My Burden is Light
"This little book, My Burden is Light, read slowly and pondered, will bring peace and joy to the most pressured heart." Sister Wendy Beckett, hermit, author and broadcaster

Following the establishment of the much-loved devotional book I Am With You, now in constant use throughout the world, further inspiring words (received from our Lord in times of prayer by Fr. John Woolley) are contained in this new volume, My Burden is Light. The life-changing and peace-giving words of the risen Lord Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, are certain to be experienced in this latest companion to I Am with You. The Christian road is often far from easy. What My Burden is Light provides is unique help in learning to be calm and strong in very difficult circumstances, and in finding Jesus our Lord a lifelong tower of strength. As our Lord's word is received, we discover increasingly, that we have a wonderful Friend!

My Burden is Light
"This little book, My Burden is Light, read slowly and pondered, will bring peace and joy to the most pressured heart." Sister Wendy Beckett, hermit, author and broadcaster

Following the establishment of the much-loved devotional book I Am With You, now in constant use throughout the world, further inspiring words (received from our Lord in times of prayer by Fr. John Woolley) are contained in this new volume, My Burden is Light. The life-changing and peace-giving words of the risen Lord Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, are certain to be experienced in this latest companion to I Am with You. The Christian road is often far from easy. What My Burden is Light provides is unique help in learning to be calm and strong in very difficult circumstances, and in finding Jesus our Lord a lifelong tower of strength. As our Lord's word is received, we discover increasingly, that we have a wonderful Friend!

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My Burden is Light

My Burden is Light

by John Woolley
My Burden is Light

My Burden is Light

by John Woolley


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"This little book, My Burden is Light, read slowly and pondered, will bring peace and joy to the most pressured heart." Sister Wendy Beckett, hermit, author and broadcaster

Following the establishment of the much-loved devotional book I Am With You, now in constant use throughout the world, further inspiring words (received from our Lord in times of prayer by Fr. John Woolley) are contained in this new volume, My Burden is Light. The life-changing and peace-giving words of the risen Lord Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, are certain to be experienced in this latest companion to I Am with You. The Christian road is often far from easy. What My Burden is Light provides is unique help in learning to be calm and strong in very difficult circumstances, and in finding Jesus our Lord a lifelong tower of strength. As our Lord's word is received, we discover increasingly, that we have a wonderful Friend!

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781782795971
Publisher: Collective Ink
Publication date: 08/07/2015
Pages: 176
Product dimensions: 3.90(w) x 5.90(h) x 0.30(d)

About the Author

The Rev. John Woolley was ordained a priest in the Church of England in 1964 and served parishes in Liverpool Diocese for many years before becoming a chaplain in hospitals in Sunderland and Hertfordshire. He died in 2008. Find more on Father Woolley and his work at

Read an Excerpt

My Burden is Light

Treasured Words of Divine Inspiration as Given to

By John Woolley

John Hunt Publishing Ltd.

Copyright © 2006 John Woolley
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-78279-597-1


MY child, from the outset I accepted the burden of a fallen world in order to bear pain for My children.

My purpose, always, is to bring, through My sharing, a knowledge of My love which otherwise would not be there.

As you look at the Cross, see the Creator's willing acceptance of the pain in creation.

Think of the sharing which followed as not merely for the world, but for individuals, as each child, through My own suffering, comes to find hope.

God so loved the world ... (John 3: 16)


ANY turning to Myself is always, firstly, to Calvary, where My love most readily can be seen.

It is here that I take from you the burdens of fear, and of self-blame, and it is here that the basis of love is established for our permanent relationship.

My child, my love dictates that I cannot look upon you as bowed down with cares of many kinds.

My victory ensures that I can take your burdens into Myself, and can then prevent evil from troubling your spirit.

For the sake of my sheep I surrender My life (John 10: 15)


MY child, not for one moment have you suffered alone, because I truly have upheld you.

My own heart has been deeply hurt by all your experiences of life's pain.

The cost of My sharing in humanity - seen at Calvary ... this involvement will never fail you.

Do you see that My love is hurt whenever you are burdened? This is why I always desire to lift burdens for you.

The world has still to appreciate the depth of My love.

I am the Good Shepherd (John 10: 14)


AS you gaze at the Cross frequently through your life, no question need ever arise about My willingness to bear everything which, in your weakness, you cannot bear.

Having watched, with Me, at Calvary, you can then contemplate the same love enfolding you now ... an enfolding which enables you to be the child I always see.

My child, never cease to be grateful that in a world with so many trials you possess Me!

There is no greater love than when a person lays down his life for his friends (John 15:13)


SO much needless pain results from not accepting My invitation and not allowing Me to bear anxiety, sadness and guilt for you.

My child, always remember that it gives joy to My heart when I am able to shoulder a burden which is proving too much for you. It becomes yet another instance of My love's desire being fulfilled ...

Whenever you whisper My name helplessly, it is always a sign that the bond between us is unbroken.

As that helpless child, wrapped around by My love, you are then truly able to receive.

