintain this core machinery of life, and how we and other animals are veritable conglomerations of microbes.

A vibrantly entertaining book about the microbes that support our very existence, Life's Engines will inspire wonder about these elegantly complex nanomachines that have driven life since its origin. It also issues a timely warning about the dangers of tinkering with that machinery to make it more "efficient" at meeting the ever-growing demands of humans in the coming century.

Life's Engines: How Microbes Made Earth Habitable
The marvelous microbes that made life on Earth possible and support our very existence

For almost four billion years, microbes had the primordial oceans all to themselves. The stewards of Earth, these organisms transformed the chemistry of our planet to make it habitable for plants, animals, and us. Life's Engines takes readers deep into the microscopic world to explore how these marvelous creatures made life on Earth possible—and how human life today would cease to exist without them.

Paul Falkowski looks "under the hood" of microbes to find the engines of life, the actual working parts that do the biochemical heavy lifting for every living organism on Earth. With insight and humor, he explains how these miniature engines are built—and how they have been appropriated by and assembled like Lego sets within every creature that walks, swims, or flies. Falkowski shows how evolution works to maintain this core machinery of life, and how we and other animals are veritable conglomerations of microbes.

A vibrantly entertaining book about the microbes that support our very existence, Life's Engines will inspire wonder about these elegantly complex nanomachines that have driven life since its origin. It also issues a timely warning about the dangers of tinkering with that machinery to make it more "efficient" at meeting the ever-growing demands of humans in the coming century.

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Life's Engines: How Microbes Made Earth Habitable

Life's Engines: How Microbes Made Earth Habitable

by Paul G. Falkowski
Life's Engines: How Microbes Made Earth Habitable

Life's Engines: How Microbes Made Earth Habitable

by Paul G. Falkowski


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The marvelous microbes that made life on Earth possible and support our very existence

For almost four billion years, microbes had the primordial oceans all to themselves. The stewards of Earth, these organisms transformed the chemistry of our planet to make it habitable for plants, animals, and us. Life's Engines takes readers deep into the microscopic world to explore how these marvelous creatures made life on Earth possible—and how human life today would cease to exist without them.

Paul Falkowski looks "under the hood" of microbes to find the engines of life, the actual working parts that do the biochemical heavy lifting for every living organism on Earth. With insight and humor, he explains how these miniature engines are built—and how they have been appropriated by and assembled like Lego sets within every creature that walks, swims, or flies. Falkowski shows how evolution works to maintain this core machinery of life, and how we and other animals are veritable conglomerations of microbes.

A vibrantly entertaining book about the microbes that support our very existence, Life's Engines will inspire wonder about these elegantly complex nanomachines that have driven life since its origin. It also issues a timely warning about the dangers of tinkering with that machinery to make it more "efficient" at meeting the ever-growing demands of humans in the coming century.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780691247687
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Publication date: 06/13/2023
Series: Princeton Science Library , #136
Pages: 224
Sales rank: 1,012,569
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x (d)

About the Author

Paul G. Falkowski holds the Bennett L. Smith Chair in Business and Natural Resources at Rutgers University, where he studies how microbes have shaped the history of Earth.

Read an Excerpt

Life's Engines

How Microbes Made Earth Habitable

By Paul G. Falkowski


Copyright © 2015 Princeton University Press
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-691-15537-1


The Missing Microbes

A few years ago, I was given the opportunity to work on a research ship on the Black Sea off the north coast of Turkey. The Black Sea is a fascinating and unique body of water: below the upper 150 meters or so, there is no oxygen. The focus of my work was to study the photosynthetic microbes in the upper 150 meters.

