Nelson's Foundational Bible Dictionary
The Bible was written for people to read, ponder, and understand. The message of God's love for humans transcends time, culture, and language. Nevertheless, readers of the Bible are often left with questions. The names sound strange to our ears, the geography is often unfamiliar, and we ask, "Who was this person? Is he mentioned somewhere else in the Bible?" "When did this happen?" "Where did it happen?" "Is this a real city?" Nelson's Foundational Bible Dictionary seeks to answer questions like these and many more.

Features include:

  • Every person mentioned in the Bible with biblical references and biographical information
  • All animals and minerals mentioned in the Bible with definitions
  • Modern equivalents of ancient geographical names
  • Key theological terms with their various meanings and interpretations
  • Common household items and occupations with cultural and historical information about life in ancient times
Nelson's Foundational Bible Dictionary
The Bible was written for people to read, ponder, and understand. The message of God's love for humans transcends time, culture, and language. Nevertheless, readers of the Bible are often left with questions. The names sound strange to our ears, the geography is often unfamiliar, and we ask, "Who was this person? Is he mentioned somewhere else in the Bible?" "When did this happen?" "Where did it happen?" "Is this a real city?" Nelson's Foundational Bible Dictionary seeks to answer questions like these and many more.

Features include:

  • Every person mentioned in the Bible with biblical references and biographical information
  • All animals and minerals mentioned in the Bible with definitions
  • Modern equivalents of ancient geographical names
  • Key theological terms with their various meanings and interpretations
  • Common household items and occupations with cultural and historical information about life in ancient times
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Nelson's Foundational Bible Dictionary

Nelson's Foundational Bible Dictionary

by Katherine Harris
Nelson's Foundational Bible Dictionary

Nelson's Foundational Bible Dictionary

by Katherine Harris


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The Bible was written for people to read, ponder, and understand. The message of God's love for humans transcends time, culture, and language. Nevertheless, readers of the Bible are often left with questions. The names sound strange to our ears, the geography is often unfamiliar, and we ask, "Who was this person? Is he mentioned somewhere else in the Bible?" "When did this happen?" "Where did it happen?" "Is this a real city?" Nelson's Foundational Bible Dictionary seeks to answer questions like these and many more.

Features include:

  • Every person mentioned in the Bible with biblical references and biographical information
  • All animals and minerals mentioned in the Bible with definitions
  • Modern equivalents of ancient geographical names
  • Key theological terms with their various meanings and interpretations
  • Common household items and occupations with cultural and historical information about life in ancient times

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780718013967
Publisher: Nelson, Thomas, Inc.
Publication date: 06/10/2014
Pages: 768
Product dimensions: 6.40(w) x 9.20(h) x 2.10(d)

Read an Excerpt

Nelson's Foundational Bible Dictionary

By Katharine Harris

Thomas Nelson

Copyright © 2004 World Publishing
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-7180-1396-7



A See Alpha.

AA'RON(enlightened, bright)

1.Tribe and Family. Aaron was the oldest son of Amram and Jochebed, of the tribe of Levi (Ex 6:16-27). He was three years older than his brother, Moses (Ex 7:7), and younger than his sister, Miriam. He married Elisheba, a woman of the tribe of Judah, by whom he had four sons—Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar (Ex 6:23).

2.Divine Commission. The Lord appointed Aaron as the spokesman of Moses and instructed him to meet Moses in the wilderness (Ex 4:27). In Israel's first recorded battle with the Amalekites, Aaron and Hur supported the hands of Moses.

3.At Sinai. While Moses was on the mount receiving the law, Aaron granted the request of the people that they should have a visible God. The idol was in the form of an Egyptian deity, the Apis-bull.

4.Aaron the High Priest. Aaron's family was selected for the priesthood and the office was made hereditary. Thus Aaron, the first high priest, became head of the priestly order (Ex 28). His two sons, Nadab and Abihu, were destroyed for unholy conduct (Le 10:1-3). See PRIEST.

5.The Period of Wandering. Aaron and Miriam were jealous of Moses's high position as shown by Miriam's criticism of the marriage of Moses and a Cushite woman. For this offense Miriam was smitten with leprosy (Nu 12). For the story of Korah's rebellion and the Lord's sanction of the Aaronic priestly order, see Numbers 16. Aaron died on Mount Hor. Here, in the sight of all the congregation, his priestly robes were transferred to his son, Eleazar, who succeeded him. Aaron died at the age of 123 (Nu 20:23-29; 33:39). See HOR.