Unless you become like children (Matthew 18: 3)


MY child, I have made clear to you that the only condition for your being free of life's burdens is to accept the light 'burden' of merely loving Me and serving Me!

My child, do not underestimate how much your own trust and your attentiveness towards Me is able to lift My burden of sorrow over My world. In this way, we are carrying for each other - which constitutes a true friendship.

My child, never weary in trusting Me!

My yoke is easy (Matthew 11:30)


THE essential relationship between your creator and yourself is that of Father and child. In various ways, allow yourself to be that child ... in your thinking, and in the simplicity of your actions.

The more a child submits to My love, (resting in it) the more sure will be that child's walk with Me at all other times.

As you bring your burdens to Me, you can take for granted My lifting of those burdens because My love can do no other!

Do not try to 'feel' the sense of your burdens being lifted; instead, simply thank Me, in sheer trust, that all has been taken into My love.

Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have it, and it will be so (Mark 11:24)


WHEN you feel completely unequal to your situation, do not attempt anything except simply throwing yourself upon Me.

Do not be hurried. Remain there, in My arms, until My peace begins its work in your heart.

My child, I again emphasise to you that you are not meant to bear the burdens which life produces, and which are My responsibility.

Whenever you surrender a situation to my working, I want you to instantaneously feel My shouldering of that which you have given to me.

Come to me ... (Matthew 11: 28)


I want you to know that if you keep very close to Me during any time of great testing, I hold you.

I hold you so that you do not break under the forces which are at work.

Just keep Me there until the storm begins to subside, as it always will. Always remember the analogy with an earthly parent and child.

I am there, like a good parent, to do for you what you are unable to do for yourself, supporting your faltering steps.

I am able to carry you (Isaiah 46: 4)


MY child, if only you were able to see the road ahead which you have chosen to tread with Me!

You would see how that road differs from all the other roads of life. My road has far fewer obstacles compared with others because many of them (temptations, discouragements, opposition), have already been removed for you.

The obstacles remaining are there to prove your trust in overcoming, and are in no way wasteful, as are so many of the hazards of earth.

I am the Way (John 14: 6)


WHAT I desire for you is a permanent state of being unburdened!

This will happen for you as my love fills your consciousness increasingly, and the sense of your having a Companion on life's road becomes instinctive.

This will mean that whenever you are aware of a burden of the spirit recurring, then you will (almost unthinkingly!) simply return it into My hands.

You will find rest for your soul (Matthew 11: 29)


THE way in which the bearing of your burdens takes place is essentially an interior one ...

Deep within your spirit My own spirit is enlarged and the weight which you carry is lifted.

In place of the burden I bequeath to you tranquillity, and the sure hope of My perfect solution.

My child, Yes, I do have all possibilities within My control. I will only permit what I see is best for your life. Are you content that this is so?

Not only My bearing of your every burden, but My carrying of you.

Peace which the world cannot give (John 14: 27)


MY child, so often it will be difficult to see beyond the darkness.

The starting point for your recovery is reminding yourself of something which you may temporarily have forgotten ... that you have Me!

Increasingly, that quiet assurance that you possess Me will mean that nothing else in existence really matters!

Remember that evil forces will attempt to lie to you but as you look earnestly for Me, the peace of My love in you is utterly secure.

The Son of Righteousness will rise upon you with healing in His wings (Malachi 4: 2)


YOU may often feel that you simply cannot go on.

It is at such times that I bless even the very slightest effort which you then bring yourself to make, after seeking My strength.

Simply being what you could not be without Me!

If there is one place, above all others, where you must never lose heart, it is when you are upon My road.

My child, you surely have found that when every aspect of life is uncertain there is a place of absolute stability ... the rock which is your Saviour and Friend.

In your weakness, My strength is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12: 9)


MY child, when you tell Me that you feel afraid, even the very sharing with Me begins to lessen the fear which you feel!

Let there be times, often, when you cease all thought and all anxiety and allow My love's light to bathe you, resting in My strengthening arms.

Do not let such occasions be restricted to crisis periods! Just let receiving be an indispensable part of every day.

In your times apart with Me, I want you to feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper into My love!

I am with you to save you (Jeremiah 1:19)


MY child, remember to frequently say the trusting words, 'In Your hands'.

This is both a statement of truth, and a bringer of peace.

Never doubt the continuing nature of My working for you - both within your heart and in those complexities of existence which so often cause you to despair.

As always, your expressions of trust in My providential care brings comfort to My heart.

Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord (Psalm 16: 20)


MY child, for you it must be a walk in My love - with that love dominant, and lighting up even the most disturbing elements of life.

My going before you in anticipation of each possible need.

My carrying of your burdens is so that you may be unrestricted in your relationship with Me, so that you may enjoy a real sense of freedom and so that you may achieve where previously you have been defeated.

My child, My burden-bearing is, in effect, giving you permission to live.

If I set you free, you are free indeed (John 8: 36)


THERE is always danger when the unity within the Godhead is forgotten.

Your devotion is weakened when the one-ness of the Father and the Son is in any way diminished, as is so often the case with those who endeavour to follow Me.