Photosynthetic microbes use the energy of light from the Sun to make new cells. Throughout the world's oceans, there are microscopic photosynthetic organisms, the phytoplankton, that produce oxygen. They are the forerunners of higher plants but evolved much earlier in Earth's history. After several days, the instrument my research group used to detect phytoplankton, a special type of fluorometer that we had developed years earlier, recorded some strange signals that none of us had ever seen. The signal was quite deep in the water column: just at the location where all oxygen is gone and the light intensity is very low. As we worked, I realized that the organisms responsible for the strange fluorescence signal occupied a very thin layer, perhaps only a meter or so thick. They were photosynthetic microbes, but unlike the phytoplankton higher up in the water column, they could not produce oxygen. These microbes were representatives of an ancient group of organisms that evolved long before phytoplankton. They were living relics of life at the time before there was oxygen on the planet.

Working on the Black Sea had a profound influence on how I think about the evolution of life on Earth. In my mind, sampling deeper into the water column was like going back in time to find microbes that had once dominated the oceans and are now confined to a very small fraction of their former habitat. The photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria, which turned out to be the organisms responsible for the strange fluorescence signal, are obligate anaerobes; they use energy from the Sun to split hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and use the hydrogen to make organic matter. These organisms can live at very low light intensities but cannot tolerate exposure to even small amounts of oxygen.

As we traversed the Black Sea over the next several weeks to sample different areas, we saw dolphins and fish in the upper ocean, but there were no multicellular animals below the upper 100 meters or so. Animals can't live for long without oxygen, and there appeared to be none in deeper waters. Microbes had altered the environment of the Black Sea. They produced oxygen in the upper 100 meters but consumed the gas further down. In so doing, they made the interior of the Black Sea their exclusive home.

After about a month at sea, I found myself back in port in Istanbul, admiring Turkish rugs. Mount Ararat, in northeast Turkey, is famous for its woven rugs depicting the story of Noah's ark. The kilims from that region are rich tapestries with pairs of giraffes, lions, monkeys, elephants, zebras, and all sorts of familiar animals woven into them. As the merchants unrolled their wares and provided endless cups of sweet tea, I started to think about how the story of the ark has influenced our distorted understanding of life on Earth. On one hand, the story is about destruction and resurrection. On the other hand, it is about how God made humans stewards of life. In neither case do microbes appear as creators nor destroyers of life.

The word "evolution" literally means "to unroll," but as the merchant unrolled the beautiful rugs for me, I began to see how the biblical story of the ark failed to provide a clue about how life evolved. Was all life on Earth preserved by Noah and taken on the ark? Could some organisms have been left behind? Although the story of the ark is deeply embedded in Western culture, it fails to inform us about the origins of life. To begin to understand the origin of life requires another perspective, one based on science and, especially, its application to the evolution of microbes.

To a large extent, science is the art of finding patterns in nature. Finding patterns requires careful observations, and inevitably we are biased by our senses. We are visual animals, and our perceptions of the world are based primarily on what we see. What we see is determined by the tools we have. The history of science is closely tied to the invention of novel tools that allow us to see things from different perspectives, but ironically, the invention of tools is biased by what we see. If we don't see things, we tend to overlook them. Microbes were long overlooked, especially in the story of the history of evolution.

The first few chapters in the ongoing story of the evolution of life on Earth were written largely in the nineteenth century by scientists who studied the fossils of animals and plants—fossils they could easily see. The patterns in nature they observed ignored microbial life for two simple reasons: there was no obvious fossil record of microbes in rocks, and the pattern of microbial evolution could not be easily discerned by looking at living organisms. The tools for finding fossils of microbes barely existed; however, even if there had been such tools, the roles these organisms played in shaping the evolution of Earth would not have been appreciated until new tools became available in subsequent decades. The patterns of evolution observed in animals and plants were historically inferred from the shapes and sizes of their fossils and the arrangement of these fossils through geological time. That approach does not work nearly as well when applied to microbes.

In sum, the oversight of microbes, in both the literal and figurative senses, distorted our worldview of evolution for more than a century, and including microbes in our understanding of evolution is still a work in progress. In as much as science is the art of discovering patterns in nature (and that is difficult enough), it is also about discovering patterns that we cannot see with our naked eyes.