6.The Aaronic priesthood in the New Testament. The book of Hebrews explains how the perfect priesthood of Jesus Christ replaces the faulty and human priesthood of Aaron and his descendants (He 5:2-5; 7:11-12). In contrast with the priesthood of Aaron, the priesthood of Christ is compared with the mysterious figure of Melchizedek, King of Salem and priest of God (Ge 15:18-20; Ps 110:4). Melchizedek's priesthood had no beginning and no end; in the same way, the priesthood of Christ is eternal and continuous (He 7:1-3).


The priestly descendants of Aaron, part of the tribe of Levi. A large company of Aaronites, under the leadership of Jehoida, came to David's support when he was anointed king at Hebron (1 Ch 12:27).


A staff carried by Aaron. It played a part in the drama of the exodus, acting twice as a sign to Pharaoh, and once to the Israelites. When thrown down in the presence of Pharaoh and his magicians, it became a snake. The magicians imitated the miracle, and Aaron's rod swallowed the rods of the magicians (Ex 7:912,15). Later, Aaron struck the water with his rod, bringing about the plague of blood. The Israelites escaped from Egypt, but they became discontented, fearful and rebellious during their sojourn in the desert. During an attempted rebellion, Aaron's rod budded as a sign of divine approval of Moses and Aaron (Nu 17:1-10). It was preserved in the ark (He 9:4).

AB(to be fruitful)

The name of the fifth sacred and eleventh civil month of the Jewish calendar. It is a Chaldean name and was not used until after the Babylonian exile. See CALENDAR.


The transliteration of a Hebrew word usually translated destruction.

1. The place of the dead—the place of destruction (Job 26:6; 28:22; 31:12; Ps 88:11). Several times this word is accompanied by the word Sheol, which is often translated hell or the grave (Pr 15:11; 27:20).

2. The angel of the abyss or bottomless pit, called Apollyon in Greek (Re 9:11).


One of the seven eunuchs of King Ahasuerus (Xerxes), the guardians of the royal harem (Es 1:10-11).


A river of Damascus, probably the present Barada. It rises on a high plain on Anti-Lebanon, 23 miles from Damascus, flows through the city, and gives fertility to the surrounding plain. The Abana is one of the rivers mentioned by the Syrian official, Naaman the leper, when he was complaining about being told to bathe in the Jordan River in order to be cleansed from leprosy (2 Ki 5:12). See also PHARPAR.


A variation of Abana.

AB'A•RIM(regions beyond)

A mountainous area east of the Jordan and the Dead Sea. One of the encampments of the Israelites was in this region (Nu 21:11). The tribe of Reuben was given settlements within it (Nu 32:2-37). Moses viewed the promised land from the heights of Mount Nebo, a part of this mountain range (De 32:49).


To make or bring low; to humble (Lk 14:11).


As the everyday language of first century Jews—the language of Christ and the disciples—Aramaic is the first "Christian" language. This Semitic tongue, closely related to Hebrew, was soon to be superseded by the common (Koine) Greek of the Roman Empire, especially in the East. As the faith attracted more and more Gentiles, the Jewish and Aramaic flavor became more and more diluted. One of the few early Aramaic expressions to survive in the New Testament was the word abba, "father."

In the Old Testament, God was sometimes seen as the Father of the nation Israel, but it was Christ who revealed that all believers are individually children of God by redemption. In a lesser sense, all people are children of God by creation, but in the sense of the model prayer, the "Our Father," only believers can claim that revealed relationship.

Abba, Father is used three times in the New Testament, once in the Gospels and twice by Paul; the Aramaic term being used with a translation. Abba is the most intimate term for Father, one of the first words a child would learn. It is akin to our word "Daddy." This word indicates how close the Father wants His children to feel toward Him.

Mark 14:36. In the garden of Gethsemane, His "soul ... exceedingly sorrowful, even to death," Jesus prayed, "Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will." At this crisis in His ministry, facing betrayal by Judas and shameful death on the cross, the Lord reverted to the tender word He had first used at Mary and Joseph's knees: Abba.

Romans 8:14-16. In one of the most beloved chapters in the Bible, Paul relates a word he no doubt learned as a tiny child to the believer's acceptance as a mature son by adoption, as well as a child by new birth. These blessings come through the third Person of the Trinity: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God."

Galatians 4:6. Paul's other use is similar, only here sonship is contrasted with slavery. We are not merely slaves of God, although we should serve on that level of submission; we are sons. As God's sons and daughters we can boldly say, "Abba, Father!"


