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Designed to introduce readers to the formal study of literature, this anthology presents a generous selection of works in fiction, poetry, and drama. Richly varied in content, it features classic and contemporary works that represent a range of voices and styles, and that reflect the cultural diversity that is characteristic of American society, with balanced representation of women and minorities. The anthology is structured to help readers develop a sharp critical appreciation of the readings and a method of analyzing literature that translates easily from text to text and to other theories and approaches. For anyone interested in literature.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780132267700
Publisher: Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
Publication date: 09/24/1996
Edition description: 5th ed
Pages: 1871
Product dimensions: 5.99(w) x 8.96(h) x 2.23(d)

Table of Contents

(NOTE: * indicates new selection.)
Introduction: Reading, Studying, and Writing About Literature.

Why We Read. Literary Criticism. Writing About Literature: Explication and Analysis. Writing a Paper: Steps and Stages.


1. What Is Fiction?
2. The Elements of Fiction.
Plot. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1865). "My Kinsman, Major Molineux." "Young Goodman Brown." Character. Setting. Point of View. Theme. Symbol and Allegory. Style and Tone.

3. Stories.
Washington Irving 1783-1859. "Rip Van Winkle." Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849. "The Fall of the House of Usher." "The Cask of Amontillado." Herman Melville 1819-1891.^*"The Lightning-Rod Man." "Bartleby the Scrivener." Guy de Maupassant 1850-1893. ^*"Rust." Leo Tollstoy 1828-1910. "The Death of Ivan Ilych." Mary Wilkins Freeman 1852-1930. ^*"A New England Nun." Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930. "A Scandal in Bohemia." Henry James 1843-1 916. "The Real Thing." Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1860-1935."The Yellow Wall-Paper." Kate Chopin 1851-1904. "The Storm." Stephen Crane 1871-1900. "The Blue Hotel." Anton Chekhov 1860-1904. "The Darling." Joseph Conrad 1857 -1924. "The Secret Sharer." James Joyce 1882-1941."Araby." "The Dead." Susan Glaspell 1882-1948. "A Jury of Her Peers." D. H. Lawrence 1885-1930. ^*"The Horse Dealer's Daughter." Katherine Mansfield 1888-1923. "The Fl y." Agatha Christie 1890-1976. "The Witness for the Prosecution."Ernest Hemingway 1898-1961. "Hills Like White Elephants."William Faulkner 1897-1962. "A Rose for Emily." "Barn Burning." Richard Wright 1908-1960. "The Man Who W as Almost a Man." Katherine Anne Porter 1890-1980. "The Grave." Ralph Ellison 1914-. "King of the Bingo Game." Flannery O'Connor 1925-1964. "A Good Man Is Hard to Find." John Cheaver 1912-1982. "O Youth and Beauty!" ^*"The World of Apples." Doris Lessing 1919-. "Wine." James Baldwin 1924-1987. "Sonny's Blues." Alice Munro 1931-. "Thanks for the Ride." Tillie Olson 1913-. "I Stand Here Ironing." John Updike 1932-. "A & P." Joyce Carol Oates 1938-. "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been." "Four Summers." Alice Walker 1944-. "To Hell with Dying." "Nineteen Fifty-Five." Gabriel Garcáa Márquez 1928-. "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings." Toni Cade Bambara 1939-. ^*"The Lesson." Leslie Silko 1948-. "Yellow Woman." Patricia Zelver 1923-. "Love Letters." Raymond Carver 1939-1988. "Cathedral." ^*"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love." Garrison Keillor 1942-. "The Tip-Top Club." Bobbie Ann Mason 1940-. "Shiloh." Bel Kaufman. ^*"Sunday in the Park." Ann Beattie 1947-. "Janus." Ursula K. Le Guin 1929-. "Horse Camp." Sandra Cisneros. ^*"The House on Mango Street." Pam Houston 1962-. ^*"How to Talk to a Hunter." Norman Lavers 1935-. "The Telegraph Relay Station." W. D. Wetherell 1948-. ^*"Wherever That Great Heart May Be." Elizabeth Winthrop 1948-. ^*"The Golden Darters." Louise Erdrich 1954-. "Mauser." Rick Bass 1958-. ^*"Antlers."