But first, let us briefly examine the story of evolution as it emerged in the nineteenth century. That was when many of our scientific concepts about life came to be formed. The ideas were largely based on what could be seen and framed by biblical stories of the creation, including the flood and the story of Noah's stewardship of God's animals, such as the stories woven into Turkish rugs.

In the early 1830s, a gentleman scientist, Roderick Impey Murchison, and a charismatic Cambridge University professor, Adam Sedgwick, reported that there were fossils of animals deep in the ground at a site in Wales. Fossils had been known for centuries, but their significance was not well understood. Many people realized that these were impressions of organisms that had died long ago—but how long ago was not clear, nor was it clear how the impressions were preserved.

Sedgwick was one of the foremost authorities on fossils in Britain, and one of the students who attended his lectures was Charles Darwin. In the summer of 1831, barely yet twenty-two years old, Darwin went with Sedgwick into the field in north Wales to learn about fossils firsthand. That experience changed Darwin's life forever. Darwin not only helped Sedgwick find fossils of animals in the rocks, he also learned basic principles of geology, and those observational skills would be very useful to him for the rest of his life.

The fossils found in the rocks in England and Wales by Sedgwick and Murchison were also found elsewhere in Europe, and a system of classification based on the sequences of the fossils in the rocks began to take hold. Often the physical appearance of the fossils resembled familiar animals that lived in the oceans, such as clams, lobsters, and fish; however, some of the fossils were incredibly bizarre, and no one had ever seen anything like them in the oceans of the times. There was tremendous controversy about the meaning of the fossils, but the discoveries clearly suggested a sequence of changes in animal forms from lower to higher levels in the layers that these ancient marine sediments formed. At the time, it was generally understood that rocks deeper down in a sequence were older than the rocks above.

The discovery of animal fossils in rocks was hardly new. Probably the most famous early description of fossils was recorded by a Danish scientist, Nicolas Steno, in 1669. He had found objects that looked very much like shark's teeth in rocks in Italy, but how objects from once- living organisms could be so preserved puzzled him. Steno, however, thought carefully about how the fossils were arranged in the rocks. They were arranged in layers, and it appeared to him that the older layers lay below younger layers. This notion, called superposition, is one of the primary rules in sedimentary geology and strongly influenced the interpretation of the fossil record by Sedgewick more than a century later. Steno eventually abandoned science and entered the Church to devote his life to God. His early work on fossils was largely forgotten, and he himself believed that life began as it was described in Genesis.

To me, the logic of the idea that the fossils preserved in rocks are arranged in some accordance with time was an extraordinary insight, but it was not easily supported, because basic geological information was not yet available. To a large extent, the effort of finding patterns in fossils awaited the great mind of Charles Lyell, one of Darwin's intellectual mentors and a close friend. Lyell, a Scottish barrister turned naturalist, is often credited with founding a new area of science, which he called geology. Lyell, like Steno, realized that there was a logical sequence in the fossil record; however, unlike Steno, Lyell expounded on geological processes, such as erosion, volcanism, and earthquakes, to help explain the sequences observed in the fossil record. Indeed, his elucidation of the fossils in the rock sequences would later inspire Darwin to muse upon how organisms change over time. The lifelong friendship between Lyell and Darwin was a legendary symbiosis in science.

On December 27, 1831, as Darwin was beginning his voyage on the HMS Beagle, a ninety-foot, ten-gun brig with seventy-four people on board, he was allowed to have very few books in the very cramped chart room, which was his assigned sleeping quarters. He slept in a hammock in the 9- by 11-foot room, which had a 5-foot ceiling; it was dark and uninviting, and he had to share the quarters. Among other things, he took with him the first volume of the first edition of Lyell's new book, Principles of Geology, which had been published in 1830. He also took his personal copy of the King James Bible. On ships I work on, I have a hot shower every day, and while I sometimes share a small cabin, there is a library on most research vessels. Perhaps, then, it should not be too surprising that Darwin used seasickness as an excuse to leave the Beagle at almost every opportunity and to wander across the continents to meet the ship at another port of call.