Two Old Testament men:

1. The father of Adoniram (1 Ki 4:6).

2. A Levite, the son of Shammua (Ne 11:17).

He is called Obadiah, the son of Shemaiah in 1 Chronicles 9:16.

AB'DEEL(servant of God)

The father of Shelemiah, who was one of the three appointed to arrest Baruch and Jeremiah (Je 36:26).

AB'DI(servant of Jehovah)

Two or three Old Testament men bear this name:

1. A Levite of the family of Merari and grandfather of Ethan, the singer (1 Ch 6:44).

2. A Levite and father of Kish, contemporary of Hezekiah, king of Judah. He may be the same person as No. 1 (2 Ch 29:12).

3. A son of Elam who divorced his foreign wife (Ez 10:26).

AB'DI•EL(servant of God)

The son of Guni, a Gadite who lived in Gilead (1 Ch 5:15).


The name of four Old Testament men and one city.

1. Son of Hillel of the tribe of Ephraim, a native of Pirathon, and judge of Israel for eight years. He had forty sons and thirty nephews who rode on asses, an indication of affluence (Ju 12:13-15).

2. The son of Shashak, a Benjamite chief (1 Ch 8:23).

3. The firstborn son of Jehiel of Gibeon, a Benjamite and ancestor of Saul (1 Ch 8:30; 9:35-36).

4. The son of Micah who was sent by Josiah to enquire of Huldah concerning the book of the law found in the temple. (2 Ch 34:20). He is also referred to as Achbor (2 Ki 22:12)

5. A town of Asher awarded to the Gershonite Levites, also called Ebron (Jos 21:30).

A•BED'-NE•GO(a servant of Nego)

The Chaldean name given to Azariah, one of the three companions of Daniel, when he came into Nebuchadnezzar's service (Da 1:7; 2:49)). He was cast into the fiery furnace, along with Shadrach and Meshach, because they refused to bow down and worship the golden image set up by Nebuchadnezzar. God miraculously preserved them from the flames, and they were restored to their former positions (3:12-30).

A'BEL(a breath)

The name of both a man and several geographical locations.

1. One of the sons of Adam, and a shepherd. He was a righteous man whose blood offering was accepted by God. He was slain by his brother, Cain, whose thank offering was rejected because it was not a blood offering like Abel's (Ge 4:2-9). Abel is described by Jesus as a righteous man, and the first martyr (Ma 23:35; Lk 11:51; 1 Jo 3:12). He is listed in the "Hall of Faith," as one who "offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain" (He 11:4); and it is intimated that righteous Abel's death as a martyr was a foreshadowing of the death of Christ. The blood of Christ, however speaks of better things than the blood of Abel; it speaks of salvation rather than vengeance (He 12:24).

2. A meadow or grassy place. This word is often used as a prefix in place-names.

3. A great stone near Beth-shemesh, in the field of a man named Joshua. When the Philistines returned the ark of the covenant to Israel, the Israelites placed the ark upon this stone, and offered sacrifices to the Lord (1 Sa 6:18).

4. A fortified city (2 Sa 20:14-16). See ABEL BETH MAACHAH.


Also called Abel Shittim (Nu 33:49; Mi 6:5). Abel Acacia Grove was a site located on the plains of Moab, to the north and east of the Dead Sea, across the Jordan River from the city of Jericho. At the end of the forty years of wandering in the desert, the Israelites made their last camp at Shittim, on the banks of the Jordan. This is where they were staying when the Israelites began to indulge in sexual immorality with the Moabite women, and were enticed into worshipping the Baal of Peor with them. As a result, 24,000 Israelites were killed by a plague (Nu 25:9). Here also, Moses numbered the fighting men of Israel, counting all those who were twenty years of age, or older (Nu 26:2). While Israel was camped at Abel Acacia, God told Moses that he would not be allowed to enter the promised land, but that he would die, leaving Joshua as his successor and the leader of the people (Nu 27:12-23).

After Moses's death, Joshua sent out two spies from Abel Acacia, to discover the state of the people, and the strength of the armies and fortifications they would have to face in the new land they were setting out to conquer (Jos 2:1). These two spies were sheltered by the woman Rahab, in the city of Jericho. After their return, Israel broke camp, and following the ark of the covenant, they at last crossed the Jordan River into the promised land (Jos 3:1).