4. What Is Poetry?
"The Red Wheelbarrow," William Carlos Williams."Sound and Sense," Alexander Pope. "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer," John Keats. "Ars Poetica," Archibald MacLeish. "Word," Stephen Spender. "American Poetry," Louis Simpson.

5. Denotation and Connotation.
"Design," Robert Frost. "The Naked and the Nude," Robert Graves. "Cargoes," John Masefield.

6. Allusion.
"When Adam Dalf." "When Amatory Poets Sing Their Loves," Lord Byron. "'Tis Pity Learned Virgins Ever Wed," Lord Byron. "The Garden of Love," William Blake. "Myth," Muriel Rukeyser.

7. Repetition and Ambiguity.
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," Robert Frost. "Recessional," Rudyard Kipling. "Desert Places," Robert Frost. "Both Sides Now," Joni Mitchell.

8. Puns and Paradoxes.
"Lo, as a Careful Housewife Runs to Catch," William Shakespeare. "If the Slayer Thinks He Slays," FROM Katha Upanishad. "One May Know the World," FROM The Way of Lao-Tzu. "Whoso List to Hunt," Sir Thomas Wyatt. "The Man He Killed," Thomas Hardy.

9. Irony.
"Richard Cory," Edwin Arlington Robinson. "The First Attack at Once Proved the Divinity," Lord Byron. "Ozymandias," Percy Bysshe Shelley. "Is My Team Plowing," A. E. Housman.

10. Imagery.
"Spring," William Shakespeare. "Winter," William Shakespeare. "By This He Knew She Wept with Waking Eyes,"George Meredith. "Yes, Farewell, Farewell Forever," FROM "Lady Byron's Reply." "To _____," Percy Bysshe Shelley.

11. Comparisons.
"The Flea," John Donne. "Valediction: Forbidding Mourning," John Donne. "Naming of Parts," Henry Reed. "Morning Song," Sylvia Plath. "Landcrab," Margaret Atwood.

12. Personification, Apostrophe, and Animism.
"Then to This Earthen Bowl Did I Adjourn," Edward FitzGerald. "Blow, Winds, and Crack Your Cheeks! Rage! Blow!" William Shakespeare FROM King Lear. "Fog," Carl Sandburg. "Apparently with No Surprise," Emily Dickinson. "Ex-Basketball Player," John Updike.

13. Symbol and Allegory.
"The Whale," Herman Melville. "What Is Our Life? A Play of Passion," Sir Walter Raleigh. "Crossing the Bar," Alfred, Lord Tennyson. "The Road Not Taken," Robert Frost.

14. The Plain Sense of Poetry.
"Upon Julia's Clothes," Robert Herrick. "Delight in Disorder," Robert Herrick. "Anthem for Doomed Youth," Wilfred Owen. "Not Waving But Drowning," Stevie Smith.

15. Rhythm and Meter.
"On First Looking into Chapman's Homer," John Keats. "My Heart Leaps Up," William Wordsworth. "La Belle Dame sans Merci," John Keats. "I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed," Emily Dickinson.

16. Rhythm and Motor, Part 2.
"Song: Go, and Catch a Falling Star," John Donne. "Eve," Ralph Hodgson. "Annabel Lee," Edgar Allan Poe. "Anglosaxon Street," Earle Birney. "Vox Humana," Thom Gunn. "Sandpiper," Elizabeth Bishop.

17. Rhyme and Other Manipulations of Sound.
"'Tis Pity Learned Virgins Ever Wed," Lord Byron. "Look, Stranger," W. H. Auden. "Jabberwocky," Lewis Carroll. "Winter Remembered," John Crowe Ransom. "Dulce et Decorum Est," Wilfred Owen.