My child, the look to My love truly is a look to the love of the Father. As 'Lord', I am simply your Father or your Saviour, according to your need. The tenderness of My love must always show you, beyond all doubt, the tenderness of the Father's love.

I and the Father are one (John 10: 30)


MY child, do you look upon your present life as barren in worldly terms?

Is there much which you are tempted to envy in others?

In spite of these things, are you sure of My love for you?

Are you conscious of being My chosen?

Then you can thank Me that truly you are greatly blessed!

What profit is there in gaining the whole world? (Mark 8: 36)


MY child, make sure that one part of your thinking never changes ...

... that I can work upon any circumstance to turn it to good!

When you entrust circumstances to Me, it will not merely be a case of My not disappointing you.

Rather, it will be My giving you far more than you could have expected, as the response to your trusting Me!

I always wish to bless you abundantly, irrespective of what you feel you deserve.

A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over ... will be poured into your lap (Luke 6:38)


MY child, have you found that by letting your mind dwell upon My love, all the causes of anxiety and fretfulness are automatically seen in its light?

This is the transforming power, the gentle power of My love's radiance!

My child, let your spirit rise up into love's domain by simply taking Me at My word when I tell you 'I have loved you with an everlasting love'.

Let your spirit find true peace in that love now ... Such peace always rests upon My faithfulness.

I will not leave you without My comforting presence (John 14:18)


MY child, firstly your recognition of the ultimate loss ... to be without me.

And then, your thankfulness for two simple truths:

... in Me you have all that you need.

... in Me you have victory in all things.

You need to have only one fear ...that of losing My companionship.

I am pledged to respond to your trust by an increasing sense, for you, of love's covering, and the eventual removal of all fear.

Without Me, you can do nothing (John: 15: 5)


THE great mystery of our relationship is that as your knowledge of Me grows so does your need of Me!

Therefore, My child, never be downcast at the thought of how very much you need Me, because this is a sign of growth.

Can you not see that acquaintance with Myself does not lessen your dependency on Me but actually increases it?

The needs of those in the world around you are always best met through a child who depends on Me for everything.

My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19)


WHEN circumstances cause you to cry out desperately to Me, that is when I draw very close to minister My love to you, above all.

The number of times that you cry out to Me in this way need not make you anxious! Each one is made a source of blessing to you.

My child, your look into My love and your ability to be victorious in all things: these two are simultaneous.

Never feel that you are wearing out my patience in your desperation. These are simply opportunities for the sense of My love to blend with that sense of need.

Much is made right for you by this alone.

It is I, do not be afraid (Mark 10: 50)


WHEN there is a sense of desperation, it is always wisdom to come to Me first.

My child, let this always precede the natural seeking of consolation and understanding from human sources.

An instinctive turning!

Let Me quieten your spirit as I give to you what no other source can give. Then, unhurriedly, bring to Me, for My blessing, the approach you may make to any other child of Mine.

Yes, by making Me your first resort, an original intention to seek a source of human help may be made unnecessary.

Wait upon me (Isaiah 55: 3)


MY children who share life with Me increasingly find something of Myself in the very darkest places.

... surprising kindnesses from sources least expected.

... being used, (in spite of the darkness) to bring Me to others at very critical moments in their lives.

... a little courage which you never thought could be in you.

Each time of our sharing means that there is now a little more of Myself in you!

It is all part of love's design, in which your hope need never die.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4: 13)


MY child, does your mind turn instinctively from observing all that is good in your world to the One who conceived it all, in love?

It is all part of having Me as the home of your thoughts!

Turning to myself as your friend from the frequent barrenness of life is rewarded by My blessing what is good in life's experiences.

Life's most precious moments are even more precious to you whenever their source is remembered.

Let your true satisfaction be in knowing Me (Jeremiah 9: 24)


MY child, do you wish to find a sure way in which your love for Me will grow?

Is that desire strong?

Then, be sure to develop that sense of gratitude for My carrying all that would be unbearable of life's demands.

Gratitude for My unfailing accessability.

Gratitude for the priceless contrast between the 'burdened' you and the child whom I now carry.

Gratitude simply for My presence in your life.

Even the hairs of your head are all counted (Luke 12: 7)


ALWAYS remember that in temporary disappointment there is something from which I am saving you.

My child, have in your mind always that I only allow circumstances which can be steps to heaven for you.

That is why you must summon up all your trust in seeing those circumstances as something for which you can thank Me - even if not immediately apparent to you.

My thoughts are not your thoughts (Isaiah 55: 8)


MY child, regret nothing that you feel you have missed in life, thus far.

I will always more than make up for everything as you are careful to consciously dwell in My love.

I will never be denied in My desire to bless a child who trusts Me, at whatever stage of his or her life.

You know that you have all eternity to enjoy what I see as important for you.

Any blessings will be so much more satisfying after the delays and deprivations.

I Myself am your wealth! (Numbers 18: 20)


Excerpted from My Burden is Light by John Woolley. Copyright © 2006 John Woolley. Excerpted by permission of John Hunt Publishing Ltd..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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