A'BEL-BETH-MA'A•CHAH(meadow of the house of Maachah)

A town in the north of Israel, in the territory of Naphtali (2 Sa 20:15; 1 Ki 15:20; 2 Ki 15:29). When his revolt against David failed, Sheba fled to this place. Joab, David's captain, threatened to assault the town to secure Sheba but spared it when assured that the rebel would be put to death. After the division of the nation, in the days when the godly king Asa ruled Judah, Ben-hadad, king of Amram, seized this town from evil king Baasha of Israel (1 Ki 15:20). Later, Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria, captured Abel-beth-maachah and several other towns, and mentioned the fact in his annals (2 Ki 15:29).



A•BEL-KER'A•MIM(meadow of vineyards)

A town near Minnith east of the Jordan to which Jephthah pursued the Ammonites, called plain of the vineyards in the Authorized Version (Ju 11:33).


A town in northern Israel (2 Ch 16:4), usually referred to as ABEL-BETH-MAACAH.

A'BEL-ME•HO'LAH(meadow of dancing)

The home of Elisha (Ju 7:22; 1 Ki 19:16). It was probably about ten miles south of Bethshan on the west side of the Jordan.



A'BEL-SHIT'TIM(meadow of acacias)

It is also called Shittim (Nu 25:1; Jos 2:1; Mi 6:5). It was the final stopping place of the Israelites (Nu 33:49) and where Israel's idolatry was punished by a plague in which 24,000 died. See ABEL ACACIA GROVE.

A'BEZ, E'BEZ(white)

A town of Issachar (Jos 19:20), also called EBEZ.

ABHOR (archaic)

Despise; spurn; regard with horror (Job 19:1819).



A'BI-AL'BON(father of strength)

One of David's mighty men (2 Sa 23:31), called Abiel in 1 Chronicles 11:32.

A•BI'A•SAPH(father of gathering)

A son of Korah, the Levite (Ex 6:16,18,21, 24). He may be the same person as Ebiasaph (1 Ch 6:23; 9:19).

A•BI'A•THAR(father of abundance)

The son of Ahimelech, a priest. His father and brothers were slain by Saul because of his father's kindness to David. Abiathar escaped and allied himself with David (1 Sa 22:20-23). When David finally took the throne, the high priesthood was shared by Zadok and Abiathar (2 Sa 15:24; 1 Ch 15:11-12). Under their direction, the ark was brought to Jerusalem(1 Ch 15:11). Abiathar remained loyal to David during Absalom's rebellion but supported Adonijah when the latter attempted to seize the throne in place of Solomon (1 Ki 1:17,19). He was deposed as high priest (1 Ki 2:26,35).

A'BIB(an ear of corn)

The first month of the Jewish sacred year (Ex 13:4), after the exile called Nisan (Ne 2:1; Es 3:7). See CALENDAR.

A•BI' DA, A•BI' DAH(father of knowledge)

One of the sons of Midian, who was the son of Abraham and Keturah (Ge 25:4; 1 Ch 1:33).

A•BI'DAN(the father judgeth)

Son of Gideoni, a prince of the tribe of Benjamin. He was the representative chosen by God to recount the history of his family and tribe when the census of Israel was taken in the wilderness (Nu 1:11; 2:22; 10:24).

A•BI'EL(father of strength)

Two Old Testament men.

1. The father of Kish and Ner and grandfather of Saul and Abner according to 1 Sa 9:1; 14:51, but he may have been the grandfather of Kish since Ner is listed as the father of Kish in 1 Chronicles 8:33; 9:39.

2. One of David's mighty men (1 Ch 11:32), called Abialbon, the Arbathite, in 2 Samuel 23:31.

A-BI•E'ZER(father of help)

Two men of the Old Testament.

1. Son of Hammoleketh, a descendant of Manasseh. One of his descendants was the famous Gideon who was led by God to defeat the Midianite army with only three hundred men (Jos 17:2; 1 Ch 7:18). The name is sometimes abbreviated to Jeezer or Iezer (Nu 26:30).

2. One of David's mighty men. He is described as an Anathothite, from the tribe of Benjamin. (2 Sa 23:27; 1 Ch 27:12). Much later, the prophet Jeremiah lived in the town of Anathoth (Je 1:1).


A member of the family of Abiezer (Ju 6:11, 24; 8:32), also called Jeezerite but more properly Iezrite.


Excerpted from Nelson's Foundational Bible Dictionary by Katharine Harris. Copyright © 2004 World Publishing. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson.
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Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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