18. Structure and Form in Poetry.
"We Real Cool," Gwendolyn Brooks. "What Is an Epigram? A Dwarfish Whole," Samuel Taylor Coleridge. "Come, Fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring," Edward FitzGerald. "Bonny Barbara Allan," Anonymous. "With This She Seizeth on His Sweating Palm," William Shakespeare, FROM Venus and Adonis. "His Warlike Armes, the Idle Instruments," Edmund Spenser, FROM The Faerie Queene. "The Falling Flower," Moritake. "Lightning in the Sky," Matsuo Basho. "The Reverend Henry Ward Beecher," Anonymous. "I Sat Next the Duchess at Tea," Anonymous. "Easter Wings," George Herbert. "To the Spring," John Davies. "Dream Variations," Langston Hughes. "They Flee from M e," Sir Thomas Wyatt. "Since There's No Help," Michael Drayton. "The Waking," Theodore Roethke.

19. Questions to Ask About Poetry.
20. Poems.

Early Popular Songs and Ballads.

"Summer Is Icumen In." "O Western Wind." "Get Up and Bar the Door." "Sir Patrick Spens." "Mary Hamilton." "Matty Groves."

Medieval Poetry.

Geoffrey Chaucer c. 1342?-1400. FROM The Canterbury Tales "General Prologue." "The Miller's Prologue." "The Milleres Tale."

Renaissance Poetry.

Elizabeth I, Queen of England 1533-1603. "On Monsieur's Departure." Edmund Spenser 1552-1599. FROM The Faerie Queene, Book 1, "One day I wrote her name upon the strand." Sir Walter Ralegh 1552-1618. "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd." "Epitaph." Sir Philip Sidney 1554-1586."Thou Blind Man's Mark." Chidiock Tichborne 1558?-1686. "Tichborne's Elegy." Christopher Marlowe 1564-1593. "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love." William Shakespeare 156 4-1616. "If I profane with my unworthiest hand." "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" "Not marble, nor the gilded monuments." "Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea." "Let me not to the marriage of true minds." "The expense of spirit is a waste of shame." "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun."

Seventeenth-Century Poetry.

John Donne 1572-1631. "The Good-Morrow." "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.' "The Sun Rising." "The Canonization." "The Relique." "Death Be Not Proud." "Batter my heart, three-personed God." Ben Jonson 1572-1637. "Song: To Celia." Robert Herrick 1591-1674. "To the Virgins to Make Much of Time." "The Night-Piece: To Julia." "The Resurrection Possible and Probable." "Upon Julia's Voice." George Herbert 1593-1633. "The Pulley." "Love." Edmund Waller 1606-1687. D "On a Girdle." John Milton 1608-1674. "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent." "On the Late Massacre in Piedmont." Sir John Suckling 1609-1642. "The Constant Lover." Richard Lovelace 1618-1657. "To Lucasta, Going to the Wars." "To Althea, from Prison." "To Amarantha, That She Would Dishevel Her Hair." Andrew Marvell 1621-1678. "To His Coy Mistress." Katherine Philips 1631-1664. "Against Love." John Dryden 1631-1700. "Rondelay." "Song." Aphra Bohn 1640-1689. "To the Fair Clarinda, Who Made Love to Me, Imagined More than Woman." ^*"The Defiance."

Eighteenth-Century Poetry.

Matthew Prior 1664-1721. "An Epitaph." Jonathan Swift 1667-1745. "A Description of the Morning." Alexander Pope 1688-1744. FROM An Essay on Criticism, Part II, lines 215-32. FROM An Essay on Man, Epistle II, lines 1-18. Thomas Gray 1716-1771. "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard." William Blake 1757-1827. FROM Songs of Innocence: "The Little Black Boy." "The Chimney Sweeper." FROM Songs of Experience: "The Chimney Sweeper." "The Sick Rose." "The Tyger." "London." "The Clod and the Pebble." "A Poison Tree." Robert Burns 1759-1796."To a Mouse, on Turning Her up in Her Nest with the Plough, November, 1785." "A Red, Red Rose." "For A' That and A' That."