Lyell took on the hard task of explaining to an interested public how animal fossils could wind up in the Alps in central Europe, as well as in the hills of Scotland and throughout the British Isles. One of the basic problems was time and how the Earth came to be formed.

Several arguments had been put forth over the centuries. One, from medieval times, was that that God made rocks to look like familiar organisms to test the faith of his flock. As absurd as it is, the notion still has many proponents, especially in parts of the United States. A second idea was that in ancient times, volcanoes exploded and carried animals from the oceans onto land, where they died and their skeletons were preserved in the rocks. A third concept was that the animals died after the Great Flood, when the sea level dropped. Indeed, this diluvian origin of fossils appealed to Sedgwick himself. There were several other ideas, which Lyell recounted eloquently and with precision, as a barrister might present a case to a jury.

Lyell proposed the radical idea that the fossils from marine animals were found in rocks on land because a long time ago the rocks were under water. Over time, the rocks were somehow uplifted and deposited on land. That notion, tested many different ways, is actually correct, but the processes responsible would not be uncovered until more than a hundred years later. One of the major problems Lyell faced was accounting for the age of the Earth. How long was "a long time ago"?

The age of the Earth had been meticulously calculated by James Ussher, the Archbishop of Amargh, in the book Annales Veteris Testamenti, which was published in 1654. It was taken by virtually every educated British citizen as the most accurate estimate of the time of creation. On the basis of a literal interpretation of the Bible, Ussher had determined that the Earth was formed at nightfall of the Sunday preceding October 23, 4004 BCE in the Julian Calendar; that is, about 6000 years ago.

As a student of law, Lyell had been trained in argumentation and was amused by some of the illogical and sometimes irrational thought processes used to explain the existence of and changes in fossil animals. He understood the power of argumentation and wrote that "the system of scholastic disputations encouraged in the Universities of the middle ages had unfortunately trained men to habits of indefinite argumentation, and they often preferred absurd and extravagant propositions, because greater skill was required to maintain them; the end and object of such intellectual combats being victory and not the truth." But even talented barristers can't win arguments against the written word of God.

Lyell didn't know anything about how evolution might work, let alone how to measure geological time. He thought Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's theory—that traits were acquired by animals during their lifetime and somehow passed on to future generations—was as good as any and more rational than most. Indeed, Lamarck's work on animal forms (he was the world's leading authority on animals without backbones—the invertebrates) led to him to propose that organisms could be arranged along a chain in time, from the simplest to the most complex forms. Lamarck set in motion the idea that organisms somehow change—that is, evolve—over time. Indeed, although now largely unjustifiably ridiculed or ignored in biology texts and classes, Lamarck was the intellectual father of a field he called biology.

The idea that fossils of animals were arranged in layers of rocks along an arrow of time got Darwin thinking about life on time scales he could barely imagine and could not easily quantify. If the oldest fossils were many meters beneath other fossils, how long had it taken for the layers of rock to build up?

Darwin was extremely puzzled by the early fossils that Murchison and Sedgwick had found. He knew that beneath the layers of rocks with fossil animals were layers that contained no fossils, but he could not understand why. The record of animals appeared to come out of nowhere, and their evolution appeared to be relatively rapid. But how rapid? And why, all of a sudden, were there fossils of fish, but in the rocks below there were only organisms that looked like invertebrates? And even further below, why were there no fossils of animals at all? It was the geological equivalent of unrolling a Turkish rug depicting the story of the ark, but half or more of the rug had no animals. Darwin needed to explain these issues first to himself and then to his colleagues. To answer these questions, he needed to try to date the rocks, and for that he needed a clock.

On September 7, 1859, the bells in the clock tower housing Big Ben rang for the first time. The clock was meticulously designed and is extraordinarily accurate; indeed, it is an iconic symbol of English engineering and craftsmanship at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Two months after that historic event, on November 24 to be precise, John Murray, III, the venerable London publisher on Albemarle Street, sent Charles Darwin's new book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, to market.

