Lucky At Bat

Lucky At Bat follows the story of a young boy named Jack and his two rescue rats-Lucky and Gus-Gus. When Jack discovers that Lucky has a talent for baseball, the little rat becomes the mascot and secret batting coach for Jack's Little League team. Unfortunately, a rival team considers Lucky's presence "cheating," and tensions rise, resulting in a terrible accident. Lucky and Jack wonder if maybe a ballpark is no place for a rat.

Now it's up to Jack's teammates and Gus-Gus to show both Lucky and Jack that they are special and important, and they should not give up on their dreams, no matter how big those dreams may be.

Lucky At Bat

Lucky At Bat follows the story of a young boy named Jack and his two rescue rats-Lucky and Gus-Gus. When Jack discovers that Lucky has a talent for baseball, the little rat becomes the mascot and secret batting coach for Jack's Little League team. Unfortunately, a rival team considers Lucky's presence "cheating," and tensions rise, resulting in a terrible accident. Lucky and Jack wonder if maybe a ballpark is no place for a rat.

Now it's up to Jack's teammates and Gus-Gus to show both Lucky and Jack that they are special and important, and they should not give up on their dreams, no matter how big those dreams may be.

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Lucky At Bat

Lucky At Bat

Lucky At Bat

Lucky At Bat


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Lucky At Bat follows the story of a young boy named Jack and his two rescue rats-Lucky and Gus-Gus. When Jack discovers that Lucky has a talent for baseball, the little rat becomes the mascot and secret batting coach for Jack's Little League team. Unfortunately, a rival team considers Lucky's presence "cheating," and tensions rise, resulting in a terrible accident. Lucky and Jack wonder if maybe a ballpark is no place for a rat.

Now it's up to Jack's teammates and Gus-Gus to show both Lucky and Jack that they are special and important, and they should not give up on their dreams, no matter how big those dreams may be.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781646638598
Publisher: Koehler Books
Publication date: 12/20/2022
Pages: 144
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.34(d)
Age Range: 5 - 12 Years

About the Author

Alisse Lee Goldenberg is an award-winning author of children's literature, horror, and young adult paranormal romance and fantasy fiction. She is currently working on four series: The Sitnalta Series, The Children of Colonodona, The Dybbuk Scrolls, and The Bath Salts Journals (co-authored with An Tran). She has her bachelor of education, a fine arts degree, and has studied fantasy and folklore since she was a child. Alisse is also a screenwriter and playwright, creating the world of Jay & Shilo. She is currently living in Toronto with her husband, Brian, and their triplets, Joseph, Phillip, and Hailey.

Joseph Goldenberg is an enthusiastic eleven-year-old with a fascination with rats, baseball, and basketball (the order is likely to change on any given day). This is his first book, and he is excited to share it with the world! He dreams of being an MLB player, and having a house filled with pets.
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