Nineteenth-Century Poetry.

William Wordsworth 1770-1850. "Line Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey." "She dwelt among the untrodden ways." "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud." "She was a phantom of delight." "London, 1802." "Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802." "The world is too much with us." Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834. "Kubla Khan." "Work Without Hope." "On Donne's Poetry." Leigh Hunt 1784-1859. "Rondeau." George Gordon, Lord Byron 1788-1824. "Lines Inscribed upon a Cup Formed from a Skull." "She Walks in Beauty." "The Destruction of Sennacherib." FROM Don Juan, selected stanzas. Percy Byshe Shelley 1792-1822. "Ode to the West Wind." "Sonnet: Lift not the painted veil." John Keats 1795-1821. "O de to a Nightingale." "Ode on a Grecian Urn." "To Autumn." "Ode on Melancholy." "Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art!" "If by dull rhymes our English must be chained." "When I have fears that I may cease to be." ^*"Written in Disgust of Vulgar Superstition." Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882. "Each and All." "The Snow-Storm." "Days." Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1806-1861. "Finite and Infinite." ^*"If thous must love me, let it be for naught." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807-1882. "Snow-Flakes." "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls." Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849. "To Helen." "Eldorado." Edward FitzGerald 1809-1883. FROM The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayym. Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1809-1892. "Ulysses." "Break, Break, Break." "The Eagie: A Fragment." "Flower in the Crannied Wall" Robert Browning 1812-1889. "Porphyria's Lover." "My Last Duchess." "Meeting at Night." "Parting at Morning." "Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister." Walt Whitman 1819-1892. "When I Heard the Learned Astronomer." "A Noiseless Patient Spider." "Cavalry Crossing a Ford." "The Dalliance of the Eagles." Matthew Arnold 1822-1888. "Dover Beach." Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1888. ^*"Lilith." Emily Dickinson 1830-1886. "Success is counted sweetest." "The Soul selects her own Society." "A Bird came down the Walk." ^*"I'll tell you how the Sun rose—." "I heard a Fly buzz — when I died." "I like to see it lap the Miles." "Because I could not stop for Death." Christina Rossetti 1830-1894. "Goblin Market." "In an Artist's Studio." "A Birthday."

Modern Poetry.