In Chapter 9 of The Origin of Species (the title was later shortened), Darwin attempted to account for the time required for extinct fossil animals to have changed, or evolved, to become the modern forms. The problem was not straightforward. Lyell and his predecessor, the Scottish physician James Hutton, had proposed that the Earth was infinitely old. Darwin did not know whether that concept was true, but he certainly believed that it had to be more than 6000 years old. To obtain a more realistic age, he developed a rather interesting, if not downright ingenious, approach to measuring geological time.

Darwin's clock was based on a geological phenomenon: the rate of erosion of sedimentary rocks, the kind that contain fossils. He specifically chose the Weald, a well-studied chalk and sandstone cliff abutting the sea in Kent, England. Darwin calculated that this formation eroded about one inch per century, and based on the size of the formation at the time, he calculated that the "denudation of the Weald must have required 306,662,400 years; or say three hundred million years."

Darwin didn't account for the time required for the formation of the cliff itself, but that was a detail. Moreover, he didn't account for the rocks below the Weald, which would have only made the age of the cliff even older, and possibly infinitely old, as thought by Lyell. Darwin's estimate of the age of the cliff certainly was a bold speculation, and without a better constraint, it was apparently based on a rational, physically verifiable idea. The implication was obvious. The Earth was very old. It was much, much older than Ussher had calculated, and it was a lot older than most people could possibly have imagined at the time. And while the date of the origin of life on Earth had not been determined (and remains unclear to this day), that there were rocks that had no fossils beneath those above implied that Darwin's estimate of the age of the Earth was conservative.


Excerpted from Life's Engines by Paul G. Falkowski. Copyright © 2015 Princeton University Press. Excerpted by permission of PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ix

Prologue 1

CHAPTER 1 The Missing Microbes 9

CHAPTER 2 Meet the Microbes 23

CHAPTER 3 The World before Time 40

CHAPTER 4 Life's Little Engines 47

CHAPTER 5 Supercharging the Engines 68

CHAPTER 6 Protecting the Core Genes 91

CHAPTER 7 Cell Mates 108

CHAPTER 8 Supersizing in Wonderland 124

CHAPTER 9 The Fragile Species 145

CHAPTER 10 The Tinkerers 161

CHAPTER 11 Microbes on Mars and

Butterflies on Venus? 173

Further Readings 187

Index 191

What People are Saying About This

From the Publisher

"Falkowski reminds us that we are living off the kindness of strangers—small ones, the microbes that are the very foundation of all life on this planet. He describes a hidden world of extraordinary complexity, taking us through the great discoveries that have taught us the rules. Life's Engines is a treasure trove of science and history that sounds a strong cautionary note about our future."—Martin J. Blaser, author of Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics Is Fueling Our Modern Plagues

"In this brilliant book, Falkowski explores the hidden world of microbes from the intertwined perspectives of a researcher deeply versed in both Earth and life sciences, taking us on an epic journey from the origins of life to the birth of our own species. Life's Engines is an engaging, revelatory read."—Robert M. Hazen, author of The Story of Earth

"In this engaging book, Paul Falkowski presents an authoritative and highly personal account of microbes, the tiny organisms that shape the world. From the inner workings of the cell to the broad sweep of Earth history, Falkowski weaves a tale of discovery that has profound consequences for understanding our past, our future, and, not least, our own bodies."—Andrew H. Knoll, Harvard University and author of Life on a Young Planet: The First Three Billion Years of Evolution on Earth

"This is a microbial world, and we live here subject to microbial consent. In this perceptive and intriguing work, noted biophysicist and evolutionary biologist Paul Falkowski provides a grand tour of the intricacies of microbial life, from how they function to their role in making this a habitable planet. Falkowski has had a remarkable research career, and the rich diversity of his work provides a wonderful framework for this book."—Douglas H. Erwin, author of Extinction: How Life on Earth Nearly Ended 250 Million Years Ago

"Life's Engines provides a unique perspective on the micro and macro worlds that comprise the living Earth system. A very good read."—Edward F. DeLong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"Life's Engines is a distinct, engaging, and very worthwhile contribution."—Roger Summons, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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