Thomas Hardy 1840-1928. "Neutral Tones." "The Darkling Thrush." "The Convergence of the Twain." "Channel Firing." Gerard Manley Hopkins 1844-1889. "God's Grandeur." "Heaven-Haven." "Pied Beauty." "The Windhover." "Spring and Fall." A. E. Housman 1859-1936. "When I Was One-and-Twenty." "With Rue My Heart Is Laden." "To an Athlete Dying Young." "Terence, This Is Stupid Stuff." "On Wenlock Edge." "Loveliest of Trees." "Eight O'Clock." William Butler Yeats 1865-1939. "The Lake Isle of Innisfree." "The Wild Swans at Coole." "The Second Coming." "Leda and the Swan." "Sailing to Byzantium." Edwin Arlington Robinson 1869-1935. "Reuben Bright." "Miniver Cheevy." "New England." Paul Laurence Dunbar 1872-1906 . "We Wear the Mask." "Sympathy." Leonora Speyer 1872-1956. "The Ladder." Amy Lowell 1874-1925. "The Taxi." "Patterns." Robert Frost 1874-1963. "After Apple-Picking." "Birches." "The Oven Bird." "Dust of Snow." "Fire and Ice." "Nothing Gold Can Stay." "Acquainted with the Night." "Neither Out Far Nor in Deep." "Come In." "Directive." Wallace Stevens 1879-1955. "Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock." "Peter Quince at the Clavier." "Anecdote of the Jar." "The Emperor of Ice-Cream." James Joyce 1882-1941. ^*"On the Beach at Fontana." William Carlos Williams 1883-1963. "This Is Just to Say." "The Dance." "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus." Sara Teesdale 1884-1933. "Barter." Ezra Pound 1885-1972. "In a Station of the Metro." "Ancient Music." Robinson Jeffers 1887-1962. "Hurt Hawks." Marianne Moore 1887-1972. "Poetry." T. S. Eliot 1888-1965. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." "Journey of the Magi." John Crowe Ransom 1 888-1974. "Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter." "Piazza Piece." Conrad Aiken 1889-. ^*"Keep in the Heart the Journal Nature Keeps." Claude McKay 1890-1948. ^*"America." "The Harlem Dancer." "If We Must Die." ^*"Outcast." Edna St. Vincent Millay 1892-1950. "Time Does Not Bring Relief." "Witch-Wife." "Afternoon on a Hill." ^*"Never May the Fruit be Plucked." ^*"What Lips My Lips Have Kissed." "Love Is Not All." ^*"I too Beneath Your Moon, Almighty Sex." ^*"I Will Put Chaos into Fourteen Lines." Archibald Macleish 1892-1982. "You, Andrew Marvell." Dorothy Parker 1893-1967. "Résumé." e. e. cummings 1894-1962. "Buffalo Bill's." "In Just-." "Nobody Loses All the Time." "Next To of Course God America I." "My Sweet Old Etcetera." ^*"She Being Brand."
Jean Toomer 1894-1967. "Reapers." Louise Bogen 1897-1970. "Women." Hart Crane 1899-1932. "Black Tambourine." Melvin B. Tolson 1900-. ^ *"A Legend of Versailles." Robert Francis 1901-1987. ^*"Catch." ^*"The Pitcher." ^*"Excellence." Langston Hughes 1902-1967. "The Negro Speaks of Rivers." "Harlem." "Theme for English B." "Advice." Ogden Nash 1902-1971 . "Very Like a Whale." Countee Cullen 1903-1946. "Yet Do I Marvel." Phyllis McGinley 1905-1978. "The 5:32." "Portrait of a Girl with Comic Book." "The Conquerors." "Reflections Outside of a Gymnasium." W. H. Auden 1907-1973. "Mus 130e des Beaux Arts." "The Unknown Citizen." Theodore Roethke 1908-1963. "Dolor." "I Knew a Woman." "Root Cellar." Elizabeth Bishop 1911-1979. ^*"Sestina." May Sarton 1912-. ^*"The Lady and the Unicorn." Josephine Miles 1911-1985. "Reason." Delmore Schwartz 1913-1966. ^*"The Heavy Bear Who Goes with Me." Robert Hayden 1913-1980. "Those Winter Sundays." Dylan Thomas 1914-1953. "The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower." "Fern Hill." "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night." Randall Jarrell 1914-1965. "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner." "Eighth Air Force." Gwendolyn Brooks 1917-. "The Mother." "First Fight. Then fiddle." "The Lovers of the Poor." "The Bean Eaters." "Religion." "Uncle Seagram." Lawrence Ferlinghetti 1919-. "Constantly Risking Absurdity." ^*"In Goya's Greatest Scenes." May Swenson 1919-. "Women." ^*"Hearing the Wind at Night." Charles Bukowski 1920-. ^*"Yellow." Richard Wilbur 1921-. ^*"Year's End." "The Star System." Philip Larkin 1922-1985. "Church Going." Alan Dugan 1923-. "Love Song: I and Thou." Anthony Hecht 1923-. "More Light! More Light!" "The Dover Bitch." Denise Levertov 1923-. "At the Edge." ^*"O Taste and See." ^*"The Ache of Marriage." Louis Simpson 1923-. "Summer Storm." Lisel Mueller 1924-."First Snow in Lake County." Maxine Kumin 1925-. ^*"Morning Swim." "Together." "Woodchucks." Carolyn Kizer 1925-. "Bitch." Robert Creeley 1926-. "I Know a Man." Alastair Reid 1926-. "Curiosity." W. D. Snodgrass 1926-."April Inventory." David Wagoner 1926-. "Meeting a Bear." "Walking in a Swamp." BJames Wright 1927-1980. "A Blessing." "Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio." W. S. Merwin 1927-. "Leviathan." "The Drunk in the Furnace." Anne Sexton 1928-1974. "Lullaby." "Her Kind." "The Truth the Dead Know." Maya Angelou 1928-. "My Arkansas." "The Healthfood Diner." "On the Pulse of Morning." Cynthia Macdonald 1928-. "Two Brothers in a Field of Absence." Thom Gunn 1929-. "Black Jackets." X. J. Kennedy 1929-. "Cross Ties." Adrienne Rich 1929-. "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers." "Storm Warnings." "The Knight." Ted Hughes 1930-. "Pike." Ruth Fainfight 1931-. "Flower Feet." George Starbuck 1931-. "Margaret Are You Drug." Sylvia Plath 1932-1963. "Metaphors." "Medallion." "Mirror." ^*"Balloons." Peter Mainke 1932-. "Advice to My Son." Linda Pastan 1932-. "Jump Cabling." "Ethics." "Marks." John Updike 1932-. ^*"Player Piano." Felix Mnthall 1933-. "The Stranglehood of English Lit." Wole Soyinka 1934-. "Telephone Conversation." Sally Croft 1935-. ^*"Home-Baked Bread." Lucille Clifton 1936-. ^*"Come Home from the Movies." Marge Piercy 1936-. "To Be of Use." "A Work of Artifice." "The Woman in the Ordinary." Blanche Farley 1937-. "The Lover Not Taken." Helen Chasin 1938-. ^*"The Word Plum." Joyce Carol Oates 1938-. ^*"A Girl at the Center of Her Life." Robert Phillips 1938-. "Middle Age: A Nocturne." Margaret Atwood 1939 -. "You Fit into Me." Pattiann Rogers 1940-. "Portrait." Sharon Olds 1942-. ^*"Rite of Passage." "Sex Without Love." Nikki Giovanni 1943-. "Poetry." Robert Morgan 1944-. ^*"Mountain Graveyard." Edward Hirsch 19 50-. "Dance of the Moon." Rick Lott 1950-. "Exile." Michael McFee 1954-. ^*"In Medias Res." Cathy Song 1955-. "The White Porch." Leslie Adrienne Miller1956-. "Deer Harvest."


21. What Is Drama?

Drama and Poetry. Drama and Fiction. The Actors. The Audience. The Theater.
22. The Elements of Drama.
Dialogue. Story. Character. Action.
23. The Classifications of Drama.
Tragedy. Comedy.
24. Analyzing and Evaluating Drama.
Questions to Ask and Answer.
25. Plays.
Sophocles c. 496-406 B.C. "King Oedipus." Aristophanes c. 450-385 B.C. "Lysistrata." William Shakespeare 1564-1616. "Othello." Molière (Joan-Baptiste Poquelin) 1622-1673. ^*"Tartuffe" (new translation). Aphra Bohn 1640-1689. ^*"The Rovers." George Gordon, Lord Byron 1788-1824. ^*"Cain." Henrik Ibsen 1828-1906. "Hedda Gabler." Anton Chekhov 1860-1904. "The Cherry Orchard." Susan Glaspell 1882-1948. "Trifles." Eu gene O'Neill 1888-1953. "Desire Under the Elms." Tennessee Williams 1911-1983. "The Glass Menagerie." Lorraine Hansberry 1930-1965. "A Raisin in the Sun." Wole Soyinka 1934-. "The Strong Breed." Alice Childress 1920-. "Wine in the Wilderness." Athol Fugard. ^*"Playland." Jane Martin. ^*"Keely and Du." David Ives 1951-. ^*"Words, Words, Words."
A Handbook for Literary Study.
Thematic Table of Contents.
Index to Authors, Titles, and First Lines.

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